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Automatic Embedded Video (youtube, plus many more)
Version: 1.10, by mfyvie mfyvie is offline
Developer Last Online: May 2008 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Show Thread Enhancements - Version: 3.6.7 Rating:
Released: 06-22-2007 Last Update: Never Installs: 98
No support by the author.

This hack has been withdrawn. Read on for an explanation. Shortly after the initial release I was contacted by another developer who had some ideas for the mod. This developer basically rewrote a new mod based on my original concept. Unfortunately we couldn't come to an agreement on a way to develop and support the future of this mod. Since he has released his mod separately, and it does pretty much everything my original mod did and is more efficient for those running large systems, I have decided to discontinue the further development of my mod. I took this decision because I don't believe that it makes sense to have two mods out there doing the same thing. I recommend to all users, both present and future, that you switch over to his mod instead (here). I've taken a look at it and I think it's a great mod and you'll all be very happy with it. I understand that he will also provide routines to import and convert tags used by my mod, this should also make your life easier.

Since I will not develop this mod further, I am also withdrawing support for it. Since I don't believe there is such a thing as an unsupported mod (since people will ALWAYS ask for and expect support regardless) I have therefore withdrawn the file from download. I hope some of you can understand my decision.

This mod has had a short but happy life, and I wish you all the best with the replacement mod. Thank you to everyone who has offered encouragement so far, and I hope to see you on my next mod.

I've left the original text below for historical reasons:

What does this mod do?

If a user copies and pastes a URL that links to a video streaming service (such as youtube) the mod will automatically take the URL and convert it into an embedded form directly in the post itself. Users can now play the videos directly from the thread! In other words:
  • No template or file edits
  • Nothing to configure
  • Initial version supports sixteen different video sharing sites
  • Pasted URLs are automatically converted to versions that display embedded video - in thread
  • Option to include original URL in additional to providing embedded version.
  • Forum, group and user permissions allow you to include or exclude who/what is affected by this mod.
How many services will it support?

The initial version contains support for sixteen different video services. If others contribute the required information for other services, this is likely to grow. The initial version (1.0) contains support for the following services:

Youtube, Metacafe, iFilm, Putfile, Bolt, Google Video, Guba, Grouper, Revver, Atom Films, Veoh, Myspace Video, Vimeo, Vmix, Eyespot, Liveleak, Sapo

Which services does it not support?

Many video sites don't provide enough information in the URLs to make automatic embedding possible. The following services were checked and found to be impossible to use with this mod:

Photobucket, Daily Motion, vidiLife, Yahoo Video, AOL Uncut, Yikers, vSocial, ManiaTV, Phanfare, CastPost, Jumpcut, Sharkle, Clipshack, Filecow, Break

Please don't request that these services be included in this mod - it's not possible. If you'd like to try and figure out how to do it yourself - please do!

Why is this different to other mods?

Other mods require you to enter BB Code yourself, but more importantly they require the user to have to add the tags themselves. Users are notoriously lazy and often won't even bother to use BB Code. This mod suits lazy users - it handles everything automatically without the user having to do anything - they just copy and paste the URL!

How do I install it?

Download the enclosed .xml file. In your AdminCP -> Plugins and Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product use the browse button to upload the .xml file you just downloaded and make sure "Allow Overwrite" is set to yes if you are upgrading from a previous version. Click "Import". Installation time - 30 seconds.

How do I configure it?

Go to AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> Automatic Embedded Video. All settings are pretty much self explanatory and there is nothing that needs to be changed for most forums.

Are there any limitations?

The hack will only work with properly formatted URLs. If the user mangles them, it may not work. Only new messages posted will be affected and this mod will not have any effect on any URLs you may paste in while editing. It will only take effect when you preview or submit new posts!

Is there a downside to this mod?

None that I can think of!

Will new services be added in future?

Possibly. Make sure you click "Installed" so that you'll be notified about new versions.

How can I expand it myself?

See the first post on this thread for details.

User Testimonials

What have people been saying about this mod?

"Anyway, this is be far the best mod of the year! something so simple, yet so effective! My members and myself love it. Thanks again." - hornstar1337

"No way! This Hack is simply a Must!!" - Silvio

"simply the best mod ever." - kushal

"You are my hero. My users are always F'n up the BBcode that should be so simple and now its idiot proof." - MortysTW

"Thanks very much for the mod - very simple to install yet useful as anything." - p0ng0

"Sorry I had to come and re-post how excited this mod has made me lol." - Fleabag

"Working great with vbSEO" - mtlcore

"I have only tested a few videos so far but works like a charm!!! What an awesome mod!!!" - RichieBoy67

Version History

1.0 - Initial release (23.06.2007) (updated a couple of hours after release with some minor fixes 01:31 24.06.2007 GMT)
1.1 - Feature upgrade (26.06.2007). Added ability to include/exclude users, groups or forums. Added feature to replace even when BB Code permissions don't allow it. Added feature to both embed the video AND display the original URL above the video. Loosened logic to include variations in URLs for certain services (different countries, domains, etc). Should cover a wider range of URLs now. More video services coming soon...

27.06.2007 - Mod withdrawn. Details above and here.

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 06-24-2007, 09:47 PM
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I have only tested a few videos so far but works like a charm!!! What an awesome mod!!!

You are so right about people having a hard time posting tags etc. Many of my members could never get the hang of it... I cannot believe how easy this is... My members will love it...

If anyone wants to see it in action visit my forum in my sig and go to the media forum...

Thanks for the mod! Totally useful and awesome..
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Old 06-24-2007, 11:37 PM
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Figured the issue =3 working now <3
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Old 06-25-2007, 12:56 AM
wolf32 wolf32 is offline
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Superb!!! Thank you very much.

