[high]* Paul M starts modifying all his mods to say Paul-M's xxxx ......
Generally I don't notice it, but some people (recently) do seem to go OTT to the point of annoyance - but that's up to them, I don't see what actual harm it does.
[high]* Paul M starts modifying all his mods to say Paul-M's xxxx ......
Generally I don't notice it, but some people (recently) do seem to go OTT to the point of annoyance - but that's up to them, I don't see what actual harm it does.
^ Exactly! That's what I'm saying....
Don't get me wrong, There are some fine hacks out there. If Kerry or Paul branded their hacks I would still use them but it would look funny having "Paul M's Guest visits today" and "Paul M's who posted" and I don't know how many others on my site...
With 58 releases from Paul M and 70 from me, it would look very odd inded. There's others with a fair few releases too.
In fact, in counting the releases there, I noticed that there is only one out of the 128 releases from us both combined which is prefixed with a username and thats my Christmas style I made last year for 3.5.x which IIRC was simply because I couldn't think of a name for it.
I would still use them but it would look funny having "Paul M's Guest visits today" and "Paul M's who posted" and I don't know how many others on my site...
Fortunately (for all of us) that's never going to be a problem.
Branding is fine, hell I do it all the time but not everything needs to titled with a brand: "Brand's blog"; "Brand's network"; "Brand's addon"..... and have every other word in the hack say your Brand name...... "Brand Message!"
Give it a title according to what it does. Add your copyright etc. to the footer.... But naming every single hack after your brand is old and now there are more and more doing it...
Honestly, we aren't allowed to sell our goods here so why are we allowed to brand our hacks and then when people are hooked we discontinue service and move our brand off site.
Preventive maintaince, nip it in the but before it's a problem....
call me an ass for speaking up but it seems to me people are taking advantage and it needs to stop. if it's a portal, blog, or a hack call it what it is.... leave the branding for the copyright and other items.
Or, just act like cattle and do what everyone else does...
Its what the community has become. Come learn everything you can keep it to yourself in private. Release a lite version, get people hooked. end production cylce and release as a paid mod.
Its what the community has become. Come learn everything you can keep it to yourself in private. Release a lite version, get people hooked. end production cylce and release as a paid mod.
Even the paid mods fizzle out now. And after they stop supporting the premium mod everyone paid for, nobody else wants to touch it.
Branding is fine, hell I do it all the time but not everything needs to titled with a brand: "Brand's blog"; "Brand's network"; "Brand's addon"..... and have every other word in the hack say your Brand name...... "Brand Message!"
Give it a title according to what it does. Add your copyright etc. to the footer.... But naming every single hack after your brand is old and now there are more and more doing it...
I dont see that you have anything to complain about, If you write your own hack feel free to call it whatever you want but you must give the other hack writers the same freedom. They invest the time then release it here free and you have the cheek to complain about how they title the hacks gosh if you dont like it make your own