Version: , by wecleangrout
Developer Last Online: Jan 2016
Version: Unknown
Released: 09-25-2006
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
No support by the author.
The past week or so I have had errors messages stating a storage issue so I called and up'ed my plan. Now it is still going on to a lesser degree.
Anyone else having this problem with them?
someone have problem with the mysql creating area of hostgator, but they use CPanel, latest version without a style, so it is the exact same Cpanel that 75% of the host on the net use...
someone have problems with backups and webspace, but do they follow the regular protocols ?!... i had to debug thousands of clients on hosts that had the same system than HostGator lately, and everybody complains because they lack of space.. the system lock their account when they overpass the limits they have... not only hostgator... if you pay for 10, you have 10, not 1 more... hostgator or not...
too much connections on your shared account ?!... an account provided at 6.95$ per month is not the unlimited bullshit you see everywhere.. they apply limits and they are indicated... if you have 200 online members, do you seriously think you will have unlimited bandwidth ?!... hostgator apply the limits shown, compared to some lame hosts that indicate "unlimited" but they cap their bandwidth, so even if you have a lot of connections, they are slow to hell... upgrade your package and you'll be ok... don't want to pay for your service ?!.. sure go somewhere else.
for willisbryan, if you want secure access to a server, do you seriously think they will provide it to you without verifying who you are ?!... if you have problems with that, maybe it's because you have something to hide... you prefer to have unsecure access then ?!
... most of the complaints about any hosts are made by people who want everything for free, everything with no limits, and everything they dream of... and most of the time, when the bugs occur, instead of asking for help, they complains and send flames to the person in charge, without even evaluating the job to be done... that'S why most of the time you get nothing in return...
i've had downtime 2 days in a row with hostgator. Today and yesterday and i've only been open two weeks
are these downtime were sporadic or for a long period ?! and are these downtime not related to the gadgets you have on your site?!... i see on your site that you have text-ads and referrals... if you deactivate all these gadgets on your site, is your site reachable ?!
and btw, if you can't reach your site, if others are able to reach it, it is not a downtime from the host but from your ISP... you have to check this before making a statement like this... it is more profitable to complain about a ISP than a host...
i only put the ads in yesterday. nobody could reach the site for about 20 mins and after that it was very slow. nothing to do with the vb imo.
did you ticket your host or read their forum for servers status ?!... sometimes it's global...
in the last weeks, a lot of host located in Texas and central usa were cut off from the world because of weather... floods and rain... nobody can do a thing about these...