Version: 1.00, by MaryTheG(r)eek
Developer Last Online: Mar 2012
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 3.6.4
Released: 04-15-2007
Last Update: 04-15-2007
Installs: 15
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files
No support by the author.
This modification contains a vulnerability.
It is recommended you uninstall it until further notice.
- Staff
vbDigiShop Shopping Cart for Downloadable Products by Mary
1.- Product Highlights
Supports Categories and Subcategories
2CO Payment gateway
Three (3) Product's statuses: Active, Disabled, Upcoming
Normal price, Discounted price
Link for "more info"
Link for "Demo"
Can upgrade buyers to specific usergroup (or more than one usergroup)
Can setup AddOns per product (eg Installation Service)
Can setup Specials per product (eg if you buy this one, you can get also that product at a discounted price).
Real time (and not configurable by admin) feature: "Also bought".
Instant download after successful payment
Buyer must register the domain where will use the product that he ordered.
and many others.... check 'em out
No Time Limit - Totally Free
2.- Additions in the Commercial version
PayPal Instant Payment Notification
Nothing more. Free version has all features of commercial version except that supports only payments via 2CO and not with PayPal.
*** WARNING *** According to my copyright's rules below, you don't have the right to extend vbDigiShop by adding PayPal payment gateway.
3.- Installation
Step 1: Upload the contains of /forum directory to the same directory where you've installed vBulletin
Step 2: CMOD following directories to 777 (inside vbdigishop directory)
Don't remove the file .htaccess from your product directory
except if you want everybody to be able to download them for free!!!!
Step 3: For security reasons backup your database AND turn your board off
Step 4: Check at your AdminCP->vBulletin Options->Plugin/Hook System that Plugin system is enabled.
Step 5: From your AdminCP->Plugin System->Manage Products choose Add/Import Product and import the product: product_vbdigishop.xml
Step 6: If you want to add a link to your nav bar then you must edit the NAVBAR template:
Step 7: By default none usergroup has permissions to use or order, so you need to give permissions to any group. Goto AdminCP->Usergroups->Usergroup Manager and edit any usergroup you like to give permissions.
Step 8: In your adminCP, under vbDigiShop, choose vbDigiShop options and configure it depending on your needs. If you can't see vbDigiShop's menu, then press F5 to refresh the page, or logout and login again to your admincp.
4.- Setting your store
Step 1:
Create Categories and Subcategories if you need them. To create a subcategory, choose the action "Add subcategory" from the corresponding category.
Step 2:
If you plan to give to your customers a special usergroup, then setup these usergroups now.
Step 3:
Setup your products. Please note that every product has extra actions (eg Addons, Specials etc), but the sure way is to add firstly your products and then all the additional features.
What you can setup in a product:
Name :-))
Status: Active = For Sale
Disabled = Still in database, but not for sale
Upcoming = Not for sale, but visible in the site to the end users
Code : Even if you dont need an accounting software is good to have codes
Manufacturer You can let it empty, I'm havning some plans for later upgrade.
Price: Selling Price
Discount price: This price is only valid if at a later time you add this product as promotion to another product. eg Buy vbMates and get vbPals at this discounted price.
Short description
Long description
Image for product listing (have you cmod 777 the directory vbdigishop/images ??)
Featured link. It's a URL (opens in new window) for more info about the product
Demo link. As explained above but for demo
Usergoup. Check one or more (Ctrl+Click) usergroups where the buyer will be added (He dont lose any current usergroup).
Step 4:
Now that you've setup your products is good to add some more features. First we need to make clear what is "AddOn" and what "Special". Having my site as example, I can say that vbArticles can have as addons: vBa blocks, Brand Free, etc. Special means that when a user buys vbarticles you can setup a different product let's say "vbPhotoVote" as special offer. It's very nice marketing tool and I'm suggesting you to use it.
5.- Copyright
This script cannot be redistributed, reproduced, or published in any way. Modifying this script and sharing or publishing your modification A-N-Y-W-H-E-R-E (including here) without the author's written permission is strictly prohibited. The sane applies for writting addons or integrading it with any other software or module (eg vbAdvanced).
Especially for vbDigiShop, as the only difference with commercial version is that Free version dosen't supports PayPal payments, developing this gateway even for your own use is strictly prohibited. If you don't agree with this rule, just don't install vbDigiShop. It's a final rule and please don't PM me. If you want to use PayPal, simple buy the commercial version.
Copyright removal, editing or replacement PROHIBITED !! My copyright text and link must remain visible. If your template has colors that makes my copyright invisible you're responsible to change the color of my copyright to be straight visible.
Is their a way to send a unique serial number when a customer bought a product? (serial number grab from a list or from a database?) - Thanks!
I also would be interested in this feature. I am going to be downloading this and testing it over the next few days and the Serial number would be a huge factor in going with the paid version among other things that may already be included but until I test it I wont know for sure.
i wana use this..but i only have paypal i hope you'll consider adding that as a payment gateway in future
Yes, adding PayPal as a free payment gateway would definitely make me click install.
Sounds like a great program but since I pay for a dedicated server, vbulletin licensing, and VBSEO, I'm not sure it's worth it to just purchase this for PayPal.
One question though, does it support timed subscription packages that work in conjunction with usergroups and ranks?