Version: 2.2.8, by AndrewD
Developer Last Online: Apr 2010
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 3.6.x
Released: 06-18-2006
Last Update: 02-03-2008
Installs: 661
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
Version 2.3.0 of LDM is now the official release. This works with both VB3.7 and VB3.8. You can obtain it here
Version 2.2.8 remains available here, with limited support.
04.02.08: patch-cat.xml 'extra' uploaded - see first post for information
27.10.07: Version 2.2.8-post1 uploaded
French translation of product installer uploaded (other language translations are in the main release zip)
Remember to back up your current database tables before upgrading.
What this is and does
LDM is a general-purpose link and file manager, which handles user uploads and downloads in a flexible way. A range of media players is integrated into LDM and others are included as plugin extras. LDM is described below in the first post of this thread, which also contains a brief list of the currently-known bugs.
This release of LDM works correctly with all VB versions 3.6.x and recent versions of vbadvanced.
Andrew I'm facing a strange problem. It seems that many thumbnails from my entries are not showing. I can't find a pattern which causes this
We need to track gown whether these are never being created or failing to appear. Am happy to take a look at your site if you PM an admin username/password.
If you prefer to investigate yourself, start by checking that the generated html actually includes code to display the thumbs, in which case the problem may be a mismatch between actual and believed file locations. Also check the filetypes of the enties for which the images are missing, and use a database checking tool to see if the linkimg column in the linkslink table contains valid enties.
The links in the standard linkbit are styled with the legend style. You could either modify that style on the vb/admincp/styles or edit the links_linkbit template and apply another style.
Tried to change the linkbit template but couldn't do it. Now changed the legend style. Thanks a lot!
Dear Andrew, I've been using LDM for a long time and still have this silly question.
I tried to hide the LDM category, I'm doing it by making it belong to a Forum A, make make the forum A hidden to unregistered. However, the category is still visible in LDM main home, except that when clicking on it, it asks to register.
How do I make that category hidden from the guests' view? Just like the forum A?
Dear Andrew, I've been using LDM for a long time and still have this silly question.
I tried to hide the LDM category, I'm doing it by making it belong to a Forum A, make make the forum A hidden to unregistered. However, the category is still visible in LDM main home, except that when clicking on it, it asks to register.
How do I make that category hidden from the guests' view? Just like the forum A?
Take a look at ldm/admin/permissions. I suspect that you have given unregistered users (etc) *can_see_protected_links_on_portal * permission. This means that they get to see the protected forums, but then get blocked/asked to register/etc when they try to access entries, depending on ldm/admin/settings *protected link*.
I am adding a new ldm permission in the next release (*can_view_category*) which will provide an easier method than forums-permissions to hide/block individual categories.
Thanks for this fantastic mod, it's a great mod really.
I have a question:
I need to: Create a main category called "Backup" & create sub-categories inside it for each customer, each sub-cat for one customer & is synchronized with a directory on the server, each sub-cat also is specified to a specific customer & so he can't (see/access) any (sub-cats/cat's content) except the one specified for him (Customers can't see others sub-cats / Like: users can't see others threads).
Is there any way doing this using LDM or extras supplied with it?
If no, so how can I do it as a custom work, if you can help with some code snippets or as least the coding principal, I would appreciate your effort.
We finally have this installed. Let me start off with a great big THANK YOU and GREAT JOB!
As always, we always want more
The multiple uploads are excellent. How hard would it be to also include a date to have them scheduled? We have downloads that become visible on a daily basis, and it would be excellent if we could set all of this up in one screen. I know that there is a general schedule at the top, but that only allows us one date.. for us, we need a different date for each file.
Thanks for this fantastic mod, it's a great mod really.
I have a question:
I need to: Create a main category called "Backup" & create sub-categories inside it for each customer, each sub-cat for one customer & is synchronized with a directory on the server, each sub-cat also is specified to a specific customer & so he can't (see/access) any (sub-cats/cat's content) except the one specified for him (Customers can't see others sub-cats / Like: users can't see others threads).
Is there any way doing this using LDM or extras supplied with it?
If no, so how can I do it as a custom work, if you can help with some code snippets or as least the coding principal, I would appreciate your effort.
The synchronising is straightforward and already built in.
The other part, visibility/access to given user only, is not currently available (I don't think - this is getting a bit complex), but not hard to add. I will include it in the next release, which should be available (at least in beta form) quite soon, depending on how much food I eat this week.
We finally have this installed. Let me start off with a great big THANK YOU and GREAT JOB!
As always, we always want more
The multiple uploads are excellent. How hard would it be to also include a date to have them scheduled? We have downloads that become visible on a daily basis, and it would be excellent if we could set all of this up in one screen. I know that there is a general schedule at the top, but that only allows us one date.. for us, we need a different date for each file.
Thank you again!!
It's not hard to add. I'd limited the number of items that are set per-entry in order to keep the form reasonably clean. In the next release...