Version: 1.05, by cheesegrits
Developer Last Online: Nov 2011
Category: Forum Display Enhancements -
Version: 3.6.4
Released: 12-18-2006
Last Update: 01-06-2007
Installs: 93
Uses Plugins
Additional Files
No support by the author.
The Encheferizer
Product: Encheferizer 1.05 Author: Hugh Messenger (cheesegrits) Support: On this thread only Tested on: vBulletin 3.6.0 through 3.6.4 Average Install Time: 30 seconds
Do you have some troublesome users you want to punish but don't want to ban them just yet? Or maybe play a practical joke on some of your users? Or just have some good old fashioned Swedish Chef Fun? Then this is the mod for you.
What it Does
Displays all posts from a configurable list of UserID's and / or in ForumID's in "mock swedish". You don't have to have seen the Swedish Chef from the Muppet Show, but it sure would make a lot more sense if you have, Bork Bork Bork!
Individual encheferized users see their posts as usual:
Encheferized forums are "translated" in entirety - posts, titles, descriptions and all. Encheferized posts are NOT altered in the database, they are encheferized on the fly during template evaluation. So when you've had your fun, you just remove ID's from the list and things will go back to normal.
There are some options to control how victims see their own and other victims posts, see the ACP Encheferizer options for details (under the main vBulletin settings list). As of v1.03, the Encheferizer supports bbcode, smilies, IMG's and URL's.
Good question. Well, apart from just being funny as all get out, I wrote this for a friend who has some very persistant troublemakers on his forum. It turns out that Encheferization is a remarkably good tool for controlling Bad Boyz & Gurlz. It has a way of focusing peer pressure, creates much confusion amongst the Encheferized, and much hilarity for everyone else. Best of all, it renders the Encheferized unable to properly vent their spleen - after all, who can take threats of violence and foul language seriously when it is rendered in mock swedish?
And of course, having an enchererized forum on your board is just good old fashioned family fun!
Copy bb_encheferizer.php to ./includes in your forum root.
Import the product XML from your ACP Product Manager.
Don't forget to hit the install button on this page. No, I'm not bucking for HOTM, I just want to be able to let you know about any updates!
Find the Encheferizer under the vBulletin Settings menu in your ACP.
Enter a comma separated list of userids and/or forumids you want to encheferize.
Light blue touch paper and stand well clear.
Copy the new bb_encheferizer.php to your forum ./includes folder. If you are upgrading from 1.02 or earlier delete the old encheferizer.php.
Re-import the product XML, remembering to set Overwrite to Yes.
Uninstall the product from the ACP Product Manager.
Delete the ./includes/encheferizer.php and/or bb_encheferizer.php file(s).
Change History
1.05 Fixed forum description and guest posting bugs.
1.04 Fixed post caching bug. Fixed PM title bug (thanks Adrian). Improved bbcode support to prevent "[escaping the chef]".
1.03 Added support for bbcode, smilies, IMG's and URL's.
1.02 Added forum encheferization and "Victims See As" options.
1.01 Changed version and ZIP numbering to match vborg version checking.
1.0.1 Added thread and post title encheferizing, input validation on userid list
1.0.0 Original release
Major props to Erik Bakker for the original encheferizer.php port.
Thanks to SirAdrian for putting up with my dumb questions.
Looking for a couple of volunteers to test 1.07, which adds the Usergroup ID list, as requested by several folk, who had the bright idea of being able to tie the Encheferizer to an "infractions group".
So 1.07 adds "Group ID(s)" to the ACP options. If you specify one or more groups, ALL POSTS (and forum names, titles, descriptions, etc) on the ENTIRE site will be encheferized for those users.
I've tested on a couple of boards, seems to work OK, but I'd like a couple of other folk to try it before I release.
I just installed this and plan to unleash it on my forum on April Fool's Day. Oh, the pandemonium that will ensue...
Two things I would love to see though: it would be nice if there was an option to allow a user to turn it off when they get tired of it. And wouldn't it be great if it temporarily changed the affected user's avatar to an image of the Swedish Chef? Cheesegrits, if you're still developing this mod, please consider adding those features. And thank you so much for a great mod! My members will be in stitches:up:
Oh, but that's where the fun is! I wish I could point you at some of the threads where the victims are trying to work out what is going on, and everyone else is just having a fine old time. But I don't want to publish those links without explicit permission from the admins running those boards. All I can tell you is that some of the threads have reduced grown admins to tears of helpless laughter.
Yes, it does cause quite a commotion for a little while, but a) watching the victims curse and threaten and generally go ape sh*t in Swedish Chef speak is just too funny for words, and b) you can turn it off any time, and let the victims know that if they annoy you again, they'll get encheferized again, or booted.
Basically, the reason I wrote this was as a last resort before having to ban trouble makers. As I said in the release ntoes, encheferizing has a way of bringing peer pressure to bear on trouble makers. You don't even have to say a word - your members will eventuall work out what's going on. It worked on Usenet 15 years ago, and it seems to work on bulletin boards now.
-- hugh
Your the best!
Indeed this has just been added.. and I do recall Usenet
I just installed this and plan to unleash it on my forum on April Fool's Day. Oh, the pandemonium that will ensue...
Two things I would love to see though: it would be nice if there was an option to allow a user to turn it off when they get tired of it. And wouldn't it be great if it temporarily changed the affected user's avatar to an image of the Swedish Chef? Cheesegrits, if you're still developing this mod, please consider adding those features. And thank you so much for a great mod! My members will be in stitches:up:
You'll actually be able to do this with the new update of the chef. One of the changes is a "per usergroup" function. You can simply make that usergroup's avatar the Chef.