Version: 1.0.5, by MioTraGusa
Developer Last Online: Nov 2013
Version: 3.5.3
Released: 11-30-2005
Last Update: 02-27-2006
Installs: 49
Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files
No support by the author.
This pluggin display five random games on the Forum Home Page.
This is one addon for v3arcade Updated to v.1.0.5
If do you like more the version 1.0.3 don?t install this. The version 1.0.3 is more simple (see pictures attached 1 to 4)
Products to import: (1) - product-v3a5random_1_0_3.xml
Templates to edit: (1) - FORUMHOME
Templates Added: (2) - arcade_5randomgame / arcade_5randomgame_alt
Phrases Added: (4) in 1.0.3 (14) in the 1.0.5
Files to Upload: (16) gif images --> only in the version 1.0.5
Tested in vbulletin V.3.5.3 & V3arcade 1.0.2
*Instalation notes in the zip file
See screenshots
1.0.1 Compatibility whit Mozila Firefox (<br /> )
corrected permisions error to play random arcades (minor update)
1.0.3 Add option in CP to change small pics to big pics // in big pics the images are hyperlinked to game (see screenshots)
1.0.4 Internal modification
1.0.5 Add option in CP to change style for your optimized board
Visual change with more information about the games (see attached pictures since the 5th image)
Hello, first, thanks for the plugin, it's very cool! Anyways, on my site, I have a column on the right side done like THIS, I was wondering if their is any way to put the 5 random games over there, which is my footer. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Yes... when i have a time moment later, I post the solution for you.
Originally Posted by Mathiau
Thanks for your fast reply ! I have only installed Ibproarcade - should I also include v3arcade? Aren't they both the same??
Not, they are hacks or extensions totally different , you should elect, although one or another.
Originally Posted by ryancooper
AWEOSME Can you make it for ibproarcade? Thanks!
If, I can do what you ask, although I will have to study the structure of the database that utilizes the ibproarcade. I am going to try to do it, thanks by your interest
Sorry again for my very bad english, I?m spanish and it is most dificulty for my.
I love this place! So warm and fuzzy all the time! Thank you once again to, and to MioTraGusa, and all the other people so willing to help! :banana:
Yes... when i have a time moment later, I post the solution for you.
Not, they are hacks or extensions totally different , you should elect, although one or another.
If, I can do what you ask, although I will have to study the structure of the database that utilizes the ibproarcade. I am going to try to do it, thanks by your interest
Sorry again for my very bad english, I?m spanish and it is most dificulty for my.
Yes, we would appreciate it very much if you can make one for IBproarcade:banana: