Version: 1.5, by Zachariah
Developer Last Online: Jan 2020
Category: Administrative and Maintenance Tools -
Version: 3.7.0
Released: 05-14-2008
Last Update: 05-14-2008
Installs: 493
Uses Plugins
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
IpInfo is a replacement for the standard 'view users ip' option in
vBulletin. Normally when you click on the view ip button in a user's post
you'll only see his or hers ip address and host name.
With ipInfo you'll get more information. Besides the ip address and host
name you will also see what other users have posted with the same ip
address. That feature can be really good for spotting clones.
Another thing ipInfo will show you is what other ips this user has posted
with and how many times. Could be useful when you want to ban all of the
ips of a user and not just the one of that post.
Easy Update:
- Update XML product
- replace the file on the server.
AdminCP => vBulletin Options => Message Posting and Editing Options
- IP Info
- IP Info Access
I know American English.
If you like this add-on, and speak/write/know another language, please translate.
I'll post a link
- Added options to limit useage by usergroups.
- removed template edit.
- Works if "Log IP Addresses" set to "Display Publicly"
- vB 3.6 beta
- added option to limit how far back to get posts.
- Added option If the user that posts is a guest use the old standard VB IP info page.
- To upgrade replace postbit_ip template with new code.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Hello John,
Excellent mod. I just have one small problem my admin account is showing in under my mods accounts. I'm a doing something wrong. I love this mod, this should be standard. Great job. MOTM for sure. Also, are there setting options for this in the ACP?
Zachariah can you please figure out why mods can still view the IP Info even they are set to not be able to view IP Addresses? I have had to uninstall this mod because of this.
can this be made to cross reference the other ip's shown for last 60 days? It would be nice to know if there were hits on any other users for these ip's as well ...
Zachariah can you please figure out why mods can still view the IP Info even they are set to not be able to view IP Addresses? I have had to uninstall this mod because of this.
AdminCP => vBulletin Options => Message Posting and Editing Options
- IP Info
- IP Info Access
In readme file you say:
- Changed the template so on "User IP Information" page you see clickable post's number (url to post)
- Changed the template so on "User IP Information" post's username is clickable now (url to user's profile)
How (when) can I see "clickable post's number (url to post)". I see number of post but it's not seemed to be clickable.