Version: 2.0, by Dream
Developer Last Online: Sep 2010
Category: Chat Modifications -
Version: 3.6.8
Released: 11-06-2006
Last Update: 08-13-2007
Installs: 381
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Re-useable Code Additional Files
No support by the author.
This adds a simple Chatbox in your forum home page for your members to chat.
The Chatbox is like a thread, members leave small messages in it for others to see. Think of it as an off-topic thread that never ends. The Chatbox can also help keep chatting out of the threads.
This mod is light on the server, uses little server resources to work. The default refresh rate is set to 5 minutes. You can disable automatic refreshing entirely in the options.
What's the refresh rate? The chatbox updates the messages shown every given seconds, that's the refresh rate. It sends a request to the server asking for new messages every X seconds, that you choose in the options.
Warning: If you set your refresh rate to 10 seconds this mod stops being so server friendly. You can do it, but be sure your server can handle it.
- Ajax (no page refreshes)
- Pages
- Set refresh rate in seconds
- Hide Chatbox contents from certain user groups
- Set user groups that can't send messages but can view chatbox
- Moderator user groups that can delete messages
- Disable auto refresh for guests
- Prune messages by user ID, user name, days old or all
- Enable/disable smilies, bbcode and [ img ]
- Automatic URL parsing
- Users can delete their own messages
- Smilies popup with all smilies you can use in messages
- Who's Online Support
- Show message dates or not
- User names linked and colored with their user group colors
- Banned Users
- Hide refresh button
- /me code
- Optional message colors
- Bunch of options in the Admin Control Panel
This mod is now final. It has all the features I think a chatbox should have, so I won't be adding more features to it. Anyone has my permission to use this as a base for another mod. It will still be updated for bugs though.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
I have two stupid questions as someone who is very illiterate with computers. First, how do you delete some of the chat logs? I would like to keep mine between 3 and 5 pages. The other, is there a way for an auto-refresh? Any help is greatly appreciated, and excellent work on this program.
I have two stupid questions as someone who is very illiterate with computers. First, how do you delete some of the chat logs? I would like to keep mine between 3 and 5 pages. The other, is there a way for an auto-refresh? Any help is greatly appreciated, and excellent work on this program.
I am not the coder of this, but I do use it.
Click on the x next to the user on the posts you want to delete.
There is a setting in the chatbox.php file that allows you to set the time in sec. before it refreshes the chatbox. If I remember it is set to 300 seconds.
Thanks scan-pa. I got the refresh and manual delete down.
Is there a way for it to delete automatically after either so many messages, pages, or time? If not, is there a way to mass delete? I ran it for about 24 hours, and 30 pages it seems that could be a problem. While I'm not really worried about space on my server, I don't want a log that goes on forever. Any thoughts? Thanks guys.
Thanks scan-pa. I got the refresh and manual delete down.
Is there a way for it to delete automatically after either so many messages, pages, or time? If not, is there a way to mass delete? I ran it for about 24 hours, and 30 pages it seems that could be a problem. While I'm not really worried about space on my server, I don't want a log that goes on forever. Any thoughts? Thanks guys.
Right now there isn't a way unless you code it, sorry. I plan on making Admin Control Panel options for this with mass pruning. I'll keep your idea in mind to add mass pruning by date, page etc. There's no problem for the chatbox to keep lots of pages. I'm a little busy lately though, so if anyone wanna code this be my guest.
Everybody that loads the index will now be shown at the chatbox at who is online, how can I change that?
Unknown Location
Ok, this mod is sucking too much ressources - uninstalled.
With a simple wget cronjob set up that creates a static html file everything works fine now, I'd really recommend everybody doing that - especially on high loaded index pages.