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Links and Downloads Manager
Version: 2.2.1, by AndrewD AndrewD is offline
Developer Last Online: Apr 2010 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.5.x Rating:
Released: 06-25-2005 Last Update: 05-10-2006 Installs: 337
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files  
No support by the author.

LDM extends VBulletin to manage a library of documents, files and links to other web sites. Documents can be stored on your own web site, stored on your server separate from the web site, uploaded by your user community, or held somewhere else altogether. So you can use LDM to provide your user community with access to your own files and allow them to share files with each other.

12/08/06 - Versions that work with vb36 are available and supported in the VB36 thread. Version 2.2.1, which works with VB 3.5 but not with VB 3.6, remains available here.

Thanks to everyone who has helped with all the design, testing, etc.
Translations are provided (thanks dLutt and LeeWicked) into German, (thanks to Allan) into French, and (thanks to Hugo) into Spanish. Harry1951 has handled the Dutch translation.

Screenshots, Instructions and How to Install

Full details and instructions are available as a Wiki at http://www.eirma.org/wikis/index.php...nloads_Manager

LDM installs as a VBulletin product. There are no modifications required to standard VB code.

Basically - upload php files and run the installer through VB's Product installer. No changes needed to VB code. Remember to BACKUP YOUR DATABASE. By default, LDM prefixes its database tables 'local_'. Edit the configuration file, local_links_init.php, if you need/wish to change this.

LDM can handle an essentially unlimited number of categories and nested subcategories, and an unlimited number of entries (hyperlinks or downloadable files). Each entry can be placed in one or several categories. Categories can have styles. Descriptions and titles can optionally include BBcodes, smilies, images and html, giving the possibility to add images, colouring, etc. File types can be flagged using icons and individual entries can also have associated thumbnail images.

Standards templates are provided for libraries of links, files, documents, and photographs.

Users can offer comments and rate the links/downloads. Each user is allowed one rating and many comments per entry, and can freely edit these if they change their mind.

Permission to use specific features is established via the product's admin page, where the administrator specifies which usergroups can add and edit entries, comment and rate these entries, moderate, etc.

By default, all entries are visible to all users. You can restrict visibility/access to links and categories by using the permissions masks from your board's forums.

Moderation of new entries is available but turned off by default.

Users can report bad links to the relevant moderators/administrators.

Each user can flag links as his/her "Favourites".

Modules are provided for VBAdvanced.

Hooks are provided in suitable places in LDM and sample plugins are included in the release (see extras directory), for example to integrate with ID3 tags in mp3 files, for slideshows, to autocreate new threads in your forums, etc.

Plus much more.

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 06-28-2006, 02:50 AM
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Originally Posted by AndrewD
My friend, that's up to you

sounds like a new feature...
sounds like a new feature...
sounds like a new feature...

Basically, I agree with you - I'd like to stop adding new features for a while, and would like to work on improving the user interface for some of the features - the jukebox, the photo library, and so on. I
LOL. ok ok busted. some of those I was thinking were more about look, but of course one would need new features to support the look. lol I officially rescind the freeze part... just want to upgrade the "concentrate on the look" part.

that said, whatcha think of those new features?
(fingers crossed)

feel challenged (shall we say motivated) by flickr...
also, interesting comment about flickr. I love that kind of slickness (I'm a picaso fan as well). BUT if I may throw out some food for thought..
why not throw that "challenge" into slickness factor of the video and jukebox presentation (like above features. or other). The reason I say that is that there are tons of Photo galleries for vbulletin. Good ones. I've one of each on differetn forums!! lol. I'd be concerned with conflict with those... ie: why throw into a "saturated" hack market, so to speak.

plus, and this a big point for me, its not as much the Gallery addon features that do it for me (they are all about the same), but how well integrated they are into the forums. like cmps addon, show gallery pics on forumhome *(VERY popular), show in profile etc. ...and those are all hacks in themselves (ie: LOTS more work unless people volunteer to make the addon hacks). in orther words, you may be adding on a lot more work than just the core features since the addons are a big draw in the "gallery hack" market, so to speak. other main features for galleries: member galleries. being able to make your own. that sounds like more features too. ie: since robust photo gallery addons are available, people know what they want as basics (A LOT).

On the flip side, that other new hack that uses vidiac that I posted a link to is in the right hack market "space", imo. ... There are NO decent (certianly now where near as complete and robust) as solution for video/jukebox management besides LDM (vbdownloads got you beat on look, imo, but no where near in function and flexiblity).

In fact, the video (and jukebox), links and file handling, for me, are the MAIN uses I take outta LDM. Photos wasn't even a thought for me until you put the idea out there (as I use the other photo gallery hacks) and/or I thought of only as a cool comliment via the thumbnail lightbox.

I just don't like that you actually have to host that vidiac hack elsewhere and feed someone elses ads. otherwise, I'd be all over it and worry about what to do with my LDM videos. :/

But LDM seems as those it could make an easy jump into what vidiac is doing (with what I thought were mostly template edits), and we admin get to control it. Turn us all into "funny video website" owners (or whatever). And everyone knows those are popular.

