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VB image Hosting
Version: 1.4.2, by Ranma2k Ranma2k is offline
Developer Last Online: Oct 2017 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.5.4 Rating:
Released: 01-22-2006 Last Update: 04-10-2007 Installs: 369
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
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No support by the author.

VB Image Hosting Version 1.4.2

Please note that next ver will not support older ver update.

Frensh ver is avilable to download Thanks to
Port to Vbulletin 3.6.0 can be found here

  1. requires GD 2.0.1 or later (2.0.28 or later is recommended).
  2. PHP ver 4.3.x or later (newer ver is better).

What does it do ?
VB Image Hosting is a similar feature to imageshak and photopoket and online free image hosting, but this is for your members. it will allow them to upload and host their images on your servers, you can still manage the permissions and set the number of files for each group.
Main Features:
  • Image hosting
  • Restrict # of file upload for each group
  • Allow/disallow group from upload
  • Restrict file uploaded based on file extention, dimensions and size
  • Users can manage their uploaded files
  • Users can set the view permission for each uploaded images
  • Admin can mange all members images
  • Admin can set the number of images/users per page.
  • Image thump is set to 320 * 240 if the image dimension is bigger.
  • Admin can mange images uploaded by the members
  • Admin can set the default upload permission
  • Thumbnail system admin can turn it on/off.
  • Allow multiple uploads.
  • Admin can set upload slots for each group
  • Admin can recreate thumbnails from admin cp
  • Fully using the phrase system.
Time required to install :
  • 1-2 min max.
1.0.1:Fixed an error when listing the users also removed a line that causes the script to generate a java script error, fixed viewing members files redirect error to profile
  1. Added thumbs option to generate thumbs
  2. Fixed viewing other members pics result in error
  3. Fixed cached template to reduce quary
  4. Fix for sites that uses content management systems ( variabls doen't get pass correctly )
  5. hack is now fully using the phrase system. ( easy to translate )
  1. Fixed minor bug when viewing the images ( just replace vimghost.php with the one in the attached file no need to import the xml )
  1. Fixed the thumbnail working 100% ok with GD1 & GD2.
  2. Added the ability to upload multiple files.
  3. Admin can control max upload slots for each group.
  4. Admin can view member images.
  5. Admin can set the default permission for viewing.
  6. Admin can rebuild thumbnail for all images.
  7. Fixed some bugs regarding uploading images.
  1. Fixed the getimagesize error.
  2. Fixed Guest upload / view.
  3. Added abillity to turn on/off the imagehosting ( the group who can admin still can access it though ).
  4. Added Watermark function. (thx to TomasDR ).
  5. Added Resize Function.
  6. Added Admin can view all images from admincp.
  7. Added Display image in forum page.
  1. Remodified the information showed in the image
  2. Fixed resize issue with small images
  1. Remodified the way images are shown.
  2. Fixed some security issues with the script
    1. Prevent showing the images when it's priviate ( members uses to browse private images with imgids )
    2. Prevent uploading any files that not an image ( prevent uploading scripts to the site).
  3. added text watermarking.
  4. added filmstrip.
  5. added 3 adons (show last 5 imgaes in member info, show number of images in postbit and Quck upload / gallary insert in the thread / reply post).
  1. Added old view image style ( now you can chose either row or column view )
  2. Fixed filmstrip not showing ( template was not included )
  3. Fixed filmstrip condition ( to chose either to show or not)
  4. Fixed gallery view in new thread/post ( thumbs were not showing )
  5. Fixed last 5 images in member info ( was working in the old way ).
  6. added font size for text water marking.
  1. fixed security issue with image deletion
  2. fixed minor mysql problem
To update to the latest ver (1.4.2) just replace the files and import the product make sure you select overwrite when you import it.

Download track:
ver 1 - 1.4.0 : no tracks ver 1.4.1: 673 downloads

Known Issues:
no known issues
Special thanks to :
  1. loneranger since it's his main idea.
  2. Psionic Vision: for his tutorials
Screen shots :
Check screenshot.zip file / New screen shot in screenshot2.zip

Supporters / CoAuthors

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 06-25-2006, 09:05 AM
Ranma2k Ranma2k is offline
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Originally Posted by 64North
I have tested this with 3.6.x beta 3, and it works just fine.
A couple suggestions/requests. It would be nice if there was an option to select multiple images at once and then change their permissions (private, public, delete).

It would also be awesome if there was a way to associate an image with a thread. For instance, if I posted the image to a thread and describe in that thread where I took the shot and what it was all about, then it would be great to be able to go back to the image host overview, and add the thread link to the image description somehow, preferably with thread title and thread link.

Great work, thanks for the mod and keep it up.
for the multiple acction i'm doing that for the next release

as for the second part i didn't get you fully ..
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Old 06-25-2006, 05:12 PM
Zweeper Zweeper is offline
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Watermark funkction
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Old 06-25-2006, 08:19 PM
64North 64North is offline
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There already is a watermark function in the current release.

Let's say you upload an image. Then you proceed to use that image in a thread you create. Now, when someone is browsing your gallery, all the see are the images and the data about file size and such, but they have no way to know whether you used that image on that message board at all.

