1. Upload the folder '/Breeze' to 'YOUR_FORUM_URL/cpstyles/Breeze'
2. In your vBulletin AdminCP go to 'Styles & Templates > Download/Upload Styles'
3. Upload the Breeze XML file and click 'Import'
4. Set the style as the default style in 'Settings > Options'
Supported Layouts
To make the style work for the CMS, you have to click the edit (pencil) button next on the main page (content.php) and manually set the style choice.
The CMS styling isn't very intuitive. (many people have this problem)
1.00 Released (vBulletin 4.0.1)
1.01 Updated for vBulletin 4.0.2. Various bug fixes. [Fixed] Version released upon request.
1.0.2 Updated for vBulletin 4.1.7
1.0.3 Updated for vBulletin 4.1.11
1.0.4 Updated for vBulletin 4.2.0
1.0.5 Updated for vBulletin 4 (all versions)
Update Instructions:
Download the attachment and upload the file 'breeze.xml' to a new style and delete the old one. Replace all images with the new folder.
If you installed this style and wish to receive important style updates, please click here.
The image is set to a certain height which chop off a piece of the description. If you wish to have a category description, just increase the height of the image. (otherwise it looks awkward when a description isn't present)
can you explain this more precisely ? I found no stylevar for the height of the description-image. The forum-description is only for some of our forums, not for all.
can you explain this more precisely ? I found no stylevar for the height of the description-image. The forum-description is only for some of our forums, not for all.
You must change the image. This shouldn't be a stylevar edit. Instead, download the image, increase the size, and reupload it (replacing the old one). let me know if you need anymore help.
Hi i have installoed this style on my vb 4.02 board and it looks veyr nice.
I have one question is it possible to make the width of the board wider as in the standard vb 4.02 bioard and if so can u give me isntructions on how to do that please.
make sure you have uploaded the image files to correct place.
1. Upload the xml file into a new style
2. Upload contents of 'Breeze' to '*vbulletin files*/cpstyles/Breeze'
3. Edit the logo 'Breeze/misc/banner.jpg'
4. Banner PSD can be found at (psds cannot be uploaded here)
make sure you have uploaded the image files to correct place.
1. Upload the xml file into a new style
2. Upload contents of 'Breeze' to '*vbulletin files*/cpstyles/Breeze'
3. Edit the logo 'Breeze/misc/banner.jpg'
4. Banner PSD can be found at (psds cannot be uploaded here)
Impluse8, thanks a lot.. I've changed the index file and the skin has changed.. Thanks a lot, what a nice skin.. :up::up::up: