smacklan, did you even bother reading the rules yet? I've yet to see anyone second their nominations, and then they can't "rig" the votes as it will be done with a POLL.
Yes, I have.
* We will choose 5 of these numbered sites to be included in the voting for next month.
We, meaning The Chief and ntfu2 I assume. Too easy to allow bias in the descision if the judge has his site in the mix...please explain to me how this is not a conflict of interest and why I should just "trust" it will be run fairly.
ok... assuming you know how the poll system works, people will click on the forum they want to win... and when the time is up... it will display who has won? isn't that how it works? I'm not sure you understand how it works. I think it's okay that he is entering the contest. Do I think it is a conflict of intrests? Yes I do also. But anyone has a fair chance into getting into the contest, as long as no one seconds his nomination he won't even get on the poll.
Okay...I will let it go. I want you to know Chief, that I'm not trying to hammer you or give you grief just for fun. I just think that to avoid the appearance of impropriety the people running the contest should agree to bow out of the is what I would expect with any contest. Seconded nominations can be padded as well...not saying you would...but thats why contests remove that possibility so that those entering don't have to wonder.
Okay...I will let it go. I want you to know Chief, that I'm not trying to hammer you or give you grief just for fun. I just think that to avoid the appearance of impropriety the people running the contest should agree to bow out of the is what I would expect with any contest. Seconded nominations can be padded as well...not saying you would...but thats why contests remove that possibility so that those entering don't have to wonder.
More people will be involved in the contest here is the main reason, the one at I've noticed isn't highly publicized and right in the view of everyone, only people that know about it are the ones who are normally in it usually.
More people will be involved in the contest here is the main reason, the one at I've noticed isn't highly publicized and right in the view of everyone, only people that know about it are the ones who are normally in it usually.
Dont take this the wrong way but I just dont have the same trust here. I mean on I have a belief that the best board will probably win (apart from the arabic instance). Here it to me anyway feels like personality wins, those forum users who are know here, those great coders, who dont get me wrong deserve recognition but its the wrong contest... Who the admin is should not matter and thats what I feel will determine the winner of this competition here, more than it did at