I know the design and coolness of flickr like stuff is seductive. and I suppose no reason NOT to do that too.... other than time. I'd just love to see the video and link management look and feel get its face lift way before opening up a whole quasi-new functionality (bringning it into the spotlight). again, that's just me but I maybe its some food for thought. there ARE cool video site too.

anyway, like I said, just some food for thought.

as usual, keep up the good work!! whatever you choose, I'm stickin with LDM and the best support around
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Old 06-28-2006, 03:51 AM
AndrewD AndrewD is offline
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Originally Posted by aggiefan
We are getting this error:

I get that error when I try to import the xml file (and i checked the overwrite checkbox)

We are getting this error:

Warning: require_once(includes/local_links_init.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in \admincp\plugin.php(1467) : eval()'d code on line 3

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'includes/local_links_init.php' (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in C:\AGGIEFANS_WEB\forums\admincp\plugin.php(1467) : eval()'d code on line 3
The message says it can't find local_links_init.php in your includes directory, so I suspect you've not uploaded all the code (or put some of it in the wrong directory).
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Old 06-28-2006, 03:56 AM
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Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
LOL. ok ok busted. some of those I was thinking were more about look, but of course one would need new features to support the look.
When I said 'motivated by flickr', I think I was saying the same as you. It's not so much that I want to produce a new photo gallery, rather what interests me is the way sites like that handle the user interface. What works for one filetype might work (or not) for another, and that's interesting to explore.

I know that you want to see tighter intergration with forums. I can see the value, but it isn't something that is very relevant for our needs. But more significantly, the more one codes for tight integration, the more one has to be 110% sure of what is going on inside VBulletin, to avoid doing damage and to keep the number of bugs low. So I hope you'll allow me (for the time being at least) not to go too far down that road.

Thanks for all your interest
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Old 06-28-2006, 12:16 PM
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Originally Posted by AndrewD
The file you sent me (called local_links.php) is bit-for-bit identical with the original .rar file on my server. I’ve no idea whether it is a valid rar file, as this is not a format I use.

All the files on your LDM installation server download correctly onto my PC, and they keep the correct name, and are identical to the original files. I have also tried accessing your site from another PC, in another city, and I got exactly the same results. So I’m at a loss to know what is going on at your end. The web site is working correctly, but you seem to have two problems – a) failure to store the file with the correct file name and b) corrupt file transfers.

One thing you might try is to upload one of your .rar files as an attachment to a standard post in you VB forums, and see if it downloads correctly. Another thing is to try a different browser, e.g. firefox.

Sorry, beyond that I can’t think what else to suggest,

If I paste the link directly into my web browser, The files all download perfect and un-corrupted. 3 other people in other locations are experiencing the exact same problem as myself, One of which usaed Firefox.
From the server direct, they are perfect downloads. Downloading through your Install, No downloads work, and the files it does download are corrupted....

Oh well. . . Time to uninstall it for the last time,

Thanks for all your help.
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Old 06-28-2006, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Nokia Tech
If I paste the link directly into my web browser, The files all download perfect and un-corrupted. 3 other people in other locations are experiencing the exact same problem as myself, One of which usaed Firefox.
From the server direct, they are perfect downloads. Downloading through your Install, No downloads work, and the files it does download are corrupted....

Oh well. . . Time to uninstall it for the last time,

Thanks for all your help.
Sorry to hear this - but as I said, the files come down perfectly to me from your site via the LDM software.
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Old 06-28-2006, 12:36 PM
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Ok, Just before i uninstall it, Is there anyone that would be willing to try downloading a test file from my site,

My site is www.multi-forums.co.uk

Test login details -

Username - HACK TESTER
Password - HACK TESTER

If someone could possible test the downloads for me, and post the result here, The link is in the navbar under SERVER.

Not sure if posting your site address breaches any rules here, Please accept appologies and edit accordingly if this is the case.

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Old 06-28-2006, 12:59 PM
|oR|Greg |oR|Greg is offline
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Photo Album would be great, but I think first and foremost would be multiple uploads... IMHO
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Old 06-28-2006, 04:02 PM
AndrewD AndrewD is offline
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Originally Posted by dilbert
I just started loading files into this terrific mod.
I have some categories and subcategories.
The look I would like is:

|___ Guidance's
How can I get that look?

Thanks, Cliff
I think this look will require a minor change to a couple of templates, plus an additional variable in the code that builds those templates. Bear with me - I'll see if this can easily be added to the next release (due in a few days, I hope).
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Old 06-28-2006, 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by |oR|Greg
Photo Album would be great, but I think first and foremost would be multiple uploads... IMHO
What size would the individual uploads be, and how many do you want to upload at once? I'm wondering if it's easier to add this to LDM directly, or simply interface LDM to a third-party Java uploader.
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Old 06-28-2006, 08:35 PM
dilbert dilbert is offline
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Originally Posted by AndrewD
I think this look will require a minor change to a couple of templates, plus an additional variable in the code that builds those templates. Bear with me - I'll see if this can easily be added to the next release (due in a few days, I hope).
Wow Andrew, that would be amazing.
I presumed it was something I set wrong with the catergories and subcategories.
Thank you
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