I dare say then most of the avatar threads, smilies threads (accept for the brilliant work of SHELLEY) and a lot of the other threads specifically within the graphics section would be deleted then - My general understanding of graphics works in particular - is that if there is now copyright text and/or ownership stated point blankly and without any misunderstanding - then the graphics are in a public domain and readily available for anyone who wants to use them.
Now - understand that we're not talking about the AOL, vBulletin and/or similar big company logos - we're talking about a package of images used as avatars on forums. For instance - the Artistic Avatars post I made is made of DaVinci works, as well as from a selection of works Dega, Cezanne an other known artists of the 17th, 18th, 19th & 20th centuries. Are YAWL saying such avatar images are copyrighted?
That's ludicrous - And please let's not stretch the issue farther than what it is.