This plugin is useful when you have big number of sub-forums. It arranges them into columns. You can easily choose number of columns (1 to 7) to arange sub-forums into. There are options to enable/disable hack, exclude forums, enlarge font for sub-forums titles, hide commas, hide "Sub-Forums" phrase, show thread/reply counts, and more...
-Import XML file (as product): AdminCP > Plugin System > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]
-To get this hack working you must set "Depth of Sub-Forums" to "1" in vBulletin Options > Forum Listings Display Options
-To set hack options go to: AdminCP > vBulletin Options > Cyb - Sub-Forum Manager
Versions: v1.0 - Apr 24. 2006.
-First release v1.1 - Apr 24. 2006.
-Typo fixed v1.2 - Apr 25. 2006.
-TC bug fixed v1.3 - May 30. 2006.
-Added ability to use original font size for subforums titles (requested) v1.4 - May 30. 2006.
-Added ability to hide commas (shown after every subforum title except the last one) - requested v1.5 - May 30. 2006.
-Fixed little bugs (phrase, variable) v1.6 - Aug 04. 2006.
-Release of this hack for vB v3.6 v1.7 - Aug 12. 2006.
-Added option to hide "Sub-Forums" phrase
-Added options to customize sub-forums table attributes
-Little improvements in the code v1.8 - Sep 06. 2006.
-Added: Option to exclude forums
-Added: Options to show thread-count or reply-count or both after sub-forum title
-Hack name changed from "Cyb - Sub-Forums Arranger" to "Cyb - Forumhome Sub-Forums Manager"
-Added "Product Version Checking" v1.9 - Sep 06. 2006.
-Fixed bug (if you choose to arrange sub-forums into two columns it arranges it into one)
-Added: When you mouseover count(s) it shows you what count(s) are for, depending on settings v2.0 - Sep 09. 2006.
-Thread/post counts are hidden automatically if sub-forum is link or contains "child forums"
-Added option to turn on/off extra style and counts for excluded forums v2.1 - Sep 14. 2006.
-Added: Option to change text size for thread/reply counts
-Fixed bug (unneded space before commas) v2.2 - May 31. 2007.
-Option to hide thread/reply counts for selected sub-forums
-Counts automatically hidden for sub-forums with '0' threadcount
-Option to add blank lines after selected sub-forums
-Options to change CSS attributes for sub-forums inner table (change background color, text size,...)
-Several other improvements and general code cleanup v2.3 - Jun 01. 2007.
-Fixed bug with some XHTML validation errors
-Fixed bug where some sub-forums are not arranged properly v2.4 - Jun 01. 2007.
-Fixed bug where excluded forums shows "Cybernetec" between sub-forums v2.5.1 - Jun 20. 2009.
-Minor bugs fixed (CSS, variables, phrases, product info)
is their a way to change the Text color for thread/reply count for diferent style sheets, my forum uses various style sheets that's user selectable, and the one colour does not work with all styles.
along the same line...
how can I change the text size of the thread/reply ? it comes out really big compared to subforums and forumd descriptoins text looks weird. :/
I do not believe their is a hack on that is better supported then those done by you cybernetec. For this I personally thank you. You do great work and are very very accomodating <-- even if I can't spell it right