Version: 0.2.0, by itsid
Developer Last Online: Jun 2010
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 3.6.4
Released: 01-11-2007
Last Update: 02-19-2007
Installs: 52
Uses Plugins
No support by the author.
Are you bothered by the look and functionality of your report system ?
Do you want to have radiobuttons instead of the the textfield ?
Well welcome to sids report enhancer
Now you can add the entries from your infractionsystem to be shown up at report.php,
you can add own custom report reasons,
you can even make the original textfield disappear.
Now it's all in your hands
To install: import xml via product manager nothing else!!
Hope you like it
two languages available english and deutsch
[Update v 0.1.5]
- radiobuttons now above the textfield
- improved javascript
- setable delimiter between radiobutton-message and textfield-message
- removed beta-bugs
[Update v 0.2.0]
- you now can enforce users to type a message if he chose your last own custom report reason (thanks to replay's idea)
ps thanks terminatoronly for the idea.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
If you changed the template as in post #45
there will be a popup if LAST option is selected as a reminder
If your users STILL don't enter any reason
or if they don't select any option,
the redirect is the best way to check report-reason.
(because it is already implemented)
Any javascript userside-realtime checking will only inflate sourcecode,
and won't help if javascript is disabled (what's still possible )
But I don't think that you have that 'not-so-smart' users on your board... or at least I hope so
maybe a sticker from sarah utter (
will help users to know what to do [/offtopic]
You're the lucky one...
I was just checking my postbit to see if my "i'm on vacation" hint was there.
Now, let's see:
You have to delete the sid_report templates manually if you have edited them,
otherwise they will stay altered if you reinstall.
So, go to your acp -> template management and revert all red marked "sid_report *" templates and uninstall the hack afterwards.
Now they should be deleted... check out.
Now if you reinstall the hack all should work as before.
If you still get that error, disable the plugin called: report enhancer - textfield required from plugin-management,
I Mean Let The Check Box Appear Next To The Comment Box Or Message.
And I Would Like from you to check my suggestion for the report i posted it in i think its a great suggestion since all of us need this feature in our boards check it here:
Maybe You decide To Upgrade Your Mod To Let It Look Same Thing As That One or maybe vbulletin team will make it in the next release
edit the plugin called report enhancer - edit reportbadpost template (thanks to ZIKI)
change just the following lines from
PHP Code:
$ara = '<!-- report field -->'; //$ara = '<!-- / report field -->';
PHP Code:
//$ara = '<!-- report field -->'; $ara = '<!-- / report field -->';
and you're done
as I said you earlier, I'd like to keep things small and easy to install,
and withou any template edits if possible.
What you ask for requires template edits of existing templates, I refuse to do so!
And I also refuse to copy or transcript another hack (at least without authors permission)
So forget about it