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World of Warcraft Event Calendar
Version: 1.2.7, by elricstorm elricstorm is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2010 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Add-On Releases - Version: 3.6.x Rating:
Released: 04-18-2007 Last Update: 07-06-2007 Installs: 97
Uses Plugins Template Edits
Is in Beta Stage  
No support by the author.

What does this Mod do?

This is a calendar mod that supports events created for World of Warcraft that allows signups for mains and alternates. Data for mains and alternates are pulled from the world of warcraft armory automatically and listed/displayed in a table format based on the style of your current site.

Current Version

Current beta version = 1.2.7 (recommended)
Current stable version = 1.2.6

Whether you are upgrading or installing from new, you ALL need to download the instructions and read them. There is a section for New Installs and a section for Upgrading. Inside there is also a NEW .CHM file (help file) that will also make it easier to read. I kept the instructions file in there as well but it's renamed to wowcalendar.txt instead. Review wowcalendar.chm if you are able to. It works better.

What is required?

You will essentially need to perform:
  • One product XML import
  • Two PHP file uploads
  • One Profile addition for User Profiles
  • One Template Modification
  • Uploading image files to the specified path listed in the instructions
Review the "instructions" contained in the zip file before installing this product.

Creating a Calendar Entry

When you create a calendar entry, single, recurring, etc. - make sure you enable users to signup (located at the bottom of the new calendar event form) (see the screenshot listed in this post). By default, it should place an automatic signup checkmark in that box. Once you submit, users will be able to signup.


If you have alternates on, alternates can be used to signup with (only if people have added additional characters to their user profile. At this time, the calendar only reads the top 3 lines in the profile box so any more characters listed will not be usable in the calendar.

(i.e. if you have 7 characters listed, only the first 3 will be usable.

Armory Data

Armory Data is pulled as soon as a "registered" user checks the calendar event. This data is then replaced into the armorydata table for use later on with the signups. Remember to set your server and your locale as well. If your server has two words (ex. Scarlet Crusade) you would input Scarlet+Crusade in the server box. If you play on a US server you would put US in the locale box. If you play on a European Server you would input EU in the locale box. Make sure you set all appropriate options.

Options for your Calendar System

Go into your vb options and you will find two separate sections for setting options - one is for settings and one is for styles. You can change any options in here. Future revisions will include more substitutions/changes in this area.

For his initial MOD and ideas which got me started and into customizing the entire calendar. Farcaster's Event Attendance can be found at: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=129088

For helping with the original wow parser code and for giving me some tips/advice for working to implement it with the calendar system. In addition, Gryphon, formerly Blackjack, worked with me deeply to allow both this calendar and his current gWoWCharacter mod to be cross-compatible. He also helped with localization. Many thanks!

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 06-06-2007, 04:21 AM
Hyrel Hyrel is offline
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My armory data isn't showing up though, so I may have missed something else up along the way hehe. The fields are just blank for level, class, race.
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Old 06-06-2007, 05:10 AM
Gooner Gooner is offline
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Well, ive got a wierd issue going on in my callander, Alot of people have signed but there are 3 signs with absolutely nothing, and the guild leaders armory information isnt showing at all, I have triple cheked the name and its exactly how its spelled in the armory, all case sensitive and everything.. The blank signups are confusing me also, If this is because of members signing without using a character name, Is it possible to make it a requirement to have a character name, and if they dont have one, dont allow them to signup, Here is a screenshot of the wierdness.

Click picture for full size.

[PS] You may noticed i removed the Maybe button from the signup option, This is due to our guild not allowing maybes.
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Old 06-06-2007, 05:54 AM
NightPhoenix NightPhoenix is offline
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I installed the update over the previous install, and now I keep getting the following error:

Warning: file_get_contents(http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Shu'Halo&n=Nitefire) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! in /calendar.php(1208) : eval()'d code on line 194

Apparently, an armory issue, but I never received it with the previous version of the event calendar.
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Old 06-06-2007, 06:01 AM
NightPhoenix NightPhoenix is offline
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Follow up on the above post, I just received a more in depth error message:

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.7:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT ea.userid, ea.response, ea.signupname, ea.comment, ea.signup_date,
arm.m_name,arm.m_class,arm.m_race,arm.m_level,arm. ai_name,arm.ai_class,arm.ai_race,arm.ai_level,arm. aii_name,arm.aii_class,arm.aii_race,arm.aii_level,
userfield.field5, userfield.field6
FROM wowraid ea
LEFT JOIN userfield AS userfield ON userfield.userid = ea.userid
LEFT JOIN armorydata arm ON arm.userid = ea.userid
WHERE eventid = 024
AND ocdate = '1181001600'
ea.response, ea.signup_date;

MySQL Error : Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Error Number : 2013
Date : Wednesday, June 6th 2007 @ 02:53:47 AM
Script : http://www.shuhalo.com/home/calendar...y=2007-6-5&c=1
Referrer : http://www.shuhalo.com/home/calendar.php
IP Address :
Username : NightFire
Classname : vb_database
Right now I have roughly 200 of these errors reported in my email with the only variables being Event ID and Ocdate (of course, the IPs and user names are different too )
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Old 06-06-2007, 10:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Gooner View Post
Well, ive got a wierd issue going on in my callander, Alot of people have signed but there are 3 signs with absolutely nothing, and the guild leaders armory information isnt showing at all, I have triple cheked the name and its exactly how its spelled in the armory, all case sensitive and everything.. The blank signups are confusing me also, If this is because of members signing without using a character name, Is it possible to make it a requirement to have a character name, and if they dont have one, dont allow them to signup, Here is a screenshot of the wierdness.

