Version: 1.2.1, by magnus
Developer Last Online: Feb 2012
Category: Forum Display Enhancements -
Version: 3.6.8
Released: 04-17-2007
Last Update: 04-26-2007
Installs: 412
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files
No support by the author.
NOTICE: This is for vBulletin v3.6 ONLY. You can find a v3.5 compatible version here.
*** Confirmed working on ALL vBulletin 3.6.x versions! ***
[hr]-[/hr] Keywords: FORUMDISPLAY, search, results, collapse, AJAX, collapsable, first, last, unread, post
Allows you to expand/collapse the first, last or first unread post of a thread from FORUMDISPLAY and search results without the need to load the entire thread.
Upon perusing the wonderful deals over at, I noticed this nifty feature which caught my eye. I found it quite useful as most people have a bad habit of not being very descriptive with their thread titles. This little trick made my browsing experience much more enjoyable, so naturally I had to borrow [read: shamelessly rip] the idea.
Please note that no additional queries are added, unless using the 'First Unread Post' option. Otherwise, the only queries performed are the same as those when a thread is normally viewed.
[hr]-[/hr] Usage:
Simply click the expand icon [+] in front of the thread title to expand, and the collapse icon [-] to collapse. Rocket science, eh?
[hr]-[/hr] Installation:
Download and unzip the archive.
Upload necessary files to their respective locations. (Attention custom style users! Be sure to upload the images to your custom image directory.)
Import the product-ajax_first_post.xml via the Product Manager.
Make any desired configuration changes via AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Collapsable First Post using AJAX
All template modifications are made automatically. They attach to pretty common text locations, so modified styles shouldn't* be a problem.
However, for those who wish (or need) to perform the edits manually, you can find that information here.
[hr]-[/hr] Comments:
As with all my hacks, this modification is provided free of charge. However, if you find this product useful and have money burning a hole in your pocket, feel free to make a small donation, I won't mind.. really.
* Please note that this modification was developed on a forum with a userbase of 1 (myself). I've tested it for basic functionality but I cannot guarantee functionality or behavior on your forum. So, please -- make backups before installing this product!
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Ok , Curiously , I Optimize and Repair Tables and all is working like charm, I would like to understand the problem but , Whatever , everything is working ok.
Search results will always return the first post. I have it this way for temporary simplicity. Search doesn't use the same SQL queries as FORUMDISPLAY -- so the same information isn't available without adding extra queries. Until I can find a cleaner, saner way to allow for different post viewing configurations on the search page, I've defaulted it to First Post.
Another curious thing I found... when you colapse the post and if you have the Spoiler SHOW/HIDE method it will open in showing the spoiler, how can I fix this ?
Another curious thing I found... when you colapse the post and if you have the Spoiler SHOW/HIDE method it will open in showing the spoiler, how can I fix this ?
Make the same modifications to vbpost_postbit that you had to make to your postbit or postbit_legacy for the spoiler modification.
Thanks for the AdminCP setting for: first post, last post, or first unread post.
It might be nice to see that as an individual user preference, too (set within the UserCP.)
Also, it might be nice to have separate preferences for threads in UserCP vs. threads in forumhome. Because personally for threads in ForumHome I'd rather see "first post" and for threads in UserCP I'd like to see "first unread."
I have just applied the update and now, going to UserCP on my forum resulted in an error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: fetch_coventry() in /home/.odell/myname/ : eval()'d code on line 30
I presume this has something to do with this new feature:
Included JavaScript in USERCP_SHELL to allow expand/collapse of subscribed threads.
Perhaps my UserCP_Shell template wasn't properly modified by the product? Is that Javascript something I can try manually inserting?
It might be nice to see that as an individual user preference, too (set within the UserCP.)
That's the eventual plan.
Also, it might be nice to have separate preferences for threads in UserCP vs. threads in forumhome. Because personally for threads in ForumHome I'd rather see "first post" and for threads in UserCP I'd like to see "first unread."
I have just applied the update and now, going to UserCP on my forum resulted in an error:
I presume this has something to do with this new feature:
Perhaps my UserCP_Shell template wasn't properly modified by the product? Is that Javascript something I can try manually inserting?
A previous person had this problem and resolved it here. Let me know if that works for you, too.