This hack will add an extra page to the User CP. This area can be used for extra profile fields that for one reason or another you would like to split from the main list.
Personally, I use this page for PC specs, but it can also be used for other specs as well (e.g. cars). I have the specs in a dropdown list under the user title in each user's post, as well as in their profile page, but that's another hack You can see my 3.0.x hack for that here, and the 3.5.x hack for it here.
NOTE: The above 2 links show the results of another hack I did that's based upon this one. In otherwords, this hack doesn't add dropdowns in posts, and doesn't hack the member page to display the extra options in a new area. For that, install the Add-On hack, Additional Section within Profile and Dropdown within Posts.
# of plugin hooks: 1
# of php page edits: 3 (or 4)
# of new templates: 1
# of template edits: 1
# of new phrases: 2
The "successfully saved" and extra option search are not tested, but they should both work.
The date will be for internal use only and will probably be stored in a new MySQL column in the user table or it could possibly be another custom profile field. I am not exactly sure the best way to do this.
I tried searching this thread but couldn't find any results. I noticed in your System Specs example, you were able to allow single-line text box options.
I've installed everything and got it working correctly on 3.5.4. The problem I'm facing is single-line text box profile field options don't show up on the profile.php?do=extra page.
I'm sure the single-line profile field option I created works b/c when I change the display page to editprofile, it works fine.
I tried searching this thread but couldn't find any results. I noticed in your System Specs example, you were able to allow single-line text box options.
I've installed everything and got it working correctly on 3.5.4. The problem I'm facing is single-line text box profile field options don't show up on the profile.php?do=extra page.
I'm sure the single-line profile field option I created works b/c when I change the display page to editprofile, it works fine.
Is this a known bug, or just me?
Does the profile field show up on the extra page, the normal member page, or both? The editprofile page you are looking at, is it in the admincp, or just the normal member edit info page that each user has in their usercp? (screenshots would be awesome)
The date will be for internal use only and will probably be stored in a new MySQL column in the user table or it could possibly be another custom profile field. I am not exactly sure the best way to do this.
Ummmm.... nope
Somewhere in the Extra Profile Page plugin under the submit area I'm guessing, with the appropriate vBulletin database functions.
Does the profile field show up on the extra page, the normal member page, or both? The editprofile page you are looking at, is it in the admincp, or just the normal member edit info page that each user has in their usercp? (screenshots would be awesome)
It's an editable user profile field, so I'm accessing it through the usercp. The link I use is profile.php?do=extra. How I tested it was I changed the display page of the profile field to "editprofile" in the admin backend, and it showed up fine in the users' "editprofile". When I set the display page to "options: extra options", it does not show up. The tests were tested on a "registered users" account in their own usercp.
I hope this explains it well enough. I've included a screen shot though it doesn't show much.. thanks.
the site's not public yet, it's a fresh install of 3.5.4 that's being modified.
for the extra profile page, i can add any type of custom profile field. this includes single-selection menu, multi-selection check box, etc. the only custom profile fields that do not work is single-line text box and multi-line text box.
when i link a custom profile field single-line text box to the extra options page that this hack created, it does not show up.
that's what I said the hack's too generic to affect some profile fields and not others, as it just adds that dropdown as an option for all fields to be marked as, and then the new page looks for fields with those marks and grabs them.
do you have any other hacks installed that affect profile fields?
i've got a number of hacks installed as well as customized modify profile templates. which template is the extra profile field page in? maybe i made an alteration that causes single-line text boxes to not appear.
to note, i have interactive profiles installed which may alter the profile page some how.