To add a video users must specify a unique videoID code and select a "Video Type" from the list of available options. This hack comes included with "Video Types" for Google Video and YouTube. A "Video Type" consists basically of just the Embedding code for that video sharing site with each instance of the Unique Video ID replaced with the text: $code. When the video is displayed the text $code is replaced with the UniqueID specified by the user who added the video.
You can add new video types to accommodate almost any video sharing website. There are detailed instructions written within the hack to help you through this process.
Features Added in Beta Version 3
Pagination has been made more robust.
Templates have been tweaked for visual appeal.
Comment Writer and Admins can now delete comments.
Features added in Beta Version 2
1) A means to move videos from one category to another.
2) Video Rating System
3) Category Video Listing will display recently added videos + highest rated videos.
4) Video Comments
Please click install, and ask for support!!!! I will give it.
Double check your usergroup folder to see if permissions are correct to the correct user ID#
also vbulletin/admin Control Panel options,,,,,,,,,,,good luck
Double check your usergroup folder to see if permissions are correct to the correct user ID#
also vbulletin/admin Control Panel options,,,,,,,,,,,good luck
Fungsten, if you have say for example to users whom u want to be able to add videos and u have a group called "video mod" you have to make sure that usergroup is the MAIN group, (secondary can be registered or whatever) before you will be able to have that group upload videos. despite all the settings to allow certain groups to upload this only works if they are the primary usergroup.
Thank you very much!! this is all ready a great mod. I have just installed it and added a few videos. You can have a look HERE if you want
**Bug I have come across**
When i go to move a video from one cat to another i cant because there are no cats in the drop down box.
**Suggestion **
I know this is still beta but i will still ask and hope
Instead of having just a text link to a catagory it would be great to ba able to add an icon or small picture as well
Have the rating "out of 10" instead of just "out of 5" As this mod will be big there could be a lot of videos to rate so a bigger rating scale would be great.
Abilty to have small icon like a star for rating instead of just a number would be nice
These are just my suggestions THE MOD is/will be great with or without them
Fungsten, if you have say for example to users whom u want to be able to add videos and u have a group called "video mod" you have to make sure that usergroup is the MAIN group, (secondary can be registered or whatever) before you will be able to have that group upload videos. despite all the settings to allow certain groups to upload this only works if they are the primary usergroup.