What I would like is the ability to reference the image to the threads in which it was used. I realize that this couldn't be an automatic thing, but if the user would have a way to specify in which threads the image was used, so that gallery viewers can then go to that thread and read about the image, where it was taken, under which conditions, etc.

Things like Photopost Gallery, and vB Gallery have a feature where one can add comments under each image. I think that is a really bad idea as it creates a "discussion thread" that is disassociated from the actual forum. What I mean is that people engage in a discussion about the image in the gallery part of the message board (right underneath the image), but they do not discuss it in the forum part, say under "Nature Pictures".

What that does is it essentially splits the focus of the message board between threads on the forum, and threads underneath each image in the gallery part of the message board.

What I would like to do is to "unify" these two.
The only way this could work as far as I see it if there were one of two things.

#1 The gallery owner has some sort of option to add a link to the thread in which the image is being discussed to the image gallery.

or (and perhaps even better)

#2 Any newly uploaded picture has a button underneath it that says "Start a New Thread About This Image". If clicked, a new thread will be created in the appropriate forum that shows the image and allows for others to discuss the image. If such a thread has already been created, then the link underneath the image would read "click here to view the discussion about this image", or something like that.

Eh, that's a lot of writing, but I don't think I have explained it very well.
I will think of a better way to write it down and will try again later.

Also, put up your Paypal link here, I would be happy to support further development with a modest financial contribution.
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Old 06-25-2006, 08:27 PM
Ranma2k Ranma2k is offline
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Originally Posted by 64North
There already is a watermark function in the current release.

Let's say you upload an image. Then you proceed to use that image in a thread you create. Now, when someone is browsing your gallery, all the see are the images and the data about file size and such, but they have no way to know whether you used that image on that message board at all.

What I would like is the ability to reference the image to the threads in which it was used. I realize that this couldn't be an automatic thing, but if the user would have a way to specify in which threads the image was used, so that gallery viewers can then go to that thread and read about the image, where it was taken, under which conditions, etc.

Things like Photopost Gallery, and vB Gallery have a feature where one can add comments under each image. I think that is a really bad idea as it creates a "discussion thread" that is disassociated from the actual forum. What I mean is that people engage in a discussion about the image in the gallery part of the message board (right underneath the image), but they do not discuss it in the forum part, say under "Nature Pictures".

What that does is it essentially splits the focus of the message board between threads on the forum, and threads underneath each image in the gallery part of the message board.

What I would like to do is to "unify" these two.
The only way this could work as far as I see it if there were one of two things.

#1 The gallery owner has some sort of option to add a link to the thread in which the image is being discussed to the image gallery.

or (and perhaps even better)

#2 Any newly uploaded picture has a button underneath it that says "Start a New Thread About This Image". If clicked, a new thread will be created in the appropriate forum that shows the image and allows for others to discuss the image. If such a thread has already been created, then the link underneath the image would read "click here to view the discussion about this image", or something like that.

Eh, that's a lot of writing, but I don't think I have explained it very well.
I will think of a better way to write it down and will try again later.

Also, put up your Paypal link here, I would be happy to support further development with a modest financial contribution.
Well you'll be happy to know i'm actully working on a rating and comment system for the images
As for paypal ..
well there is not need i always give help / support for free so i hope you'll enjoy it ^_^
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Old 06-25-2006, 11:41 PM
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Here's a little trick I'm using

By opening the vbimghost_imgbits and vbimghost_displayimg templates and then adding &referrerid=$bbuserinfo[userid] to the end of the hypelink URL it will give people referral credit in event of new memberships being generated by the links.
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Old 06-26-2006, 03:07 AM
64North 64North is offline
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Originally Posted by Ranma2k
Well you'll be happy to know i'm actully working on a rating and comment system for the images
That's my point. A comment system is no good. The comment system creates a "thread" for the image within the gallery page. This means that those who are likely to discuss the image, will do so on the gallery page instead of the actual forum.
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Old 06-28-2006, 02:13 AM
Jarllax Jarllax is offline
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Thanks a bunch for this. Was wanting something like this for quite a while and was about to code something similar to it myself. But this is far better than what I had planned out. So again, thanks a bunch!
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Old 06-30-2006, 08:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Ranma2k
that is the point. list all users will be accessed by all the members and it will view the public images of the members.
Only admins will see all images but in the admincp not the list all users.
I'm saying that if anybody views the "List all users' images" list, it just says "No users found", even though at least some of the images are public.
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Old 06-30-2006, 08:37 PM
Ranma2k Ranma2k is offline
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Originally Posted by antialiasis
I'm saying that if anybody views the "List all users' images" list, it just says "No users found", even though at least some of the images are public.
strange ..
it works well with everyone
did you make sure that your revert the templates when updated ?!
if yes please give me access to the forum so i ca see what's the problem ..
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Old 07-01-2006, 07:19 AM
noj75 noj75 is offline
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Great mod, clicked install. Thank you very much.

Just one point from me. If there are other novices out there (like me) they may find a small problem. I cant seem to find anything about CHMOD the imagehosting directory in your install instructions. It might be an idea to add the details. Or I could be wrong, but when I tried the system out I got the obvious errors untill I done the CHMOD.

Thanks again.

Kind regards.
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