You know this question has already spawned one Mac/OS X/Apple vs. PC/Windows/Microsoft war on another site. Can we just skip it this time please? I'm sure the OP would appreciate that very much.
To each his own I guess, but have you ever owned a Mac? People who make nasty comments about Macs usually have never used one.
Eh, the last Mac I had was an iMac G3 with OS 8. I'm pretty neutral on it, it's an operating system, and it doesn't have PPC architecture going for it anymore. It's the fan club that pushed me away from getting a Macbook Pro (and the fact that they sear human flesh). If I hear another Mac fanatic say "winblows" or "microsuck" in a moment of false cleverness I'm going to explode. No, really. Like boom.
You know this question has already spawned one Mac/OS X/Apple vs. PC/Windows/Microsoft war on another site. Can we just skip it this time please? I'm sure the OP would appreciate that very much.
Not much to do in the meantime until the OP tries the various solutions provided to him and reports back.