Originally Posted by dooch
Ok, here's my opinion.
I really like the subject matter. Something which lots of ppl can rant and rave about. I rent 2 game servers so I know the score.
Hehe, then maybe you wouldn't mind becoming a members
Originally Posted by dooch
So thats a great basis for a forum, however... 1st impressions to me is thats its very bland and not geared towards the gaming community. How about some nice glossy photoshoped images for the header... ie quake / c/strike / BF2 / WoW characters behind the .com name.
Good idea, I will work on this tonight, nothing too crazy tho.
Originally Posted by dooch
Maybe use a hack to make the icons different for each section. It needs livening up.
Hmmm, not too crazy about this idea. I see what you mean but I am a minimalist in some aspects of designing, I try to keep things key and to the point. Bland maybe...but pointless never

Originally Posted by dooch
Obviously the forums are very dead so you need to get advertising / spamming. If this was to take off then you may get some interest from the big game hosts for a bit of advertising.
True, but I just opened the forums, in some aspects its not fully opened because I haven't done any advertising or really asked any of my buddies to join up. Hope to get it up there soon.
Originally Posted by dooch
Also I cant tell whether this is a EU UK US, whatever based website. So someone could write a review on say Multiplay.co.uk which would be pretty useless if the website is for the US.
It's for all companies, why limit it to the US, that is sort of a ignorant thing to do. This is for all companies no matter where.
Originally Posted by dooch
Great potential, good idea. Needs tarting up, maybe a sexier template. Needs advertising or users. Maybe spam your own board in the beginning with spoof users, use the fake stats hack and make it look a little bit more alive. Also, dont start a forum off with too many categories.. its spreads the content too thin. This can always be sorted again later when the board is a little bit more busy. Also concider the use of a portal such as vbadvanced for a news page etc. This is what I have done.
Hope this helped.
I considered vBAdvanced then I thought no because I am sick of it. I really like just the forums coming and diving right into the meat of things. The amount of categories is set so that people know where things go, I like to keep things a bit organized.