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Links and Downloads Manager
Version: 2.2.8, by AndrewD AndrewD is offline
Developer Last Online: Apr 2010 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Major Additions - Version: 3.6.x Rating:
Released: 06-18-2006 Last Update: 02-03-2008 Installs: 661
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files Translations  
No support by the author.

Version 2.3.0 of LDM is now the official release. This works with both VB3.7 and VB3.8. You can obtain it here

Version 2.2.8 remains available here, with limited support.

04.02.08: patch-cat.xml 'extra' uploaded - see first post for information

27.10.07: Version 2.2.8-post1 uploaded
French translation of product installer uploaded (other language translations are in the main release zip)

Remember to back up your current database tables before upgrading.

What this is and does

LDM is a general-purpose link and file manager, which handles user uploads and downloads in a flexible way. A range of media players is integrated into LDM and others are included as plugin extras. LDM is described below in the first post of this thread, which also contains a brief list of the currently-known bugs.

This release of LDM works correctly with all VB versions 3.6.x and recent versions of vbadvanced.

Documentation, screen shots, etc, are provided as a Wiki at http://www.eirma.org/wikis/index.php...nloads_Manager

Thank you to everyone who has tested, given suggestions, helped with the translations, etc.

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Old 11-09-2006, 07:15 PM
AndrewD AndrewD is offline
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Originally Posted by reitube
Hi Andrew,

LDM (2.2.5) works fine, but when I use the "allow_duplicates"-option with "no", it seems to have no effect. The users get the option "New entry even if it exits". And some of them use it with "yes".

Is there any chance to prevent duplicates effectively? Or did I miss another option?

For the time being, you can fix this by editing the links_addnewlink template. Find the sequence that reads:
<if condition="$links_defaults['allow_duplicates']">
	<input type="radio" name="linkdups" value="1" checked="checked" /> $vbphrase[ll_yes]
	<input type="radio" name="linkdups" value="-1" /> $vbphrase[ll_no]
<else />
	<input type="radio" name="linkdups" value="1" /> $vbphrase[ll_yes]
	<input type="radio" name="linkdups" value="-1" checked="checked" /> $vbphrase[ll_no]
and replace it by the following
<if condition="$links_defaults['allow_duplicates']">
	<input type="radio" name="linkdups" value="1" checked="checked" /> $vbphrase[ll_yes]
	<input type="radio" name="linkdups" value="-1" /> $vbphrase[ll_no]
<else />
<if condition="$links_permissions['can_set_permissions']">
	<input type="radio" name="linkdups" value="1" /> $vbphrase[ll_yes]
	<input type="radio" name="linkdups" value="-1" checked="checked" /> $vbphrase[ll_no]
<else />
	<input type="hidden" name="linkdups" value="-1" /> $vbphrase[ll_no]
This will effectively stop anybody who does not have LDM's can_set_permissions priv from adding a duplicate entry when allow_duplicates is off.

The error message they get when they try is not great, and I will correct this in the next release.
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Old 11-09-2006, 08:53 PM
obmob obmob is offline
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Originally Posted by AndrewD
You mean you'd like to show the green download arrow icon when the user is allowed to download the file? That's easy - I'll include this in the final 2.2.6.

If you mean something else, could you give me more details?
Yeah, exactly, to show the download icon and maybe the text... and of course to be able to click on it or the text and download the file.

Thank you!
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Old 11-10-2006, 04:47 AM
pplc pplc is offline
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Andrew, Loving this product but I can't seem to figure one problem out. My users can upload files, and in some cases, some of them are images. Documents are fine because they have no thumbnail associated with them. But some upload images and the thumbnails don't seem to be working.

I have my link_image size set to 150 and my thumbnail directory set to /bb/ldmthumbs (bb is my forum directory). And when I FTP to my server, sure enough the thumbnail directory is completely empty. So I started to just explore the admin area thinking maybe I missed something and found a link for reset thumbs. I clicked that, and the thumbnails showed up. I was relieved! Until I hit refresh, and the thumbnails were gone again. And of course they aren't in my thumbnail directory.

Edited to add: I just noticed when I right click on the missing image it is giving the correct URL of where the image should be pulling from, but I finally found the thumbnails on the server. It is making another folder "bb" under the folder "bb" that is already there. It's like the uploading of the thumbnails is not pulling from the same place is the downloading for viewing of the thumbnails. ANy idea where i can fix this at?
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Old 11-10-2006, 04:56 AM
amnesia623 amnesia623 is offline
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Having a wimpy problem.

I had to reinstall wimpy and LDM and now I'm having a problem getting wimpy to play the mp3. I see the wimpy player, the file name shows (as a string of numbers - anyway to get the ID3 or name to show?) but the file doesn't stream.

It almost seems as if wimpy can't find the file, but I look in the source code of the pop-up that plays the jukebox and the file path seems to be correct.

I had this problem before when I set it up, but figured it out. I think it has something to do with file paths, but I can't remember.

any thoughts?
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Old 11-10-2006, 06:58 AM
AndrewD AndrewD is offline
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Originally Posted by pplc
Andrew, Loving this product but I can't seem to figure one problem out. My users can upload files, and in some cases, some of them are images. Documents are fine because they have no thumbnail associated with them. But some upload images and the thumbnails don't seem to be working.

I have my link_image size set to 150 and my thumbnail directory set to /bb/ldmthumbs (bb is my forum directory). And when I FTP to my server, sure enough the thumbnail directory is completely empty. So I started to just explore the admin area thinking maybe I missed something and found a link for reset thumbs. I clicked that, and the thumbnails showed up. I was relieved! Until I hit refresh, and the thumbnails were gone again. And of course they aren't in my thumbnail directory.

