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World of Warcraft Event Calendar
Version: 1.2.7, by elricstorm elricstorm is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2010 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Add-On Releases - Version: 3.6.x Rating:
Released: 04-18-2007 Last Update: 07-06-2007 Installs: 97
Uses Plugins Template Edits
Is in Beta Stage  
No support by the author.

What does this Mod do?

This is a calendar mod that supports events created for World of Warcraft that allows signups for mains and alternates. Data for mains and alternates are pulled from the world of warcraft armory automatically and listed/displayed in a table format based on the style of your current site.

Current Version

Current beta version = 1.2.7 (recommended)
Current stable version = 1.2.6

Whether you are upgrading or installing from new, you ALL need to download the instructions and read them. There is a section for New Installs and a section for Upgrading. Inside there is also a NEW .CHM file (help file) that will also make it easier to read. I kept the instructions file in there as well but it's renamed to wowcalendar.txt instead. Review wowcalendar.chm if you are able to. It works better.

What is required?

You will essentially need to perform:
  • One product XML import
  • Two PHP file uploads
  • One Profile addition for User Profiles
  • One Template Modification
  • Uploading image files to the specified path listed in the instructions
Review the "instructions" contained in the zip file before installing this product.

Creating a Calendar Entry

When you create a calendar entry, single, recurring, etc. - make sure you enable users to signup (located at the bottom of the new calendar event form) (see the screenshot listed in this post). By default, it should place an automatic signup checkmark in that box. Once you submit, users will be able to signup.


If you have alternates on, alternates can be used to signup with (only if people have added additional characters to their user profile. At this time, the calendar only reads the top 3 lines in the profile box so any more characters listed will not be usable in the calendar.

(i.e. if you have 7 characters listed, only the first 3 will be usable.

Armory Data

Armory Data is pulled as soon as a "registered" user checks the calendar event. This data is then replaced into the armorydata table for use later on with the signups. Remember to set your server and your locale as well. If your server has two words (ex. Scarlet Crusade) you would input Scarlet+Crusade in the server box. If you play on a US server you would put US in the locale box. If you play on a European Server you would input EU in the locale box. Make sure you set all appropriate options.

Options for your Calendar System

Go into your vb options and you will find two separate sections for setting options - one is for settings and one is for styles. You can change any options in here. Future revisions will include more substitutions/changes in this area.

For his initial MOD and ideas which got me started and into customizing the entire calendar. Farcaster's Event Attendance can be found at: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=129088

For helping with the original wow parser code and for giving me some tips/advice for working to implement it with the calendar system. In addition, Gryphon, formerly Blackjack, worked with me deeply to allow both this calendar and his current gWoWCharacter mod to be cross-compatible. He also helped with localization. Many thanks!

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 07-20-2007, 08:26 AM
Noxious Noxious is offline
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thats normally caused by your host blocking access to it, you will need to contact them and ask them if they can turn allow_url_fopen & allow_url_include to on
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Old 07-20-2007, 07:52 PM
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Noxious is correct. I find that more and more host providers provide "too much" php security and not enough flexibility. As I've mentioned before in previous posts, it's much better to find a provider that allows you to configure and maintain the php environment settings yourself.
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Old 07-21-2007, 02:47 AM
ceox ceox is offline
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Yep, I got em to fix it, working now. Also, it is intersting to know that the Char is case sensitive.
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Old 07-27-2007, 06:10 AM
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Thanks for making this hack, it is very nice.

I've modified the following stuff to make it more like a raid calendar:
  1. Add Image to the event like official wow raid calendar (live: http://www.holvn.org/forum/calendar.html?c=2)
  2. In the event display, the width of the columns are now rearraged correctly so it looks more beauty and easier to read.
  3. Change the link to the forum member info to the link to their official Armory data.
  4. Show the exactly talent points instead of hover, I thought it's easier cuz in IE there is not underline dots which makes users don't know that they have to hover to see talent point.
  5. Added Talent images for each build.
  6. Add Hybrid talent build. However at the moment I'm not sure which is considered as Hybrid, I'm just taking my gf's priest build as an experiment: neither of the 3 ways is larger than 33 => Hybrid.
  7. Replace none-70 race and character images with 70 ones since it's obvious that you can raid more than 5 men only if you are 70 (unless MC, BWL or old raids :P ).
  8. Fixed an error when you input the wrong character name and view the event by checking if $xml has data.
  9. Fixed a bug that won't allow you to edit your event calendar. Still need the similar fix for deletions.

I would suggest to have the ability to add "need" classes when creating an event, like 2 warriors, 1 shadow priest, 1 holy paladin, 1 mage etc. It would be better.

Again great hack !

Arachnis of HOL of Horde in Wildhammer
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Old 07-27-2007, 12:39 PM
Noxious Noxious is offline
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those changes sound nice, kinda makes me wish my php skils were better
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Old 07-27-2007, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by deathemperor View Post
Thanks for making this hack, it is very nice.

