Version: 2.0.13, by sabret00the
Developer Last Online: Apr 2010
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 3.6.4
Released: 09-22-2006
Last Update: 09-28-2007
Installs: 233
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files
No support by the author.
Welcome ladies and gentleman, this is the release thread for GRPS, an interactive groups commune. I hope you enjoy this release and i sincerely hope it provides everything to your community in which you're looking for.
What is it?
It's a groups commune. The original idea is that forums with lots and lots of forums on the front-page suck, as a result i thought most of the conversation was rather obscure in regards to what the forums were trying to achieve, so it'd be nice to have that all going on elsewhere, not detracting away from the content and stopping your front-page from looking like a car crash.
Groups Home
Groups Activity List
Newest Groups
Most Popular Groups
Largest Groups
Category List
Group Search by Title
Group Sort by Alphabetical Title, Categories, Member Count
Users can create groups
Admin switch to moderate groups or not
Admin CP access to moderation panel
Groups Page
Posts since last visit notification
Group Info
Group Leader shown with avatar
Groups can be listed as public, private or hidden
Start Date
Member count
Post count
Group Desciption
Shows group title
Shows random image
Shows group information set by group leader
Groups Thread List (Forum)
Status Icon
Threads use postbit as per the forums
Thread Author with avatar and time that the thread was started
Last reply with avatar, username and time that the last reply was posted
Post New Thread Button
Groups Members can create threads
Newest Members
Shows five newest members
Link to view all members
Shows all members of the group
Group Options
Users can join/leave groups
PM Notification for group leaders upon join requests (when moderation enabled).
PM Notification for of acceptance or refusal.
Users can send invites to other users via PM
Groups Thread
Groups Info Box (see above for more info)
Group Description box (see above for more info)
Newest Members List (see above for more info)
List of groups posts using forums postbit
Pagination using native vBulletin pagination
Group Leader/Moderation Options
Open/Close Thread
Stick Thread
Delete Thread
Users have the ability to report posts
Moderators have the ability to view IP and host.
Group Leader Options
Groups Management
Reason for editing box
Group Options
Private Posts
Only group leader can make threads
Moderate Members
Show group text edit details
Hide group image on group pages
Hidden Group
This option is only available to admins
Group Members Moderation
Ability to accept or deny new members
Postbit Integration
View Users Groups
User Control Panel (Integration)
List of groups appears in usercp in order of the last post
Administrator Options
vBulletin Options
Turn groups on or off
Groups Limit Per User
Posts Per Page (threads)
Check Forum Activity Posts
Check Forum Activity Time
Number of Random Images
Turn email notification of new groups on/off
Usergroup Options
Can view groups
Can create groups
Can join groups
Can post messages in groups
Can edit messages in groups
Can delete messages posted in groups
Numbers of groups usergroup can join limited
Can moderate groups
See above for more info
Can view IP Addresses
Category Editor
Edit cat id (please not this can ef up your show)
Edit cat title
Edit cat description
New Cat Title And Description
Groups Editor
Search for group by id
Group leader id
Private Posts
Moderate Members
Hidden group
Special Thanks to harry1951, without his help testing and his recommendations, this would've never ended up the way it did.
Honestly, i can't think of anything else, if you appreciate the work gone into this mod, please donate (in GBP) (right click open in new window)
Hopefully you all appreciate that i just relaunched my site and rather than soak up the atmosphere there or go out drinking i came to release this tonight.
Screens below, rest to your right
Please note this mod does work with 3.5.x
Bug Fixes
Groups v2.0.0 fix regarding incorrect table prefixes in index.php and editpost.php
Groups v2.0.0 fix regarding incorrect table prefixes in functions_grps.php and class_grps.php. also fix regarding installation instructions.
Groups v2.0.0 fix regarding inability to get to create groups page. updated simplified instructions, sadly still not cool html ones and also added ability to delete groups, delete categories and of course the menu options to get to these.
Groups v2.0.0 fix regarding edit being stated as 70's on group stages, requires re-installtion of the plugin only.
Groups v2.0.0 various bug fixes and new general setting, please reupload all files and then reinstall the product.
Groups v2.0.0 bug fixes regarding fixing links to forums being broken and forcing redirects for create group outcomes.
Groups v2.0.0 various bug fixes including table prefixes in admincp, invitations system now features in-line erroneous username fall-back and clean up regarding broken images in viewthread.php
Groups v2.0.0 bug fixes including missing phrases and missing 'noavatar.gif for group leader on groups info.
Groups v2.0.0 various bug fixes including missing phrases, smilies not working. new function to turn of new group moderation. form now working on print_no_permission page (thanks Adrian) and something else i forgot.
