[ITech] vBExternal Lite
Created By Inferno Technologies (http://www.infernotechnologies.net)
Copyright 2004-2007
All rights reserved
Project Development Team: Zero Tolerance, Acid Burn
Project Lead: Iain "Decado" Kidd
Ported from vBExternal 1.6 created by Zero Tolerance to work with vBulletin 3.6.x
Easy integration with your existing php scripts
No coding experiance needed to make it work
Full parsing for bbtags and emoticons/smilies + auto URL correction (no red-x's)
Lets you put forum information on your homepage/webpage
Installation Instructions:
1) Unzip the folder and upload the contents of UPLOAD into your root directory
2) Read Useage instructions.txt and then you are done
Version History:
None so far.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: So does this able you to put like phrases and stuff in external sites?
A: At the moment it allows you to Display Newest Members, Top Posters, Newest Threads, Newest Replies, News and Users Online onto a page outside of your vbulletin directory.
Q: I have a problem. My page is located at root/cms and my forum at root/forum. It's isn't possible for me to locate the forum in a subfolder of /cms.
Is there any solution for this problem?
A:Yes there is a solution try this piece of code instead of the one that the instructions says to use:
Q: How would i do this if theres 2 different domains involved
A: If the two domains are on both the same server and the same domain account then call you need to do is chdir out of your current account folder (www/public_html/testsite/) to the other domain folder (www/public_html/site2/)
Thanks for a great mod! I'd really like to show the number of guest users along with the registered members online too, though. Has no one figured out how to do this?
I'd also appreciate it if someone could post how we can list only the forums we want to EXCLUDE from the newest threads and newest replies... with a few dozen forums listing all of them but 2 or 3 isn't really practical.
it is an awesome addon! I love it but I have one question:
Is it possible to add more then one forumID to the news section? Because I have more than one news forum. I really need it!
I believe someone had asked this question already but did not get any answers.
I have my vBulletin Forum on a subdomain, but want to run this on my main directory.
How do I do it?
I have another problem. I use this string for the date:
PHP Code:
'date' => date("F j, Y, g:i a",$News['dateline']),
I wrote it in this code part:
PHP Code:
// --------------------------------------------------- // FUNCTION: output_NewestThreads // DETAIL: Outputs X newest threads ordered by // start date descending. $a // specifies amount to show (Default 5) // and $f can specify certain forums // to grab from (1,3,4), by default it pulls // from all forums. // --------------------------------------------------- function output_NewestThreads($a = 5,$f = ""){ global $db, $Data, $vbulletin; // Define amount to show $Amount = ($a)? intval($a) : 5; // Define Forum(s) To Pull From
Has anyone figured out how to make it respect no conversion of text into smilies? It doesn't respect the post setting and converts text into smilies anyway...