DownloadsII is a download database that integrates into vBulletin. It allows you to upload files, add images to them, create categories, link to external files - and more. It is very flexible and has many options.
Because a lot of people keep on asking this: This mod works with any version of vBulletin 3.7.x and 3.8.x!
It's also coded 100% XHTML 1.0 Transitional valid, just like vBulletin itself.
Instructions & Support
You can find an installation manual in the zip package (Readme-Install.txt).
We try to answer most questions asked in this thread. Please don't send any pm's if we don't ask for them, as we said we try to give a high level of support in this thread. Don't forget to click the install link, so you will receive important update notifications.
Screenshots & Live demo
At the bottom of this post, you can find 6 screenshots of the front-end and back-end (AdminCP part) of the DownloadsII software. You can see the newest version in action at the Downloads (Dutch).
Changelog (version 5.1.2)
Backported CSRF security fix from the vB 4 release
Added permission check for Update Counters
Fixed PHP warnings when running PHP 5.3
Removed the imagecreatefrombmp() function. It doesn't exist.
Added permission check for rating submissions
You can find all the changelogs of this and older versions here.
Help!!! I can't upload large files??
This is probably the second most asked question. Have a look at this post for the solution.
It doesn't work with GARS?!
If you also use the latest version of GARS, you will get the "Fields marked in RED must be filled in!" error when uploading a file. I provided a fix here on the GARS forums.
We are offering 3 addons for this mod at the moment (have a look at the bottom of this post for them). DownloadsII contains 5 hook locations for the vBulletin plugin systems, so you can add extra functionality without file edits.
Do you want to help expanding DownloadsII (if you are a coder)? Check out this post!
ecDownloads Buddy is NOT compatible with this version. If you are using the Buddy, you should UNINSTALL it before installing DownloadsII ver 5.x.x. The Buddy's features are now integrated into DownloadsII.
DownloadsII is a direct derivative work from Ron1n's ecDownloads.
Agggg!!!! didn't work. Do I need to change something in the PHP file? I checked it and didn't see anything.
Edit: Is there a way to just center justify the image? or just make that column thinner? I know it seems like your answering a questionaire, but one last one. How do I replace the download button? The one that looks like vB's default expand and collapse button. Also, can you check out 'Tools & Utilities' under Programming, something is definitely wrong.
Appreciate it.
Sorry, I thought you were pointing at the white space on the file page. For the white space on the right of the category icon, you have to modify the width of the category td, which is currently 20%. You can find this in the downloads_main template and don't forget to change the other procent values to keep the 100% total.
Also reupload the original downloads.php as you don't need the custom one I pointed you to.
The small download icon is controlled by the ecdownloads_download_pic phrase. You can change it using the Languages & Phrases AdminCP part.
That's because you changed the templates
You made a mistake in the downloads_cat_subbit template:
As you see the HTML highlighter isn't highlighting it correct as your HTML syntax is wrong. There's that strange <a and you missed a double quotation mark after the 12pt value to close the style attribute. This is messing up the layout.
Originally Posted by exportforce
I have problems with windows.
I can't upload files larger than 2MB.
php.ini upload and post-max-size is set to 1000M
Help ?
What do you mean by "problems with Windows"? Is your site running on a Windows server? If it's a problem of your personal (Windows) computer only, it's not the fault of DownloadsII ...
Remember that you need to restart your webserver (Apache mostly for Linux servers, IIS mostly for Windows servers) to make that php.ini effective.
You can also use a .htaccess file for changing these PHP settings.
Originally Posted by hydrodyn
i wanna delete the boxes "newest files", "files-stats", and "upper".
I can deactivate it, but the downloadbox isn?t larger then. I will use the full site for showing my downloads.
Can you help me?
Try the Display " "Tops" on all pages? " DownloadsII setting
Originally Posted by rowlandc
I was just wondering about the Stats page. Does the data prune itself our does it stay up for ever?
I've set my download data to keep it up for 30days but the Stats page has data since 2months.
It isn't pruned at this moment. But it's not taking that much table space as it's only three values per day (date, # downloads, # bandwidth). You can prune this yourself using for example phpMyAdmin if you really want.
Originally Posted by Cyricx
It appears to not work well with secondary usergroups.
If a secondary usergroup is set to restrict categories and another secondary usergroup is set to allow access to all categories.
The restricted categories are not viewable.
Hmm, I will look into this. But personally I also have a lot of problems with secundary user groups. Even for default vBulletin permissions they aren't all working if you set them using the secundary permissions (primary are overriding them)
Originally Posted by Andyrew
I am having problems with downloading .pdf files, it was fine untill i went to vb 3.6.8
When a user downloads a .pdf it downloads in a split second then, when you try to view the file adobe gives an error saying the file is corrupt.
The downloads don't seem to be complete, only a small amount of data is downloaded hence the error from adobe.
Anyone know why this happens.
I have set .pdf files to open in the users browser using adobe rather than just download.
Once loaded into adobe the user just needs to click save a copy. :up:
That's strange: vBulletin 3.6.8 normally doesn't change anything about this as we are using our own download procedure
Hmm, you don't want to see the v6 permissions list at this moment ...
There are a lot of new permissions (can edit own comments, can edit own files, can delete own comments, ...), so I already splitted them into two categories. Adding even more permissions would turn it into a real mess and you can already accomplish this in the way rowlandc mentioned.
Hmm, you don't want to see the v6 permissions list at this moment ...
There are a lot of new permissions (can edit own comments, can edit own files, can delete own comments, ...), so I already splitted them into two categories. Adding even more permissions would turn it into a real mess and you can already accomplish this in the way rowlandc mentioned.
thx jelle but i can't do the way rowlandc mentioned it gonna screw alot of things on my forum and i have alot of members
i cann't wait till i install v6 awesome script and i really love it and i can't see the no nominate link >.>
It appears to not work well with secondary usergroups.
If a secondary usergroup is set to restrict categories and another secondary usergroup is set to allow access to all categories.
The restricted categories are not viewable.
The category permissions don't work well at all if used for secondary usergroups. Sorry, it's a know limitation of the current category permission system.
Sorry, I thought you were pointing at the white space on the file page. For the white space on the right of the category icon, you have to modify the width of the category td, which is currently 20%. You can find this in the downloads_main template and don't forget to change the other procent values to keep the 100% total.
Also reupload the original downloads.php as you don't need the custom one I pointed you to.
The small download icon is controlled by the ecdownloads_download_pic phrase. You can change it using the Languages & Phrases AdminCP part.
That's because you changed the templates
You made a mistake in the downloads_cat_subbit template:
As you see the HTML highlighter isn't highlighting it correct as your HTML syntax is wrong. There's that strange <a and you missed a double quotation mark after the 12pt value to close the style attribute. This is messing up the layout.
After following your install instructions and getting to the point where we were to enter the categories into the Downloads menu, all I get is a blank screen. No input fields, nothing! HELP!
After following your install instructions and getting to the point where we were to enter the categories into the Downloads menu, all I get is a blank screen. No input fields, nothing! HELP!
Try reuploading all files and reimporting the product (with overwrite option on)