Nominations will be accepted until the 31st of December. Also, please note, that the current voting thread for BOTM December will remain open as well until the 31st of December.
When nominating please post the site name, URL to the forum, a short description what makes your board stand out from default vBulletin, and a reason for nomination that will motivate others to second the nomination. If the staff feels that a nomination post is too promotional it will be edited accordingly.
Any sites without a name, URL, description and reason for nomination will NOT be entered into the poll. Please ensure that your nomination is in the format:
Originally Posted by Sample Nomination
Site Name: - this must be clickable Description: Official vBulletin Modifications Site Reason for Nomination: Not Nominated. This is an example nomination.
When seconding sites, please ensure that you use the same post for the maximim of 3 allowed seconds. Any seconds not located in your first seconding post will not be counted. Please also ensure that you include the site name or URL for the site you are seconding in your post. If there is no name or URL provided then the post will be ignored when the nominations are counted.
Best of luck to all nominees!
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Here is my site
Site Name: PDAVIET URL: Description: The best site for PDA Software. Reason for Nomination: You can download all the software needed for your PDA.
Site Name: Todd and Tyler Unauthorized! URL: Description: The official unofficial site of the syndicated Todd and Tyler show. Reason for Nomination: Customized style with matching zoints profile style. Custom "Yet Another Great Band Name" mod that manages "great band names" mentioned on the t&t show, and randomly displays them. Custom podcast player on the vBadvanced CMPS page that displays which podcast is available that day.
This is the best looking site
Site Name: Age of Anitquity
Description: Templates and more!
Reason for nomination: This is professionally done.
Site Name: Poetry in Color Forum
URL: http://JPiCForum.infoDescription: Poetry, Essays, Shortstories, Creative Non-fiction, Book Reviews & more. JPiC Forum For Writers: We celebrate diversity with the typed word...
Reason for Nomination: Very nice community with very friendly and talented members. Very colorful and nice to look at.
Description: MPC is a community of parents and parents-to-be that offer tons of resources, articles, recipes, games & contests, blogs, messages boards and so much more!
Reason for Nomination: This is a small community with a big heart! I think we stand out above the rest because we make it our personal goal to help anyone involved with kids to be a better parent or guardian to a child. We offer support, advice and a daily escape to refresh and regroup so that they can go back to their families and be the best parent they can be!
Site Name: URL: Description: The premier trumpet site on the web! Reason for Nomination: About 6 months ago we made the switch from phpbb to VB and we will never look back. We have put alot of effort into customizing our vbulletin the best we can with a custom skin and other additions including vbadvanced CMPS, photopost classifieds, and vbadvanced Links. We are constantly trying to improve the site to be the best on the web for trumpet players! Thanks alot!
Site Name: URL: Description: The premier trumpet site on the web! Reason for Nomination: About 6 months ago we made the switch from phpbb to VB and we will never look back. We have put alot of effort into customizing our vbulletin the best we can with a custom skin and other additions including vbadvanced CMPS, photopost classifieds, and vbadvanced Links. We are constantly trying to improve the site to be the best on the web for trumpet players! Thanks alot!
EXCELLENT site! Love the skin, good content, nicely laid out.
I'll second!
Site Name: TalkHTTP URL: Description: TalkHttp is a webmaster discussion forum where you can gather with fellow webmasters and meet all types of site owners. Sell, Buy, Trade your wares, and more! Reason for Nomination: It's been open since July, and has made me proud to be an administrator there. Also, I think it can do well in it's first contest.