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RPG Integration Hack
Version: 3.5.1, by Revan Revan is offline
Developer Last Online: Jun 2014 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.5.4 Rating:
Released: 02-23-2006 Last Update: 08-12-2006 Installs: 213
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Additional Files  
No support by the author.

RPG Integration Hack v3.5.1 Patch Level 2
RPG Integration Hack (RPG hack for short) v3.5.1 is the first step into the next generation of the classic hack compiled by Bitsys. For those that are unfamiliar with any of what I mentioned above, heres a quick rundown of what this hack is and does.
The RPG hack adds a whole new level of fun to a forum, by allowing uses to duke it out in a fierce battle. Use items to turn the tide of the battle, or use powerful spells to bring down an opponent. Or you can just rely on the good old sword to cut your enemy down to size!
Create or join a clan to amass an army and conquer the boards.
Patch yourself up after a hard battle.
Feeling lucky? Go bet on the lottery!

No RPG forum should be without. Administrator controls every single aspect of how the hack works, right down to every item and an user's level/stat gains.

[high]Important Notices:[/high]
  1. You need an external Cash mod installed for this mod to function properly.
    • uCash/uShop or vBPlaza, either will do
    • The Cash mod need to use the `user` table
    • You need to configure a setting in the RPG Integration Hack - Cash Options after install/upgrade
[high]Known Issues:[/high]
  1. Regular postbit doesn't contain RPG info
  2. RPG Manual is still outdated
These are all issues that will be addressed in upcoming versions.

[high]Upgrading Users:[/high]
What's new in v3.5?
  • OOP coding for query efficiency
  • Revamped templates
  • New Battle formulas (Thanks to Decado)
  • Works with AJAX Quick Reply/Quick Edit
  • Reoccurring Lotteries
  • Improved Healing Center
  • Inventory feature for the ability to carry multiple items from same item category
  • RPG Info no longer changeable on the fly
  • And last, but not least: [high]NO FILE EDITS![/high]
For support, please visit the RPG Integration Hack Support Forums
All support queries in this thread will be ignored by me.

If you use this mod,

Click it!

If you wish to support me in the development of the hack,

Your donations are most appreciated

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 05-26-2006, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Oddjob
Hey Revan.....do you not give support?

Im trying to re-install your mod and your just ignoring me.
Originally Posted by Oddjob
....guess not.

thats a shame.
Do you not read my signature? Guess not, thats a shame.
Honestly now, I don't see what's so bad about showing the small ounce of support back. Users like you are the reason coders leave this site, and why people want to go commercial with their hacks.
Do you have any idea of how annoying it is to get demands for support from someone who can't even show that one bit of free support by clicking the install link?
Is it a mental block that makes you unable to click the link or do you just have no respect for the TWO YEARS I put into this hack? And during these two years, I have been "paid" less than you would make in one day working at Wal-Mart or whatever your local supermarket chain is called. Im not demanding donations, I'm merely making a point, the point being that I spend at least a couple of hours every day trying my best to make my hack better and more flexible.

Also, I tend to like more to give support when the query is more than "I cant reinstall."

General update, Ill post detailed info on the latest milestone reached in a few minutes. I need to post in another thread first...
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Old 05-26-2006, 05:20 PM
Oddjob Oddjob is offline
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Originally Posted by Revan
Do you not read my signature? Guess not, thats a shame.
Honestly now, I don't see what's so bad about showing the small ounce of support back. Users like you are the reason coders leave this site, and why people want to go commercial with their hacks.

Do you have any idea of how annoying it is to get demands for support from someone who can't even show that one bit of free support by clicking the install link?
Why am i going to click "Install" if it isnt installed on my board? Coders release products here for free on their own accord. I dont need the lecture that they leave because of people like me. Because to be honest i could care less.

Originally Posted by Revan
Is it a mental block that makes you unable to click the link or do you just have no respect for the TWO YEARS I put into this hack? And during these two years, I have been "paid" less than you would make in one day working at Wal-Mart or whatever your local supermarket chain is called. Im not demanding donations, I'm merely making a point, the point being that I spend at least a couple of hours every day trying my best to make my hack better and more flexible.
Dont take it out on me that you dont make any money from your mod. You have a bug in your product, i simply asked for help.

Originally Posted by Revan
Also, I tend to like more to give support when the query is more than "I cant reinstall."
I have posted the error i got a few posts back an they were just ignored. I have seen a few other people with the same problem, their posts ignored as well.
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Old 05-27-2006, 06:23 AM
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I try to make it simple: clicking install you have support.
So, don't complain. If you want support click install, even if you don't have it installed.

If for some reasons (logic: i don't have it installed so i don't click install)
or for pride (this pseudo-flame discussion) you know you will never get an answer.

