Thread ratings do not reflect the quality of modifications. One can often see great modifications rated low by idiots who had a minor problem and decided that it's the author's fault. So, please disable thread ratings in modification forums, I think it would be best for everyone.
Agreed. I've seen a few hacks (One in particular comes to mind) where the installs are triple digits -- yet the Rating is 3 Stars.
Yes, but do install counts represent the "greatness" of a modification? Just because people use the modification to mean it is great, just like having a poor thread rating doesn't mean it is horrible.
Everyone has different judgements. I don't think disabling thread ratings would affect anything.
Yes, but do install counts represent the "greatness" of a modification?
Yes, they certainly do. When people like a modification, they click install. When they decide they dont like it, they click uninstall. There are 50+ installs on most modifications. On the contrary, it's hard to find a modification that has more than 5 ratings, and most of those ratings are negative, because (mostly) only highly irritable people who like to give headache to the authors even bother clicking it, and they rarely click anything different than "1". Therefore, unlike install counter, it serves no good purpose
The only reasons I've ever clicked install is to track a modification, on that note, just because I installed it doesn't mean I liked it that much. Some people don't always click uninstall