Version: , by tseketto
Developer Last Online: Jun 2014
Version: Unknown
Released: 08-01-2006
Last Update: Never
Installs: 0
No support by the author.
One of forum member post a bug/exploit/cheat:
"Yes there is 1 bug, i discovered it myself, if u look at YetiSports 4: Albatros Overload, u will see my highscore 12681, which i did in 00:04. So what happend?
I was playing Yeti 1: Ridiculous Longshot, but cus it took so long to finish it, i deceided, that im gona put that game in background and im gona start playing Albatros Overload. Then when i wanted to submit the score in this game, i noticed that the other game was finished. So i submit that score first and heres the funny part. The score didnt go to Ridiculous Longshot, but to Albatros Overload. Both games got mixed somehow... So theres your bug... "
I was see 1 player do in 14 sec 270 points, but at game impossible to make more than 30 in a first minute. He is a cheater? Or buguser? How can fix that?
No other user have problem with impossible highscores?
I know, a flash game run at client side and post a score, and can hack a flash game, or a web parameters, etc...
IPB have a session handle bug too?
any ipb user?!
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hmm I do have a user with impossible scores. With weird score and time. I know about the cross submitting but that bug was fixed...
maybe this should be moved to the ibProArcade forum
That's the problem... I've read that the cross-scoring was fixed in v2.5.5, but I'm having problems with that in v2.5.6+ ... Maybe some problem with my V3Arcade to IbProArcade migration? I don't know... If someone can lend me a hand on this...
Just to let you know: there will be new type of games "called ibPro v3" which have complete cheat-protection integrated in the game itself.
Scores are crypted and combined with hashes ect. to make sure cheating is impossible.
First games are internally available and will be standard in the future, ibProArcade v2.5.7+ will be compatible to those new games
Anyway, I will have another look on this cross-scoring-thing for v2.5.7+ the next days
OK, thanks!
If I know as good: the old games don't will support a new cheat-protect scores, but will fixed a session handle bug?
Admin will see a games: this is a "new" or "old" version of score submitter?
And also if a player/member hack a flash game at client side the new cheat protect don't will help IMHO... the new cheat protection will helps to a game score will be submitted as secure, but cannot help who hack a game score before submit... :|
...but currently a "2 game in same time" is a biggest bug. I don't know if fixed at 2.5.5 how have a same bug in a full new install with a 2.5.6. I was installed vb 3.5.4, and this IPB plugin, readed the instructions, etc... and still have a bug.
Ok, I think I now have a final true fix for this, could please anybody who is able to reproduce this bug anytime, with any game, contact me via PM to test my new fix on my testforum ?