Version: 1.0.3, by elricstorm
Developer Last Online: Nov 2010
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 3.6.x
Released: 06-22-2007
Last Update: 07-23-2007
Installs: 127
Uses Plugins Template Edits
No support by the author.
What does this Mod do?
This is a customizable recruitment form for use with World of Warcraft. It has full customizations and style features built in via vboptions. There are no form edits, template edits, etc. of any kind necessary.
Current Version
Current Version = 1.0.3
What is required?
You will essentially need to perform:
One product XML import
Features of this Mod
All customization options are right in vboptions!
3 vboption sections to set options for your form.
Ability to turn on/off every section and every question (other than generic character)
Ability to toggle on custom questions per section
Ability to set font and highlight colors for the form and answer sections
Fully integrated Character Information Section
All character information built systematically so you gain as much information as needed.
Class, level, race, attunements, keys, heroics, gear, talents, resists, professions, days played
2 extra custom questions for CI section
Fully integrated Personal Information Section
Gender, Age, timezone, referrals, active play times, special questions, personality and disposition, previous guild information, summary sections
2 extra custom questions for PI section
Ability to debug any form questions and answers.
Fully integrated via your own website style and active inherits that style.
More than 40 questions to choose and select from.
Able to set redirects to forums, threadids, PMs, email.
Able to integrate polls and decide on public/private views.
Able to set group permissions for using the form.
Import the product file through your admincp.
Go into your vboptions section and you will find 3 sections. I will briefly outline them below:
Elricstorm's World of Warcraft Configuration Settings
Houses all of the generic settings for your form, including name, summary options, redirect options, and many more features.
Elricstorm's World of Warcraft Form Settings
Houses all of the settings for your form, including faction, level access, and toggle on/off settings for sections and all questions.
Elricstorm's World of Warcraft Form Style Settings
Houses one font, and 4 color header sets that you can color code.
Once finished, remember to write down whatever name you set in the configuration setting for your "What is the default URL for your form?". The default is "wow_form". In order to access your form you need to set a URL link to:
.. with the ending only changing if you decide to change this configuration setting in vboptions.
All of the vboptions have full title/descriptions so understanding what they do and how to work them should be a piece of cake, even for the most novice of users. If, however, you still have questions or concerns, please direct them here. Please remember that I only provide support for those that click "INSTALL".
By clicking INSTALL you not only receive support but anytime I make a newer version or provide feature updates, you receive them via mail.
Version 1.0.1 Fixes
Fixed the question 3 and question 4 answers as they were pointing to incorrect variables.
Version 1.0.1 Changes
Completely vbphrased all English and gaming terms in the addon. You can now adjust phrases and change the wording for yourself. This was especially important for European communities that might want to change the languages.
Go into admincp->languages and phrases-> and perform a search against the product using the "w" character as the search term. You will find all of the phrases that are editable here. The terms are "wow_form_(etc)".
Version 1.0.2 Changes & Fixes
Fixed vboptions for groups being checked even when toggled off. Now if you toggle groups ON, it only works if you actually add group numbers, and if you toggle it off, it does not check for groups.
Fixed answer template for newattunement keys.
Fixed linking for what you enjoy most to being linked with the timezone enable.
Fixed/Added vbphrasing for HEROIC, RAID, etc. keyphrases on answer template.
Addon is now completely phrased or optioned.
Version 1.0.3 Fixes
Fixed the list problem with the answer template for BC Instances
Fixed the answer template variables for answers 27 and 28.
For his initial form 4.0 MOD and showcasing the strength of forms. His mod can be found at the following location:
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Is there any chance that you could make a generic version, where we can specifiy multiple games & the user selects their game, which then dictates, what q's may be asked to be filled out?
Currently my own team has WoW, CS:S, GR:AW & soon ET:QW & Crysis sections and we'd like to use 1 recruitment form for all.
I'll think about this one. It would involve a major overhaul of the product as well as some switch/cases. However, it's still a very good idea nonetheless.
There are two templates that are created (wow_form, and wow_formanswers). One is the questions template and the other is an answers template. You can edit the answers template to change how it appears to you if you want in there.
Thanks for pointing this out! Until your post, I was uninstalling the whole thing, editing your product xml by hand (for formatting) and re-installing, re-configuring, testing. Huge work-a-round.
Great product man! and I am really looking forward to the raid progress product you are working on.
If the user is logged in, then they can submit the form perfectly fine.
if the user is a guest, they either get errors, or they get a confirmation that the app has been sent, but the thread never gets written.
The errors come when I turn on the polling option.
All that said, am I fooked?
I do not allow registrations, I register my guildies myself, and have the guests only able to post in the applications forum. They can app there using a standard thread add, but cannot use the form for the above reasons. Any thoughts?
If the user is logged in, then they can submit the form perfectly fine.
if the user is a guest, they either get errors, or they get a confirmation that the app has been sent, but the thread never gets written.
The errors come when I turn on the polling option.
All that said, am I fooked?
I do not allow registrations, I register my guildies myself, and have the guests only able to post in the applications forum. They can app there using a standard thread add, but cannot use the form for the above reasons. Any thoughts?
It's all based on permissions.
The forumid you are using for the application post is the key here. If that forum allows "guests" to make polls, make posts, etc. then it shouldn't be an issue. You mentioned that it all happens when you set poll options on. So, the first thing you should do is check to see if that forumid you are using has permissions set to allow guests to make/create polls.
Can you have the form send itself to more than 1 forum? Like 1 to the general app forum so the applicant can update the info and one to the private member forums for voting and commenting??
Can you have the form send itself to more than 1 forum? Like 1 to the general app forum so the applicant can update the info and one to the private member forums for voting and commenting??
Interesting suggestion. I'll think about that one.