Groups v2.0.0 fixes two spelling mistakes, moves viewthread.php string_replacements to admincp and simplifies the installer experience. (yeah i thought there'd be more to it too).
Groups v2.0.0 re-fixes two spelling mistakes, fixes a viewthread.php string_replacement via the admincp and turns the default random image count down to that of which is provided.
Groups v2.0.0 optimises some of the code, cuts down on queries in exchange for additional joins and now forces compatibility in groups/viewthread.php with vBulletin options. also adds new option in admincp in order to make usercp listing work better out of the box.
Groups v2.0.0 fixes a problem with avatars not displaying correctly in thread listing and also optimises the code in membership.php
Groups adds and array_merge to the code and smilie popup fixed. now features hooks for plug-in 'easability'. uCS integration moved to external plugin too.
Groups removes one hook, fixes problem with membership.php, fixes problem editgroup.php not remembering options and fixes avatar problem.
Groups various bug fixes (like missing pagenavs, more elegant removal of reputation button and infraction button and php notices), one or two new features (like intuitive page titles) and now fully phrased.
Groups bug fix regarding now being able to select categories. includes a new feature which is basically pagination for the thread listings.
Groups bug fix regarding not being able to moderate group memberships.
Groups bug fix regarding those introduced via 2.0.4, new features such as double post prevention disable, admins can override privacy settings, usergroup permission text more intuitive and end-user usability increased with modification to threadbit on groups.php. group leaders can now kick users from there groups.
Groups bug fix including report, missing edit button and other misc small bugs, new features such as disable hidden groups, allow mods to see private groups, and resign from group handing off to another user.
Groups bug fix including fixing post counts, thread goto's and fatal php errors.
Groups bug fix regarding inability to delete posts, problem with editing posts and other misc errors.
Groups various bug fixes including wywiwyg error, admin cp error and redirect/goto errors.
Groups fixes problem with upgrade4.php
Groups various bug fixes including acknowledging renamed modcp and admincp dir's also adds option regarding removing of posts at group exit/kick.
Groups various bug fixes including security/privacy fixes.
Groups permission bug fixed.
Groups various bug fixes including ability to ignore members in groups and newreply bug.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
sabret00the, i have a small issue with editing posts in the groups. When the edit form shows up the name of the group is shown as a default value in the post title input field, instead of the title of the actual post. Have I messed up something in my templates or this a bug?
and your bburl is set in the admincp correct? (i apologise for the question, but it has to be asked).
Yes, i figured out the problem. The default vBulletin skin worked fine because the images were listed as the full path (using the BBUrl) and so were the links.
The template I was using, the customised links and images were simply sourced to images/...
I added two replacement variables, modified the style CSS and it works a treat. As I said, probably something simple I missed >.<
"Preview Post" still doesn't work right. I posted something with a quote, and it only showed through the end of the quote and no more. I also noticed that the title it showed was some random title from a forum thread. I also have the problem that is shows the forum description of one of my private forums when reporting a thread. Can you please look into this, and if you can't replicate it, please accept my offer of a login to my site so you can see what I am talking about??
BIG problem -- it seems that the group leader can assign ANYONE as the new group leader, regardless of their permissions. For instance, I have a usergroup that can start and join groups and another usergroup that can only join groups. However, the ones who can only join groups are listed in the drop down as options to turn the group leadership over to, and that is bad because my members pay to be able to lead groups -- I can't have it so someone with starting permissions can start them then just start turning them over to users who aren't supposed to be able to start them.
There is also the issue of what happens to a user when their usergroup changes to no longer allow them group permissions -- has this been addressed at all yet? Right now, if they change to a usergroup with no group permissions, but are members of a group, their group membership remains, and that needs to change as well.
sabret00the, i have a small issue with editing posts in the groups. When the edit form shows up the name of the group is shown as a default value in the post title input field, instead of the title of the actual post. Have I messed up something in my templates or this a bug?
Yes, i figured out the problem. The default vBulletin skin worked fine because the images were listed as the full path (using the BBUrl) and so were the links.
The template I was using, the customised links and images were simply sourced to images/...
I added two replacement variables, modified the style CSS and it works a treat. As I said, probably something simple I missed >.<
"Preview Post" still doesn't work right. I posted something with a quote, and it only showed through the end of the quote and no more. I also noticed that the title it showed was some random title from a forum thread. I also have the problem that is shows the forum description of one of my private forums when reporting a thread. Can you please look into this, and if you can't replicate it, please accept my offer of a login to my site so you can see what I am talking about??
are both of these happening on your php 5 board. i must confess i don't get the quote problem you're referring to. can you please use screenshots to explain better i'm at a loss. btw if your board is running php5 then please feel free to set me up an account and i'll take a look.