The good days He conned a lot of people out of a lot of money Smoothie, kinda a figure of hate nowadays. Xenon I lost my ICQ # so i can't speak with you anymore
Yea, I read some stuff on that on the web, somewhere. Too bad, the guy had some serious talent.
The good days He conned a lot of people out of a lot of money Smoothie, kinda a figure of hate nowadays. Xenon I lost my ICQ # so i can't speak with you anymore
The good days He conned a lot of people out of a lot of money Smoothie, kinda a figure of hate nowadays. Xenon I lost my ICQ # so i can't speak with you anymore
IIRC it was due to taking on more work then he could handle at one time wasn't it? Honestly I'm not sure as I never paid anyone to do a style for me. He had talent although I always thought his styles were far too image heavy.