Version: 1.00, by Jd19
Developer Last Online: May 2013
Category: Statistics Modifications -
Version: 3.6.3
Released: 11-20-2006
Last Update: Never
Installs: 194
No support by the author.
vB Weekly Stats - Display and email weekly forum stats
Version: 1.7
A plugin that will display and email weekly statistics for the vBulletin forum software. The project was spurred from a project that a fellow forum member was working on which got me thinking about a better way to monitor what was going on. This allows me to keep up with statistics very easily and monitor the progression my forum is making.
Fixed major bug in Email Plugin - All emails sent from forum now function correctly.
Version 1.4 - 1.5 by Bolas - Thank you!
Now Uses vB method to send email
Hooks change on-the-fly the Content-Type
Version 1.3 - 1.4
Corrected Link in newly registered members display
Version 1.2 - 1.3
Added Previous Week and 2 Weeks Ago to weekly display.
Removed User Requests, requests are removed after they are completed so the actual number is always 0 (unless you never complete them).
Modified cron job to run 15 minutes before 12:00 which will prevent the email being filled with 0 values.
Added post number to newly registered users this week (in brackets beside name).
Aligned newly registered users in a table to conserve space.
Version 1.1 - 1.2
-- Changes by TkTech
(None) tags instead of mis-drecting links when no threads found
Version 1.0 - 1.1
Added all registered users names for week using Javascript.
Changed Display, grouped common seciotns
Added Most Replied and viewed thread created this week.
Fixed Title - CodeCall isn't hard coded any longer
Changed wording of Activity Number
This software is in the version control system of If you would like to contribute, please join this forum and become a member. All suggests are greatly welcome!
Install (after you unzip)
1. Upload all files in the upload directory to the root of your forum directory (where index.php is).
2. Login to the admin control panel
3. Goto Plugins & Products and click on Manage Products
4. Click on Add/Import Product
5. Browse to the directory of Weekly Stats and Select Weekly-Stats.xml
The cron job is scheduled to run every Sunday at 11:59 which will deliever stats to your email
Support will be given at only. New releases will appear there first before they are updated here. Create a post at this URL for installation problems, bugs or suggestions. I will not be checking this thread very often.
Sorry for not fixing this bug sooner or responding to this thread at all. As I said, I rarely check this forum.
Originally Posted by skoenig
Fixed in v1.5
This is not an official fix and may not work for you. This is a general purpose fix for all HTML emails sent through Vb and has been tested on vB v3.6.2 with PHP 5xx
1. Go to the Plugin Manager
2. Search down to Product: Weekly Stats
3. Click: replace Content-Type with text/html in headers
4. Replace contents with:
PHP Code:
if (stristr($message,'<HTML>')){
$headers = str_replace('text/plain','text/html',$headers);
This patch searches the message body for <HTML>. If it finds it it then replaces the content type with the content type for HTML emails. It's not bullet proof and can be fooled but for most people it should work fine.
If you want a bullet proof solution specifically for Weekly Stats the following should work:
PHP Code:
$headers = str_replace('text/plain','text/html',$headers);
This can be made more efficient using the stripos() function to return as soon as the fist occurrence of the string in etiher case is found.
I've also modded the original install with the primary general purpose fix above for those who want it.
This is not endorsed nor approved by the original authors but here for those who may need it. All the other usual disclaimers apply.
~ Steph
Thanks for the update. I'm going to rename this to version 1.6 and release it and credit the update to you. If you are interested you can join the official project on my forum and I'll add you as an modifier here.
Thanks for the offer. I'd love to help out but I got RealLife(tm) commitments that sadly get in the way of the fun stuff. I'll gladly help out when and if I can just can't guarantee anything... Put me as a mod here if you'd like and I'll check in every now and then at the very least increase coverage a bit.
So all and all is this now running on 3.6.4 ok? No more buggie's? I've been watching this thread and it seems as though allot of the issues are worked out anyone care to chime in on it?
This is working OK on my board but when i run the scheduled task manually from within admin I get the following message, Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 503 5.5.2 Need Rcpt command. in \includes\cron\weeklystats.php on line 320