I've modified the following stuff to make it more like a raid calendar:
  1. Add Image to the event like official wow raid calendar (live: http://www.holvn.org/forum/calendar.html?c=2)
  2. In the event display, the width of the columns are now rearraged correctly so it looks more beauty and easier to read.
  3. Change the link to the forum member info to the link to their official Armory data.
  4. Show the exactly talent points instead of hover, I thought it's easier cuz in IE there is not underline dots which makes users don't know that they have to hover to see talent point.
  5. Added Talent images for each build.
  6. Add Hybrid talent build. However at the moment I'm not sure which is considered as Hybrid, I'm just taking my gf's priest build as an experiment: neither of the 3 ways is larger than 33 => Hybrid.
  7. Replace none-70 race and character images with 70 ones since it's obvious that you can raid more than 5 men only if you are 70 (unless MC, BWL or old raids :P ).
  8. Fixed an error when you input the wrong character name and view the event by checking if $xml has data.
  9. Fixed a bug that won't allow you to edit your event calendar. Still need the similar fix for deletions.
I would suggest to have the ability to add "need" classes when creating an event, like 2 warriors, 1 shadow priest, 1 holy paladin, 1 mage etc. It would be better.

Again great hack !

Arachnis of HOL of Horde in Wildhammer
You have the ability to adjust the width of the columns through the options to whatever values you like. Talent numbers are okay but the ability to see what their "majority" build is, is often easier by seeing the build name. As for adding both build and talent numbers, I don't feel it's visually necessary. So, that won't be changing. I don't see the need to add a hybrid build as there is no set pattern for what is considered hybrid. Even people that are generally even in talents don't consider themselves hybrid.

#7 doesn't make sense to me. Not sure what you are saying here.
#9 doesn't make sense to me. Please elaborate and make sure it's occurring on a non-hacked version.

As for upcoming changes - once I complete the loot system I'm working on, I will be back to adding revisions to the calendar product.

Some of the revisions I will be adding will be:
  • Interface for adding events by type
  • Adding class maximums so that once the maximum class type has been reached, others are highlighted (queued). So you need 3 warriors and you get 5 signed up then the 2 latter are highlighted as queued.
  • Other fixes will be armory related
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Old 07-28-2007, 01:22 AM
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Hello elricstorm,

Don't get me wrong, the changes made was for my forum only, I didn't mean it must be implemented here.

About the width, I wasn't checking the vboptions. It was just me.
The number as for myself only is needed, because protection warrior doesn't all the time goes with 8/4/49. Just take armory for example, they have reasons to give out the number right ? . The hybrid build wasn't my invention also. I made it because I saw the priest as Holy but it's Hybrid in the armory. There are conditions to judge if it's hybrid, we just don't know. This is just about talents so yes we say she's a hybrid priest if she has 28/33/0 of talent build.

#7: the images you use for each race and class are from wow forum which are used for under 60 characters. I just replace them with 70 level images.

#9: This is something I want this hack to be fixed because it is a serious bug when you have the hack enabled you won't be able to edit the event calendar, or delete or move. This is because in the plugin calendar_getday_event you check for the value of $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], $vbulletin->GPC['response'], $vbulletin->['day'] if either of the 3 are null then print_no_permission();.
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Old 07-28-2007, 02:16 PM
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Originally Posted by deathemperor View Post
Hello elricstorm,

Don't get me wrong, the changes made was for my forum only, I didn't mean it must be implemented here.

About the width, I wasn't checking the vboptions. It was just me.
The number as for myself only is needed, because protection warrior doesn't all the time goes with 8/4/49. Just take armory for example, they have reasons to give out the number right ? . The hybrid build wasn't my invention also. I made it because I saw the priest as Holy but it's Hybrid in the armory. There are conditions to judge if it's hybrid, we just don't know. This is just about talents so yes we say she's a hybrid priest if she has 28/33/0 of talent build.

#7: the images you use for each race and class are from wow forum which are used for under 60 characters. I just replace them with 70 level images.

#9: This is something I want this hack to be fixed because it is a serious bug when you have the hack enabled you won't be able to edit the event calendar, or delete or move. This is because in the plugin calendar_getday_event you check for the value of $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], $vbulletin->GPC['response'], $vbulletin->['day'] if either of the 3 are null then print_no_permission();.
#7: If you have a copy of those image files and they are already labeled, go ahead and zip them up and put them here and I'll include them in the next release. I just grabbed an image package, not overly concerned with what levels the images were. However, if the 70s look better, then I'll be happy to use them.

#9: So the issue you are having is regarding editing/deleting the actual event calendar and not a particular event? If so, I'll check it out. Thanks.
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Old 07-28-2007, 02:27 PM
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#9: I tested editing/removing calendars and have no problems with events signed up or not signed up. I tested moving/editing/deleting individual and even recurring events on the calendar and have no problems moving/editing/deleting events whether they are ranged, recurring, or single. So, again, I'm not sure what you are talking about here. You might want to make sure you are not using a hacked version of my modification. Unless you can state exactly what happens when and where and I can duplicate it, I can't help ya.

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Old 08-02-2007, 12:11 PM
ceox ceox is offline
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A nice edit for the next release would be an ability to color code the event Title on the Calendar. It could have a legend or not. Just the ability to edit the title color would be great.
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