Version: 1.2.2, by amykhar
Developer Last Online: Nov 2013
Version: 3.5.1
Released: 07-09-2005
Last Update: 11-26-2005
Installs: 504
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
This Extension for Vbulletin 3.5 offers forum members the ability to create a custom profile page (or pages) on your site.
Current Features
List of Members with Personal Pages
Individual Shoutbox/Guestbook on Each User's Personal Page
An Archive of "Shouts" for Each User
Moderators Can Delete Offensive Shouts
Moderators Can Delete Personal Pages
Users Can Report Offensive Pages
Tracks Page Views to Each Personal Page
Indicates When the Page Was Last Updated
Usergroup based permissions
Uses the VBulletin Editors. Understands BBCode and HTML.
Planned Features
Show Users Currently Browsing User Pages
Allow Users to Have More Than One Page
Allow Users to Upload Files
A File Manager for User Pages
The Ability to Search User Page Content
Links to Featured User Pages on Forum Home
How do I configure what forum report threads should go to?
At the top of userpage.php, there are several clearly documented variables that you can edit. One of these establishes the forumid that you want reported pages to be reported to.
This hack will always be free, however your donations are kindly accepted and will help towards further development. If you donate, please leave me some info (either your forum site or username at so that I can thank you.
Darn I guess this hacks development has stalled or stopped? This is the second web page hack that got so close to being great, but development stopped and never got all the bugs worked out.
I really want this type of hack installed, but the problems with the uninstall and the other problems people have mentioned have me worried about installing this on my live forum
It would be nice if the author would actually state that support/development had stopped though, rather than letting new users continue to download it and then be ignored when asking for simple help issues....especially as the 'support' box is still ticked. Oh well...
amykhar, is this still supported please? it is ticked as supported, but questions seem to go unanswered, giving the impression support is not given. I don't intend to sound hostile, but being a bit of a n00b here some basics would go a long way
First of all, I REALLY like this mod. Only one problem: .htaccess kills the whole forum. I get a 500 internal error, in both the forums and also in adminCP. Seems to work OK without .htaccess. What am I missing?
You don't need to use .htaccess to use the hack. The only thing the .htaccess lets you do is use a shorter URL (forums/username) for userpages. If you have other hacks (like the Search Engine Optimized hack) you might have problems. Just restore your original .htaccess if you're having trouble.
1. install product
2. upload the userpage.php and .htaccess to your forum directory.
3. Upload bitfield_userpage.xml to your includes/xml directory.
4. In your admincp usergroup manager, set permissions for each of your user groups.
5. In your usercpshell template Find:
What exactly does 1. install product mean? Most products come with some level of detail to explain the how part of installing. I realise this down to my lack of understanding but some help would be highly appreciated.
So far, the best definition i can assume from "install product" is :
Admincp, Plugin System, Manage Products, Add/Import Product then upload it or direct it to my includes/xml.
This however only informs me: Invalid file specified.
I'm running vb3.5.4 so if anyone has any clue of what I'm doing wrong, please enlighten me as it's slightly frustrating seeing that other's are getting this product up & running but I'm seemingly incapable of doing so.