Edited to add: I just noticed when I right click on the missing image it is giving the correct URL of where the image should be pulling from, but I finally found the thumbnails on the server. It is making another folder "bb" under the folder "bb" that is already there. It's like the uploading of the thumbnails is not pulling from the same place is the downloading for viewing of the thumbnails. ANy idea where i can fix this at?
This is a caching problem - the first time LDM draws the thumbnail, it creates the image from the original file. If you have provided a thumbnail directory, then it tries to store a copy in that directory, which it should use in future to save time. (If you do not give a thumbnail directory, then it will recreate the thumb every time.) This is why you are seeing the image the first time round.

The question is why the software is looking in the wrong place for the pre-created thumbs. Sometimes this is happening because the main settings on your vb admincp are wrong, sometimes because of server settings. The easiest way for me to answer this is to take a look at your site. If you want me to do this, send me a PM with the url and a username/password that has vb admin privs. Glad to help.
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Old 11-10-2006, 07:08 AM
AndrewD AndrewD is offline
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Originally Posted by amnesia623
Having a wimpy problem.

I had to reinstall wimpy and LDM and now I'm having a problem getting wimpy to play the mp3. I see the wimpy player, the file name shows (as a string of numbers - anyway to get the ID3 or name to show?) but the file doesn't stream.

It almost seems as if wimpy can't find the file, but I look in the source code of the pop-up that plays the jukebox and the file path seems to be correct.

I had this problem before when I set it up, but figured it out. I think it has something to do with file paths, but I can't remember.

any thoughts?
Wimpy's a bit sensitive to the characters in the url it plays. Try editing the wimpy plugin to read as follows:

$sltype = strtolower($type);
if ($sltype=='mp3' or $sltype=='swf' or $sltype=='flv') {

// Either use this...
	$wimpy_url = "local_stream.php?action=stream&id=".$linkid;
// Or just use this (will not work if you have set local_file_root/local_file_root_prefix) ...
//	$wimpy_url = $url;

	$wimpy_url = urlencode($wimpy_url);
	$player = "Wimpy";

You can also try the attached plugin, which launches the wimpy button instead of the main player (you'll need to put the wimpy_button.swf into your getid3 directory)

Concerning the text in the wimpy window, I'm still looking into thtis. The main javascript toolkit that the wimpy people provide does not interpret the id3 info correctly.
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Old 11-10-2006, 01:19 PM
amnesia623 amnesia623 is offline
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Thanks Andrew, I will try the suggestions above!

I am wondering if you could explain the local_file_root and local_file_root_prefix because I am not sure how this effects the way I specify the uploads directory root.

I have nothing set in the local_file_root_prefix and the local_file_root set to no. I have the uploads dir specified as media/demo/.

If I were to call the mp3 file from a browser I would put www.domain.com/forum/media/demo/1/filename.mp3 (the 1/filename is appended by LDM).

Thanks for your help, this add-on is going to be a key feature for my site and I appreciate your help!!!
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Old 11-10-2006, 01:31 PM
amnesia623 amnesia623 is offline
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Another question -
Would there be a way to just append the user's name to the beginning of the file instead of completely renaming the file? For example if my mp3 file was named 'demo.mp3' I would upload it and the name would be changed to 'amnesia623_demo.mp3'?

I realize this isn't the best practice for the intended use of LDM, but I am using it to allow musicians/DJs to upload their demos and stream their work back thru the wimpy player

Thanks so much
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Old 11-10-2006, 01:49 PM
AndrewD AndrewD is offline
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Originally Posted by amnesia623
Thanks Andrew, I will try the suggestions above!

I am wondering if you could explain the local_file_root and local_file_root_prefix because I am not sure how this effects the way I specify the uploads directory root.

I have nothing set in the local_file_root_prefix and the local_file_root set to no. I have the uploads dir specified as media/demo/.

If I were to call the mp3 file from a browser I would put www.domain.com/forum/media/demo/1/filename.mp3 (the 1/filename is appended by LDM).

Thanks for your help, this add-on is going to be a key feature for my site and I appreciate your help!!!
Normally local_file_root and local_file_root_prefix are unset. They are available to increase security on your site.

Setting local_file_root tells LDM to locate local files (ie file held on the server) relative to the root directory of the server, rather than the default which is relative to the root directory of the web site. (e.g. your web site might actually be sitting somewhere like /users/your/website/dir)

Setting local_file_root_prefix places a fixed prefix in front of all local file names. This is *always* a good idea if local_file_root is set, and *may be* a good idea if it is not set. It ensures that people can't go walkabouts on your server.

If you set local_file_root and local_file_root_prefix, then these also modify where LDM looks for the specified uploads directory.

e.g., suppose you set upload_dir to /forum/media/demo/ and do not set local_file_root and local_file_root_prefix. Then the files will be found where you say, i.e. www.domain.com/forum/media/demo/1/filename.mp3

If you leave local_file_root unset and set local_file_root_prefix to /forum, then the same setting of upload_dir would mean that files could be found at http://www.domain.com/forum/forum/me...1/filename.mp3

If you set both, then it would place the files outside your web tree, and no diurect url could find them.

However, the url http://www.domain.com/forum/local_st...=stream&id=NNN would find the file correctly.

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Old 11-10-2006, 02:15 PM
amnesia623 amnesia623 is offline
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I understand. So it *could* be used to upload/store dirs that are away from forum dirs, etc.

somehow, it works!

So is there anyway to control the trackname that is displayed in the wimpy player (yet?)

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