Download the product-itemstats.xml, vb_itemstats.php and ''.
Unzip to your forum-root (ie, and follow the basic setup instructions in doc/config.txt.
Copy vb_itemstats.php into your itemstats-folder.
Paste the following two lines into the bottom of your headinclude-template
Lastly, upload the product-itemstats.xml into your product manager, and you should be all set.
Link items with [item]Item name[/item].
The first time the item is loaded might take some time, as it fetches info from From then on it will be cached in the database, and should load instantly.
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Have gotten Yahourt's Itemstats up and running. Sort of.
The script shows items perfectly when the user inputs the correct Blizzard Item ID Number, but will not display any information when the user only inputs the name of the item. So, if a user inputs [item]Fel Ripper[/item], a tooltip is NOT created with the proper information. If the user enters [item]25112[/item], the tooltip is created properly for the Fel Ripper.
Any advice on how to get this to work with names, as I highly doubt my users are going to take the time or effort to look up the correct Blizzard Item ID Number.
Anyone have any advice on this issue? I'd greatly appreciate it!
Hmm..can get it to work on my index.php, but not on my vb.
The only item that works is Copper Ore..the rest wont not joking! Copper Ore, works a charm. REally nice. You edit the post and change ''ore'' to ''bar'' and it just dont like it. Clickable plain black text.
ok i got this to work on Vb but is there any option i need to change to have it update instanly? the items dont seem to show up on the posts ofr a few days after the post.. any ideas?
This mod that Sparkz had posted nearly two years ago is 100% out-of-date and DOES NOT display any of the items post patch 2.0.x.
If you want an updated version of Itemstats, please go to . Here you will find two .rar files that you need to download and implement into your site. Follow the directions and you should be fine. If you have any issues, contact their support.
I've attempted to install this, but when it's (presumably) trying to fetch info for each item I get the following error:
Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when in safe_mode or an open_basedir is set in /itemstats/includes/urlreader.php on line 13
Can anyone shed some light on this?
Edit: I was close to getting working, but It seemed that every single Item I had to click on before it would fetch that info from alakazam. Is that normal behaviour? Is there any way to simply mass import all the info at once?
If I'm making no sense I apologise, been trying to figure this out for hours now
It has to cache the data into your database first. There is no way to mass import all of the data. After it has been cached, that item will no longer take any time to load.
This mod that Sparkz had posted nearly two years ago is 100% out-of-date and DOES NOT display any of the items post patch 2.0.x.
If you want an updated version of Itemstats, please go to . Here you will find two .rar files that you need to download and implement into your site. Follow the directions and you should be fine. If you have any issues, contact their support.
Shane, thank you for posting this link. I upgraded my forum to the newer 1.5.5 version to see if it would help with the sockets displaying properly. (getting broken image boxes.)
I checked the FAQ and then found someone had posted a comment of how to resolved this. I tried their line revisions, but they didn't work for me.
Anyone else out there having this issue with sockets giving broken images in the mouse over?
EDIT: I found this fix for broken socket images on the EQDKP site: