Version: 1.12, by MPDev
Developer Last Online: Dec 2016
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 3.6.x
Released: 09-05-2006
Last Update: 09-27-2006
Installs: 947
Additional Files
No support by the author.
After seeing the application; I wondered if this could be done for vBulletin as well. I came across this webpage which had a "how to" on how they built a similiar application to do the same thing. Taking a page from their book (i.e. the code), I modified it for use with vBulletin.
During development, I also came across this post here on vBulletin.Org where the very subject had already been discussed.
So I put this together; a simple ZIP file with a single PHP script, three javascript files and 4 images.
. UNZIP the file into your forums directory
. That's it!
Virtually all the code to customize the page is in the vaispy.php script; there are no plugins, no templates and no phrases. You do not need to do anything further; this should work right out of the box.
Note: I claim no ownership of this code except for the file vaispy.php - the rest of the files were using 'freely distributable' sources. As such, you may use these files as you wish, but please do not remove the copyrights.
This modification is for vBulletin 3.6 only, if you are running vBulletin 3.5 you will need to see this thread.
JOIN THE vBIspy Network!
Once you have this mod installed, you can join the vBIspy network to have your threads appear on this site; the vBIspy Network is a great way for people to see what's going on in various vBulletin communities and for forum owners to promote their sites and generate new traffic.
1.0.5 - 9.9.06
Modified some JavaScript in va_spy.js to remove split strings
1.0.6 - 9.10.06
Added date cuffoff code from here and changed init() to spyinit() - changed vaispy.php and va_spy.js files.
1.0.7 - 9.12.06
va_spy.js: Added a forum url variable to allow for integration with portals or other products outside the forum directory
va_spy.js: Added xmldelay variable at top of script for easier configuration or repolling
Updated files: vaispy.php, vb_spy.js
1.0.8 - 9.13.06
vaispy.php - changed code for checking for forum permissions to include password protected forums, added javascript tag for script code
1.0.9 - 9.16.06
- modified to allow for proper display in Opera browsers and moved more html into vaispy.php to allow for stylevars, trimmed va_effects.js to remove unused code (ForumDog's suggestions, except not using templates yet), changed way threads are parsed (removes html as well)
1.0.10 - 9.17.06
va_prototype.js - removed 20kb of unused code
1.1.11 - 9.25.2006
- added SirAdrian's mods for thread status icons and alternating row colors
- added code to prepopulate the first 10 rows with existing threads allowing for 5 new ones to be added in scrolling mode (versus scrolling starting from the first thread).
- added option to display subscribed threads only
1.1.12 - 9.26.2006
- added code to add empty rows if initial pull has less than 20 rows.
I've made a couple more slight modifications to the vaispy.php and va_spy.js files - format changes and some slight enhancements for an integration package I am working on.