Version: 1.00, by Xoligy
Developer Last Online: Mar 2013
Category: Miscellaneous Hacks -
Version: 3.6.4
Released: 12-11-2006
Last Update: 01-09-2007
Installs: 75
Uses Plugins
No support by the author.
The Quick style chooser relies on sessions rather than updating the actual user's settings. This means when you want to see what skin a user is using, it's usually not correct. Since most users tend to change skins using just the Quick Style Chooser, this plug-in updates their settings to match it. It's specifically for use with my skin view plug-in, but also could be handy for other forums. Simply install it using the product manager.
Note: This will not update a user's settings until they re-visit your forums. It is also said to fix issues with psiStats giving inaccurate results.
Update: This now lets users easily reset their options back to the default style.
You're free to do what you like with this code, although credit is appreciated, it's not required.
May I make a feature request? I have a mobile style/skin that some users access from their smart phone/PDA. When they get back to their PC now though, as a result of this hack, they find themselves in that mobile style. I've suggested they update their bookmarks to accomodate (adding a "?styleid=25" suffix, which brings them back to the default skin) but obviously that's not ideal.
So what I'm thinking is, maybe there'd be a way to allow some styles to be excluded from this behavior? If a user chooses "mobile," for example it wouldn't auto-update their style prefs?
May I make a feature request? I have a mobile style/skin that some users access from their smart phone/PDA. When they get back to their PC now though, as a result of this hack, they find themselves in that mobile style. I've suggested they update their bookmarks to accomodate (adding a "?styleid=25" suffix, which brings them back to the default skin) but obviously that's not ideal.
So what I'm thinking is, maybe there'd be a way to allow some styles to be excluded from this behavior? If a user chooses "mobile," for example it wouldn't auto-update their style prefs?
Is that PDA skin available at all? A few people on a forum I visit have been asking for one.
I'll add an option, but for now you can just edit the fetch_userinfo hook and change:
Bison and co. I'll check it out, but I'm unable to recreate it. Try disabling all other plug-ins and tell me if it still happens. If it does, then I'll PM you to find out more information about the exact set-up. Is it changing everyone's style to the same when someone uses this plug-in, or does it change someone's theme randomly when they visit.
And while we're on the subject, here's a new hack that promises to detect when a mobile device connects to your site and allow you to override the default style/skin with one you specify:
Is it changing everyone's style to the same when someone uses this plug-in, or does it change someone's theme randomly when they visit.
It seems to mostly, though not always, change people to a random skin (not what they have previously chosen) when they log in to the board. It not all the same, it's random ones. And sometimes people report that it just changes mid visit. I'll try the new plugin Thanks for looking into this!
It is a random occurrence for each user, the forum I help at was getting reports of users styles changing randomly after posting/refreshing/editing/ect.
Edit: We have tried the version posted here and ended up with the same problems.
Bison and co. I'll check it out, but I'm unable to recreate it. Try disabling all other plug-ins and tell me if it still happens. If it does, then I'll PM you to find out more information about the exact set-up. Is it changing everyone's style to the same when someone uses this plug-in, or does it change someone's theme randomly when they visit.
EDIT: Try this and see if it fixes the problem.
Originally Posted by Sadie Frost
It seems to mostly, though not always, change people to a random skin (not what they have previously chosen) when they log in to the board. It not all the same, it's random ones. And sometimes people report that it just changes mid visit. I'll try the new plugin Thanks for looking into this!
Sadie, did you have success with the new plugin? I ask because I came here to report similar issues; users are reporting random, unexpected style changes. I was thinking perhaps it had something to do with this plugin. Just wanted to get feedback from you regarding Xoligy's fix attempt before I installed it myself.