This mod will enable your users to publish YouTube or Google videos on your forum. It's managable via the adminpanel and the script will automaticly download the titles of the videos from YouTube or Google Video and store it in the database so it will get the videos indexed verry well and it's fast.
Some of the features:
Custom tagnames, manageable from the adminpanel
Automatic Video Title retrieval, with optional support for Lib Curl and user-simulated video title retrieval
Custom editor icons, managable from the adminpanel
Template based Google or YouTube video output
Support for local Google Video servers, to make your site local
Phrases for all text so it has support for multi-lingual forums
Optional, extend all links within the video with rel="nofollow", customizable seperately for YouTube or Google Video
Custom Video titles via tag option ([googlevideo="Video Title"]...[/googlevideo])
Ability to configure usergroups that have access to delete videos.
Import the XML product
Upload the attached icon images (or use your own)
Default is:
Open htaccess.txt, configure it (replace yourdomain with your domain), save it as .htaccess and upload it to the root of your forum
Run the included installer
The installer will also upgrade previous instalations
Bug: when you run the installer more then once, multiple of the same indexes are created. I haven't found a way yet to prevent this. I have posted some messages on MySQL forums to find an answere and will then upgrade the installer. For now it is adviced to run the installer just once and for upgrades it is adviced to check the PREFIXseovideos table after upgrading to see if there are any duplicate indexes configured to remove them if needed.
To install the Videobar anywhere on the forum use the folowing code:
PHP Code:
<!-- SEO Videos Index Bar -->
Have Fun!
Jan Jaap
Update: 18 februari 2007 (latest files from where this mod works very well).
I uninstalled and re-installed and the database was set up correctly this time. Good!
Now I notice that the Youtube and the Google ".gif" images do not work because this installer will not make any allowances for the ACTUAL path that your forum is installed into. Bad
Nice first try Adult CEO, but this add-on has some more coding to be done.
Fix that (seemingly minor) issue, let's write some more clearer instructions, and then we can find out why the firt time the installer is run it fails but suceeds on the second try.
Thanks for answering my questions (the install folder must be placed into the root of your vBulletin installation) and I wish you luck in the future.
I just can't get the mod rewrite to work. The forum is located in the /test/ directory. And whatever I try the video index page won't show up on videos.html.
And the mod doesn't load the videos on the main page and the video index page. It just shows a black frame for google video and an empty space for youtube videos.
I just spoke to Crist from Any Media, the number 1 media mod for vBulletin 3.5.x and we agreed that I will continue with Any Media and make it availabe for vBulletin 3.6.x.
The new version of Any Media will be called Any Media 3.6.x and will be official linked to from Any Media 3.5.x.
I don't know yet if it will remain the same and if all features of the old version will remain and what new features will be added but I will try to make it as perfect, stable, optimum and fast as possible.
The mod will be free but will require an icon/link on the video display wich can be removed by paying a small fee.
Best Regards,
Jan Jaap
This is great to hear! I just read through this thread and I think I'll just wait for this release.
eta: Love your site, but sure do wish it was in English.
And the mod doesn't load the videos on the main page and the video index page. It just shows a black frame for google video and an empty space for youtube videos.
I have the same problem. The PHP script is not grabbing the videoid correctly.
my images are referencing to the root/images/editor/google.gif / youtube.gif
I thought it used the .htaccess to determine the forum root (i.e. pointing to instead of just but that doesn't seem to help.
Thanks Adult SEO . That works!
However, I am still having problem with Google Video post. I kept getting this error:
Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /includes/class_bbcode.php(166) : eval()'d code on line 65
Warning: file_get_contents( [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /includes/class_bbcode.php(166) : eval()'d code on line 65
Hi yesterday work good, but today i have the same problem.aranoid:
Originally Posted by Adult SEO
The mod has cURL support from the beginning! You can enable it from the adminpanel.
cURL will also ensure that the user doesn't have to wait for minutes when a videohost is down since you can specify the connection timeout and it will also ensure that the videohosts don't ban you as fast as they may when they detect your server being accessing the videos as cURL will simulate a real user!
I tray to active cURL and no work for me and recive this error message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: curl_init() in /home/infospy/public_html/includes/class_bbcode.php(166) : eval()'d code on line 38