Version: 1.00, by blogtorank
Developer Last Online: Mar 2008
Category: Administrative and Maintenance Tools -
Version: 3.6.8
Released: 09-05-2007
Last Update: 09-05-2007
Installs: 28
Code Changes
No support by the author.
EPC Log-in Detector
ALL Admins will be notified of who tried to attempt successfully and not successfully to login to your forums and admincp. As this will notify ALL the admins of the offending or not offending person's username used and their IP.
Simple modification and thought we would share this file edit with the rest if they wanted to use this. Here is an example e-mail with the following:
from Testing
date Sep 5, 2007 9:43 PM
subject Bad login
'theirip' was found trying to login to the account admin. Please investigate this as soon as you can
Edits to be made:
***Warning: Before you make edits, do a back of the following files before commencing:
PHP Code:
/includes/functions_login.php /login.php
PHP Code:
go to /includes/functions_login.php:
if (($strikes_user['strikes'] % 5 == 0) AND $user = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT userid, username, email, languageid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE username = '" . $vbulletin->db->escape_string($username) . "' AND usergroupid <> 3")) { // they've got it wrong 5 times for this user lets email them $ip = IPADDRESS; eval(fetch_email_phrases('accountlocked', $user['languageid'])); vbmail($user['email'], $subject, $message, true);
Add Under:
///code added by EPC Login Detector $ip = IPADDRESS; $subject="Bad login - 5 tries"; $message="'$ip' was found trying to login to the account ".$vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_username']." and was blocked. Please investigate this as soon as you can."; $admin = $vbulletin->db->query_read_slave("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `usertitle` = 'Administrator' limit 0,3000"); while ($item = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($admin)) { vbmail($item['email'], $subject, $message, true); } //code end by EPC Login Detector
if (!verify_authentication($vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_username'], $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_password'], $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_md5password'], $vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_md5password_utf'], $vbulletin->GPC['cookieuser'], true)) {
Add under:
///code added by EPC Login Detector $ip = IPADDRESS; $subject="Bad login"; $message="'$ip' was found trying to login to the account ".$vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_username'].". Please investigate this as soon as you can."; $admin = $vbulletin->db->query_read_slave("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `usertitle` = 'Administrator' limit 0,3000"); while ($item = $db->fetch_array($admin)) { vbmail($item['email'], $subject, $message, true); } //code end by EPC Login Detector
// log this error if attempting to access the control panel require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_log_error.php'); log_vbulletin_error($vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_username'], 'security');
Add under:
///code added by EPC Login Detector $ip = IPADDRESS; $subject="ADMIN AREA: Bad login"; $message="'$ip' was found trying to login to the account ".$vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_username'].". Please investigate this as soon as you can."; $admin = $vbulletin->db->query_read_slave("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `usertitle` = 'Administrator' limit 0,3000"); while ($item = $db->fetch_array($admin)) { vbmail($item['email'], $subject, $message, true); } //code end EPC Login Detector
///code added by EPC Login Detector $ip = IPADDRESS; $subject="Successeful login"; $message="'$ip' logged into the account ".$vbulletin->GPC['vb_login_username'].". Please investigate this as soon as you can."; $admin = $vbulletin->db->query_read_slave("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `usertitle` = 'Administrator' limit 0,3000"); while ($item = $db->fetch_array($admin)) { vbmail($item['email'], $subject, $message, true); } //code end EPC Login Detector
That's it!
This is only for the ones that want to be notified when there is a unsuccessful login to their forums and to notify the admins. Just a thing we "feel" that vBulletin should implement within their core due to security reasons for forums. It would benefit on seeing who and what is happening for a forums when there is an attempted breach of security of the forums. So whomever had more ideas on how to expand this feel free to update here with ideas or share code of making this better!
One thing you should mention though, it seems this will only send an email if your user tite is Administrator, coud you not have it send the email to all in the admin usergroup?
What if the admin has changed his usertitle?
In this case I use the Admin usergroupid
>query_read_slave("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `usertitle` = 'Administrator' limit 0,3000");
Replace with:
>query_read_slave("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `usergroupid` = '6' limit 0,3000");
But wait.. wanna limit only to your Admin account and not to some other admins..
>query_read_slave("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `usergroupid` = '6' AND `username` = 'yourADMINusername' limit 0,3000");
But wait.. wanna limit only to your Admin account and not to some other admins..
Have fun...
ooooooooo meaby this is my problem cuz i have custom user title i will try one more time thaanks for this
edit: that was my problem now i recive all the types of message i guess you need to change your code with usergroupid insted administratos and will work for all kind thank you so much
I selected Installed only after adding valdet's code suggestion that works great! SMF has a similar mod built in to their admin CP which is a great feature.
This is nice as well.
>query_read_slave("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `usertitle` = 'Administrator' limit 0,3000");
Replace with:
>query_read_slave("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `usergroupid` = '6' limit 0,3000");
Also, SERIOUSLY consider this addition unless your other admins do not care to get all of these emails.
But wait.. wanna limit only to your Admin account and not to some other admins..
>query_read_slave("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `usergroupid` = '6' AND `username` = 'yourADMINusername' limit 0,3000");
Typo: Successeful login
should be: Successful login
Also, is there anyway to stop it from sending e-mail to me when I login from a certain IP address? I hate getting e-mails each time I login, and would only like to recieve them if someone rather than myself logs in
I purchased the full version of another one of this guys products. It has been 5 days and still not able to download it. They have asked for information which I have sent and still the file is not there to download.
Can you make it so that regular users can not log into the ModCP as well as the AdminCP? If someone does, that does not have the permissions for either one, a pm or thread will be created to notify all admins and moderators.