Version: 1.0, by Alan @ CIT
Developer Last Online: Apr 2012
Category: Moderators Functions -
Version: 3.6.0 Beta 2
Released: 06-17-2006
Last Update: 06-17-2006
Installs: 97
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
PM Moderation
Version 1.0
PM Moderation does exactly what it says on the tin! It allows you to moderate your members Private Messages before they are sent.
Ever had a new member sign up and do nothing but spam your members with Private Messages inviting them to leave your forum and join theirs? Or perhaps you've got 1 particular user who constantly sends abusive Private Messages to your other members? If so, then PM Moderation is the idea solution!
PM Moderation contains many handy features to make your life as a forum Adminstrator or Moderator easier. These include
Integrates fully with vBulletin 3.6.0 Beta 2!
Fully Usergroup Controlled
Moderate ALL Private Messages for a Particular Usergroup or...
Moderate Private Messages that have certain Keywords in them!
Simple Usergorup Permission for deciding who can Moderate Private Messages
Integrated within the existing Private Messaging Options in the AdminCP
Moderate Private Messages directly from within the ModCP and AdminCP
Fully Phrased
... and much more!
Please see the manual.html in the zip for a full Installation and Configuration guide
PM Moderation was written by Alan @ CIT. The original idea came from Floris with the Keyword idea coming from an anonymous person. Thanks goes to everyone who helped test this modification before it was released, and in particular peterska2 who did a ton of Beta testing, and fixed countless bugs in my dodgy code
Important: Unfortunately, my leased vBulletin licence has now expired, and I won't be renewing it until September which means I will be unable to reply to this thread, or update this mod until then. I'm hopeful that the great community will step in to answer any questions in my absence though See you all in early September!
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is NOT the place to discuss the rights and wrongs of monitoring users Private Messages. That topic has been discussed to death many times before, but if you really feel the need to discuss it, please do so in The Lounge, not in this thread. Thank you
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No options appear under "Private Message Permissions" ?
It installed fine with no errors but the options are not there?
I own the forum and am set as Adminstrator.
I tried re-installing..but still no go.
Is there anything I can check?
Last edited by mistyPotato : Today at 13:55.
Never Mind....I got it....I just didn't do it right is all.
There are 4 files that need to be integrated. For whatever reason (my fault) these files did not end up in the correct places. The files can't just be "dumped" into the general "Php" folder for the forum.
Some of the files have to go into the XML folder under the adminCD folder for example.
When I unzipped the folder to the desktop and then explored the folders and sub folders according to the original file/folder locations, that's when I saw what I needed to do.