Just out of curiosity, is there a way to include this in a vBa module? Such as the most recent posted video will be viewed in the module?
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Old 06-25-2007, 03:10 AM
ammoskumar ammoskumar is offline
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wow this is so coollllll
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Old 06-25-2007, 05:34 AM
mfyvie mfyvie is offline
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Originally Posted by hornstar1337 View Post
this youtube link dont work: http://www.youtube.com/v/lpm6tqnEw5s
Ok, that looks like a totally different format for youtube, but I've fixed it for that and it will be in the next version.

Originally Posted by Endurer View Post
Excellent mod.There's a little problem with google video though. These URI's work well: http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...59754181918But when a user pastes this URI: http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...83484610119600 Nothing happens or the URI is parsed as a URI and not a video.The difference as I asume is of the '-' next to docid= in the URI.
Already fixed for the next version.

Originally Posted by Silvio View Post
now seems that in youtube there ia a sort of private videos management :| what is that :S all videos seems to be private status :S
Sorry, I don't know what you mean, could you please post more information on this point if you want me to look into it. Like a sample URL

Originally Posted by jasculs View Post
I use custom bbcode permissions and when someone who does not have permission to use the bbcode puts in a link the unparsed bbcode shows up instead of the link. Is there anyway to fix this or change it?
I've been thinking about this. This is a bit of a problem. If some users in a given forum have permission to write BB Code, but others don't have permission to read it, then this will create a situation where some users can't view a video, and others can.

I believe the best way to handle this is that I'll add an option to insert the BB Code, while preserving the original URL. This way both will appear next to each other.

Originally Posted by Nathan2006 View Post
Updated Thank you

Would there be anyway to exclude some forums from this?

I have a forum for video ripping and the links
that members post will get converted

Thank you for any help
This is done and tested and will be in the next version. I went further and combined it with user and group permissions and made it possible to both include and exclude. It turned out to be a bit more complex than I expected.
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Old 06-25-2007, 05:58 AM
mfyvie mfyvie is offline
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Originally Posted by katie hunter View Post
Figured the issue =3 working now <3
Katie, this is a good example of why I am not giving you any support. To be honest your messages are impossible to understand. I guess English is not your first language (I hope!!), and I have some understanding for that, but messages like the one I quoted above help nobody, since nobody has the slightest idea what you are talking about.

Despite asking you twice (both on thread and in a PM), you have ignored my requests to properly report your problem. I made it quite clear in post #1 what I wanted from people who have problems. As it stands, you are the only one left on this thread who has an issue that we haven't been able to explain. You talk about turning various codes on and off which also leads me to believe you are modifying my code (since I don't offer this feature via an option).

So I'm sorry Katie, but unless you can start to communicate more clearly and give me something I can use to solve your problem, I can't help you. I'm also not going to log into to your forum as an admin and spend time trying to figure out what it is about your forum that is different to everybody elses (where it works), unless you are going to pay me for it. Sorry.
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Old 06-25-2007, 07:40 AM
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Originally Posted by mfyvie View Post
Katie, this is a good example of why I am not giving you any support. To be honest your messages are impossible to understand. I guess English is not your first language (I hope!!), and I have some understanding for that, but messages like the one I quoted above help nobody, since nobody has the slightest idea what you are talking about.

Despite asking you twice (both on thread and in a PM), you have ignored my requests to properly report your problem. I made it quite clear in post #1 what I wanted from people who have problems. As it stands, you are the only one left on this thread who has an issue that we haven't been able to explain. You talk about turning various codes on and off which also leads me to believe you are modifying my code (since I don't offer this feature via an option).

So I'm sorry Katie, but unless you can start to communicate more clearly and give me something I can use to solve your problem, I can't help you. I'm also not going to log into to your forum as an admin and spend time trying to figure out what it is about your forum that is different to everybody elses (where it works), unless you are going to pay me for it. Sorry.
yeah it is always important to provide good info, just wanted to point out that the words you quoted mean: her problem is fixed/resolved, and at the end she said love so she was all happy.

Anyway, this is be far the best mod of the year! something so simple, yet so effective! My members and myself love it. Thanks again. :up:
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Old 06-25-2007, 08:18 AM
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Originally Posted by hornstar1337 View Post
yeah it is always important to provide good info, just wanted to point out that the words you quoted mean: her problem is fixed/resolved, and at the end she said love so she was all happy.

Anyway, this is be far the best mod of the year! something so simple, yet so effective! My members and myself love it. Thanks again. :up:
I figured that's what it might meant, but I was also referring to her previous posts which were pretty much incomprehensible (to me at least). If she fixed it then how? Was it because of something she had messed up herself, or some kind of unusual condition which caused this mod to fail - if so, what was it so that I can fix something in the mod for the future? Etc... Nobody else seemed to suffer from the same issues as she did, so I'm guessing that her board has something unique, or she had altered the mod in some way (I suspect the later).
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Old 06-25-2007, 10:05 AM
mfyvie mfyvie is offline
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Originally Posted by wolf32 View Post
Just out of curiosity, is there a way to include this in a vBa module? Such as the most recent posted video will be viewed in the module?
This would be pretty easy to do. Some issues I see here - not all video types could be supported, but it would be easy to make a vBa module which sniffs only for one particular type of tag (like youtube) and uses a version of embed code with a smaller resolution (to fit the size of the module).

If someone wants to to write one I'll make their life easier by writing thread id, post id, forum id, post date to the database along with the tag type and the tag content. This should make it really easy for such a module to check permissions and display the video.
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Old 06-25-2007, 10:07 AM
p0ng0 p0ng0 is offline
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Thanks very much for the mod - very simple to install yet useful as anything. Your work is appreciated!
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