Version: 1.1.0, by drew010
Developer Last Online: Jan 2012
Category: End-User Options -
Version: 3.6.8
Released: 05-03-2007
Last Update: 10-04-2007
Installs: 193
Uses Plugins Template Edits
No support by the author.
This modification gives the user the option to choose how many reputation points to give or take when posting reputation on a post. They cannot give or take more than the number of points they have available.
When giving rep, aside from choosing if they approve or disapprove of the post and entering a comment, there is a dropdown box going from 0 to the number of rep points they have. This allows them to award or take a lower number of points than the default which uses their point value.
There is a check in place to make sure the user didn't alter the form to give or take more than the maximum value they can use. An appropriate error message is displayed.
An important thing to note about this mod is that due to a problem with Internet Explorer not being able to show the select box on top of the page when you have the ajax popups enabled, turning this mod on will override your setting for using ajax for giving reputation. It doesn't turn ajax off for anything else. The user will be taken to the default page that is used when popups are disabled if they are using Internet Explorer.
Installation: To install, unzip the product XML file, and import it to your board using the product manager in the AdminCP found under "Plugins & Products" => "Manage Products" => "Add/Import Product"
There are no templates to edit, they should be done automatically. If there is any problem with the dropdown menu showing up please let me know.
Right now the mod only supports a dropdown. I was able to switch to a textbox using a Firefox addon that has the option of converting all form <select> boxes into text boxes. It is called Web Developer which can be found here
The reason I go with the drop down is because users may not know their exact rep power or what limitations they would have if there was just a text box to type in.
Ok!! Thank You Very Much drew010!! :up:
I like a lot the Drop Down Combo Box Option!! :up:
Nice stuff mate, BTW do you know when you might release it out of Beta and to final? Or are you looking to see if their are any bugs, before you finalize it?
Nice stuff mate, BTW do you know when you might release it out of Beta and to final? Or are you looking to see if their are any bugs, before you finalize it?
yeah just waiting to see if anyone has any issues with it before i call it a release. maybe see if there are any suggestions for it as well so i can add a feature or two before doing that.
hmm I don't see any bugs so far. However, for adding features.. mabye something like limiting a number.. or just a fixed number per a forum... Like say you have a offtopic or games area.. you might only want like the min rep used or something.. I'm just throwing ideas..
I notice from your screen shot to select 0. Does this give a 'neutral' rep? If so is it possible to have that they can either give/take their maximum or give a neutral?
how about changing it from the # of points you are giving to a scale of points (1-10)
right now if you have 80 points of rep altering power it would show you the numbers 1-80
this would change it to just the number 1-10... where 1 would alter the persons rep by 10% of your total rep and 10 would alter it by 100%...
this way the drop down menu has less selections on it... plus most people dont know their rep altering levels... so this would be simpler for them...