Possible to make the black set a little smaller? They seem to be too big when I tried them on my forum. Also, if I can get a copy w/ the anti-aliased one for the black background.
Other than that, these are the most impressive on the site so far
I'm not promising but I'll try and get some Sub Forum status icons designed to compliment the forum Icons.
I've re-scaled the forum icons a little and hopfully this will suit your forum better.
@Silver740 Is that with or without the dark matting? I wasn't sure whther you missed the "o" out by accident. If you provide a link to your forum and to the style I can then get the hex value and start on your request.
It's functional, but I'd like it to be a bit easier on the eye, perhaps more forgiving with less right angles. I'm also trying to establish a color scheme that compliments the existing logo.
If you have any recommendations, I'm very much willing to listen.
I would recommened that you firstly submit your forum up for a review and get some vital critique from the vb community. There's never been a post were I have asked for some suggestions and got bad advice, you'll defientely get some good suggestions from the .org community.
My own personal opinion is that your style looks far to defaultish. Try to stay clear of the blue variant you've opted for, maybe try another blue variation. Infact, checking back on your style (gradients). Your still using the default images and gradients which is the reason it looks plain.
Your sub forums look awfully crammed together but submitting your forum you'll gain far more indepth feedback on all aspects from other stylists than what I can give.
With regards to the folders the right angles sharp edges were intentional but was always thinking of releasing (designing them first of course) a rounded edge version(s). Now that you've pointed this out I'll probably be releasing a softer more rounded edge variation of this set.
Thanks Shelley, I appreciate your input. Its obvious I have a ton of work to do. I like the blue variant idea. Alternatively, I'm thinking about a variation of black/grey white, to help the blue in the icon pop!
I installed the Black Glossys. Thank you very much.
No Problem.
Just a thought, I'm currently working on a v2 of these forum Icons (they haven't really changed much) Only with a back plate added behind the paper which gives the markers a more prominant feel. Personally I think they would suit your forum much better.
As you can see (preview Below). The back plate is added giving off a more prominant set of Icons. If you agree I can modify them in the black variant for you.
Originally Posted by Justdave
Thanks Shelley, I appreciate your input. Its obvious I have a ton of work to do. I like the blue variant idea. Alternatively, I'm thinking about a variation of black/grey white, to help the blue in the icon pop!
Again, no problem. Black/grey white sounds good. A total grey scale theme sounds better though which is something I've always wanted to design but put off (because I loathe styling). Goodluck with your site and hopefully you'll progress with it without any hiccups.