I dont want to give the name out as I am sure the admins will just delete it.
The sitepoint sales thread got moved, I am working on getting it back to show you.
And my forums arent up yet, I havent had time to do it.
Just to explain it all once more.
- I posted a topic on here asking for a design
-The guy replied and on march 11th I sent payment (Which I have PM and Paypal proof)
- Browsing Sitepoint today I find that design is up for sale, he gave the reason for the sale as 'The old buyer (me) had 'vanished' indiciating I vanished and didnt pay for it and thats why he is selling it.
Now I have proof I paid for it, so why would he lie when selling it saying he was only selling it as I had 'vanished' when that isnt true and I have proof it isnt true?
I know the answer to that and I am sure you do as well.
Also he sold it for $20, what designer in there right mind would sell a custom made VB skin for just $20? Someone who has already sold it and is selling it again to get some extra money, thats who...