Version: 1.0.1, by CyberRanger
Developer Last Online: Jan 2015
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 3.6.8
Released: 03-11-2006
Last Update: 10-30-2006
Installs: 300
Additional Files
No support by the author.
DownloadsII vBadvanced CMPS Add-On Version 1.0.1
The DownloadsII vBadvanced CMPS Add-On, is not a stand-alone mod. It requires DownloadsII 5.0.1 or higher. You can find it here (free).
Also vBadvanced CMPS (a vBulletin 3.5.x or 3.6.x version) is required. You can find it here (free).
Upload downloads2.php to the module directory of vBadvanced CMPS
Create the new module using the drop down menu to select downloads2.php
In the "templates used" field enter 'adv_portal_ecdownloads, downloads_panel_bit' (without the quotation marks ofcourse)
Update your index pages(s) to show the new module
Version 1.0.0 CyberRanger
- Initial Release
Version 1.0.1 Jelle
- Small code cleanup
- Renamed the module to downloads2.php
- Added a changelog and readme/install text file to the package
is there a way to change the language of this hack? where can i find these words?
That's indeed not phrased yet.
You can change it in the adv_portal_ecdownloads template
Originally Posted by Neoszion
Great Mod just have one problem im trying to style it so that it looks like its in a table (each line starts a new style) here is the style im trying to use:
Only problem i'm getting is that the border at the top isn't filling up
Anyone know what I need to add to the code to fix it?
That's normal as there are more columns now (normally there's just one), so the table header needs to have a colspan attribute as it's only one column. This is very easy with vBa CMPS, just change the module "Title Row Colspan" setting. Set its value to 3
I'm from germany. I even tryed to install the mod on vBullten 3.6.7 PL. Before I've installed the newest version of vbadvanced.
I have tryed to upload the file downloads2.php abut the acp. Then I got this error message:
The file you have uploaded is not a valid module file.
What can I do?
I hope you can help and understand me and sorry for my bad english - school its longtime ago.
You can't upload it using the AdminCP
You need to upload it using FTP to your /forums/modules/ folder, where all the PHP files of the vBa CMPS modules are located. The AdminCP upload feature is meaned for .module files, but we don't use that.
Originally Posted by A|X
I like to know how to change the Download body size?
See attachment. I want the Current Poll same size with Downloads.
What should i do?
That's because of the too long file names in the module. You can change some things in the adv_portal_ecdownloads template, but that won't solve it complete.
To solve it complete you need to edit some PHP:
Open /includes/class_downloads.php
Find $name = addslashes($latest['name']); (two times)
Change to $name = substr(addslashes($latest['name']), 0, 15); (two times)
Save and upload the file to your forums.
This will remove all characters after the 15th one. You can change the 15 to what you want ofcourse to fit to your site.
i have change the code 2 times below but still not working...
function update_latest_files()
global $db, $vbulletin;
if ($this->statslatestfiles > 0)
$statslatestfiles_q = $db->query_read("SELECT name, id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dl_files WHERE `purgatory`='0' ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT ".$this->statslatestfiles.""); // added by Brent to dynamically get the latest files loaded
while ($latest = $db->fetch_array($statslatestfiles_q)) // for section added by Brent to show a dynamic number of files
$name = substr(addslashes($latest['name']), 0, 10); $id = $latest['id'];
$url = $vbulletin->options['bburl']."/downloads.php?do=file&id=$id";
if ($id > 0)
eval('$dpanel_latest_bits .= "' . fetch_template('downloads_panel_bit') . '";');
Is there a way to have the downloads section list as a "page" module in CMPS instead of going directly to a whole new page? I would like to keep my CMPS parts on the left with the Downloads on the right. I couldn't figure out how to get that to work. Any help would be appreciated.
I figured to post in here since it is CMPS related.
I think this is also what I want to do. I'd like to have the actual downloads section (ie the right column of the downloads.php page showing as a vBadvanced page more than the top stats.