If you encounter what you think may be a bug, please include your vBulletin version number when reporting it, since code and fixes differ greatly from 3.6.4 - 3.8.x.
*** NEWS ***
11/8/2010 - 2.2.3 released
5/15/2010 - 2.2.2 released
4/12/2009 - 3.6.x thread separated
Known Issues:
- If you are using the Advanced BB-Code Permissions hack, conflicts can arise when profile fields are parsed in the postbit, causing nothing be parsed. The fix is described here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=1252480
What It Does:
Allows you to grant only certain usergroups the ability to use HTML, BB-code, smilies, and IMG-code in their profile fields, posts, PMs, and in Project Tools.
Mod Features:
- parse profile fields on user profiles using Usergroup Permissions
- parse profile fields in postbits using Usergroup Permissions
- parse posts using Usergroup Permissions
- parse calendar events using Usergroup Permissions
- parse private messages using Usergroup Permissions
- parse Project Tools issues and replies using Usergroup Permissions
- parse Social Messages and usernotes using Usergroup Permissions
- complete Forum Rules integration
- disallow certain HTML tags
Products to Install: 1 Files to Upload: 3 Files to Edit: 0 Template Edits: 0
*** Changelog *** As of Version 2.2.3
non-forum messages don't parse
poll options don't parse
As of Version 2.2.2
several bug fixes
compatible with VaultWiki 2.5.7 PL 1 & 3.0.0 RC 3
* This mod is offered for free here. Please donate if you like this mod *
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
hm there is no more parse errors, but it does not show html, bbcode or whatever in profile fields, it is just displayed as text... (I checked usergroupd permissions they are all correct and enabled)
It seems like the problem is with vbulletin version. I just upgraded to the latest 3.6.7 (from 3.6.5) and even your 1.1.1 version of the hack stopped working....=(
Nevermind, thincom2000 fixed it all for me. It was conflicting with Interactive Profiles by Psionic Vision.
I found another small bug though.
When this plugin is enabled and the user uses quick reply feature when replying to a post his message shows up very weird, with no avatar, no profile fields and no actual message (just signature). As soon as user refreshes the page it shows up fine.
See screen shot.
Precisely as soon as I disable Post Parsing Perms plugin it shows fine.
Doesn't really bother me though since I do not use this feature anyway. Just a heads up.
I rarely use that feature myself. I find it strange that this hack should have any effect on that, but my users have been reporting weirdness with Quick Reply for a while. Now I guess I know where to look. Thanks.
I will be releasing a new version shortly with a few new bug fixes (quick reply, for example) as well as a Project Tools Edition (will be released separately in a new thread). Separately because it uses some Project Tools hooks.