[PS] You may noticed i removed the Maybe button from the signup option, This is due to our guild not allowing maybes.
The first two blank rows on that screenshot are because two people in your guild did not fill in their "main character" name. The one for Taursos is due to an armorydata sync issue which I fixed in 1.1.9. I noticed you are on 1.1.8. In 1.1.9 I fixed the issues with the problem you are having. The basic concept is this:

When people go to the event, they call their own main character name, alternate1 name, and alternate2 name data from the armory and store it in the armorydata table. The previous issue was that sometimes certain people would have "connection" problem and would hit the armory and not finish the data polling. They would then update their own armorydata information into the new table I created with "blank" data.

This issue has been fixed in 1.1.9.

Now they use an fsocketopen for timeout and there's also a check to make sure that they aren't passing empty data back to your own database armorydata table. If they are trying to pass empty data, it simply does not allow any updates to occur, saving the data already there in the table. I hope that makes sense.

To temporarily fix the issue, you can do one of two things.
  • Download and install 1.1.9 and insert their data manually into the armorydata table.
  • Download and install 1.1.9 and tell them to visit the event again, which will forceably fix the issue automatically.

In addition

You need to make sure that the main character profile field you created is "required" at time of registration and on update/edits. If you do not do this, you will encounter similar things. What's really happening here is that people on your site are not updating the required field. The only real issue you are experiencing is the empty data problem on Taursos. You can update his information manually this one time after updating to 1.1.9 or have him revisit the event.

The design reasoning was to be able to bypass a manual update or another button update push to populate the armorydata table I created. I might, in future versions provide an admin udpate which would do that so you can manually push and sync your armorydata information if you encounter such a problem.

I hope that helps answer the question. If anyone on 1.1.9 after making sure you have no empty database in the armorydata encounters this problem, I'd like to know. Please remember that the person whose data is blank needs to revisit the event to repopulate the data or you can manually do it for them by editing their information directly in the armorydata table. After you do this, it shouldn't reoccur.

With anything new (armorydata) expect some bugs. But, I'll make sure they all get fixed.
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Old 06-06-2007, 10:57 AM
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Originally Posted by NightPhoenix View Post
Follow up on the above post, I just received a more in depth error message:

Right now I have roughly 200 of these errors reported in my email with the only variables being Event ID and Ocdate (of course, the IPs and user names are different too )
  • What version of PHP are you running?
  • What version of mysql are you running?

Do me a favor also? Execute the query directly in your phpmyadmin. Just copy and paste the query you posted above and execute it in your phpmyadmin. Let me know if you receive the same error.

I think I know what might be happening in your case and should be able to fix it. Please respond. Thanks mate.



Click on this link and you will find a quick fix if you've set this to something other than what the default is supposed to be. This is most likely the reason for this issue. Thanks.
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Old 06-06-2007, 11:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Hyrel View Post
My armory data isn't showing up though, so I may have missed something else up along the way hehe. The fields are just blank for level, class, race.
You need to make sure you created the custom user profile fields I outlined in the document.

Create one field for Main Character Name
Create one field for Alternate Name 1
Create one field for Alternate Name 2

Write down the IDs of these fields on a piece of paper (ex. field4, field5, field6 -whatever their names are)

Go into vboptions and to Elricstorm's World of Warcraft and do the following:

Fill out the appropriate information for Server, locale, and at the very bottom input your field names for the profile fields you created.

I would suggest re-reading the instructions and following them step by step.

And, lastly, people on your boards need to update their main character information in their profiles or you need to do it for them.

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Old 06-06-2007, 11:24 AM
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For those of you always hating to remind people to fill out the custom profile fields you created, I suggest using this:


I use it on my forums and it works like a charm. Gooner something like this will help you out a lot. I have a guild that has 180 members in it. I hate policing every member so something like this works out great.

The other thing you should do is make that main character field mandatory by changing it to "required at time of registration and on updates".
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Old 06-06-2007, 04:03 PM
Gooner Gooner is offline
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I cannot say it enough but you are a great coder and great help, And i will do what you have sugested, I have thought of a small feature which might be of goodness...

A key legend, Because the calander descriptions space isnt enough for full instance names (Mutliple) so instances names need to be made smaller [Karazhan - Kara] and such, Maybe a box someware which tells the members which each one means, Key legend.

Mag - Magtheridon
BT - Black Temple
Kara - Karazkan
SSC - Serpent Shrine Caverns
EOTS - Eye of the storm

This list could be modified by the officers, kinda like the Recruitment status system but in the calander.
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Old 06-06-2007, 04:53 PM
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Thanks for being patient with all of this folks.

I just added version 1.2.0 which removes the fsocketopen checks as it was really behaving badly and not providing the type of connectivity testing I wanted performed. Instead of timing out if the armory was not responsive, it turns out that the armory url was responsive but sometimes not returning results for up to 10 minutes! So, fsocketopen would not close the socket. I tried using a cURL method and also a socket_timeout method but both still had unexpected results. Therefore, I removed that bit of code altogether.

I kept the bit of code that checks to make sure that $cclass is not returning empty and if not, it continues on with the process. If it comes up empty it should not overwrite data into the armorydata table. I also adjusted a couple of other minor code tweaks but overall, it should perform better.

So, for all those that I replied to earlier, you can still read my suggestions on optimizing your site, etc. but I would upgrade to 1.2.0 and have it fix the problems you encountered with 1.1.9.

thanks everyone.
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