Version: 1.02, by Kirk Y
Developer Last Online: Jun 2013
Category: Forum Display Enhancements -
Version: 3.6.0
Released: 07-17-2006
Last Update: 08-22-2006
Installs: 417
Uses Plugins
No support by the author.
What does this do?
Creates an AdminCP Option to customize the color of your Closed, Moderated, Polled, Stickied, and Announcement Thread Titles.
1. Go into your AdminCP -> Product Manager -> Add/Import Products.
2. Import the product -- that's it!
3. To use, go to vBulletin Options -> Thread Coloring.
Version History:
1.00 - Original Release
1.01 - Now compatible 3.6 Gold, HTML Markup Capability Added, Fixed bug that colored Moved Threads the same as Poll Threads
1.02 - Added Version Check (Upgrade Not Necessary)
Check out the Screenshot if you need a visual.
Feel free to post any suggestions or request additions.
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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
*cries* please please quickly fix the problem where closed sticky threads will be shown as a grey color. I need closed sticky threads to have a red color and closed threads to have grey color.
Thats the problem tho.
I want my closed/stuck threads to be the closed colour
You want your closed/stuck threads to be the stuck colour
So in my respect the hack is working fine and is complete and not "half assed"
Umm...just because it's not serving YOUR purpose 100% doesn't mean the hack is "half assed". Every piece of software can be improved upon and if the author feels the feature you request is something that can/should be provided, then they will make the effort to have it so.
Can you make it so we can color any thread any color? My friend made a custom hack on our board for 3.0.8 and it worked great, this was like 2 yrs ago and he doesn't have the time anymore.
All I had to do was click a little color palet icon next to the thread title and it opened a popup box where you could select which color you wanted your thread to be, and it was accessible to admins & smods only. Is there any way you could create something like this?
I wish I had that kind of coding skill -- no, I'm in no way related to him.
Originally Posted by angelo
Can you make it so we can color any thread any color? My friend made a custom hack on our board for 3.0.8 and it worked great, this was like 2 yrs ago and he doesn't have the time anymore.
All I had to do was click a little color palet icon next to the thread title and it opened a popup box where you could select which color you wanted your thread to be, and it was accessible to admins & smods only. Is there any way you could create something like this?
Sure, I'll look into it for the next release.
Just a general update for anyone that's concerned. I'm still racking my brain over figuring a way to satisfy everyone's needs for the Sticky Thread Combo. situation. The simplest way would be to just color it Sticky regardless - but I've seen a few people that would like their Stickied Polls to show up as Polls and others with different combinations; perhaps I could give everyone instructions to custom tailor the hack to suit their needs -- I'm open to suggestions if anyone has them.