Now Oddjob, is up to you...
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Old 05-27-2006, 10:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Revan in post #1
For support, please visit the RPG Integration Hack Support Forums
All support queries in this thread will be ignored by me.
I don't think it's strange he doesn't give any support here.
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Old 05-28-2006, 07:39 PM
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So its about time I talk about the next milestone... *ahem*
The Admin Control Panel part of the skills is now done. True to what I hope will be the new theme of the RPG Integration Hack, skills are highly customiseable.
When you create a new skill, you are presented with two choices: First, whether or not it is a "General" or "Class-specific" skill. That's right, skills will be filterable by class. No longer do you find Warriors running around casting Firaga (unless you want them to ), nor will you find Black Mages using Blade Beam. The second choice you are given is whether or not the skill is Active or Passive. For those unfamiliar with Lineage II skill categorisation, Active skills are skills you can use provided you meet the requirements (more on this below) whereas Passive skills are skills that's always in effect.
You will not be able to swap between Active and Passive type after creating it, since it's altering some of the fundamental properties of the skill.
For instance, with a Passive skill to Warriors you could make them stand out more by giving them Defence stat boosts for increased HP.
Active skills are simply skills like Firaga or Power Break.

Another important thing is that skills have durations. Called Skill Lasting Time in the interface, this can be used to create DoT (Damage over Time) skills. Alternatively, if you choose Restoration effects, you would get healing over time (Regen). This would effectively allow you to create status properties though not in the sense I had originally planned it. But you can understand it, if you add small amount of damage and make it last say 5 turns, you could call that skill Poison and watch the opponents HP whither away.

You will be able to configure an usage cost, where you will input a number followed by a dropdown box where you can select between MP and PP. Yeah, PP finally has a use.
You will of course also be able to configure a skill category.

The Level Requirement and Learning Cost are two options which will have a say in how an user aquires the skill. If you set both to 0, the skill is learned at character creation, provided the class requirement is met if it's a class skill.
If Learning Cost is set to 0, the skill will be aquired once a player reaches the specified level.
And finally, if Learning Cost is set, the user must buy the skills at that cost.

The Governing Stat option only has an effect if the effects you attach to the skill has the "Governed by an attribute" set on it. Needless to say, it's the stat that is taken into the calculation.

That's about what can be said about the skills
I have no ETA due to the fact that none of the front-end stuff for this is coded yet.
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Old 05-29-2006, 08:16 AM
Amaranth Amaranth is offline
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This is by far my favorite mod so far, outshining even the vbArcade! And I can't wait for the next update, your new features sound like alot of fun. Thanks alot for your hard work, Revan, can't wait to see what you come up with next!

[Q?] Only the Admin, usergroup 1, is listed in my RPG user table. Which means I can't for example give mass XP to my members, which is a shame. I have installed and uninstalled the mod a couple of times due to database issues(forgot to change Cash Option), if that matters. MySQL and PHP are not old. Can someone please tell me how to resolve this?

(I have of course tried RPG User Table Populate Fix, RPG User Table Cleanup, Rebuild RPG Users and the other logical options in the Maintenance section)

[Q?] Only the primary Admin 1 sees the RPG admincp link, how can I expand this to include the entire Administrator group?

It would be wonderful if one was able to duplicate an existing Race with all it's genders and their classes to create a new race. This would save alot of time and effort.

[REQ] It would be fun if users could upload avatars for their champions.
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Old 05-29-2006, 09:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Amaranth
This is by far my favorite mod so far, outshining even the vbArcade! And I can't wait for the next update, your new features sound like alot of fun. Thanks alot for your hard work, Revan, can't wait to see what you come up with next!
Thanks for the nice feedback
Originally Posted by Amaranth
[Q?] Only the Admin, usergroup 1, is listed in my RPG user table. Which means I can't for example give mass XP to my members, which is a shame. I have installed and uninstalled the mod a couple of times due to database issues(forgot to change Cash Option), if that matters. MySQL and PHP are not old. Can someone please tell me how to resolve this?

(I have of course tried RPG User Table Populate Fix, RPG User Table Cleanup, Rebuild RPG Users and the other logical options in the Maintenance section)
That makes no sense whatsoever. I mean, I understand what it is you mean, but why it's happening is what makes no sense. When you say only the Admin, usergroup 1, dya mean userid 1 or everybody in the usergroup id 1?
Also you wouldn't need to uninstall/reinstall due to the cash option, that can be updated without problems.
Originally Posted by Amaranth
[Q?] Only the primary Admin 1 sees the RPG admincp link, how can I expand this to include the entire Administrator group?
Become Super Admin by editing the config file, then alter peoples Can Administer RPG.
Originally Posted by Amaranth
[REQ] It would be wonderful if one was able to duplicate an existing Race with all it's genders and their classes to create a new race. This would save alot of time and effort.
With the next version, you will be able to export all the RPG info bar the Options to an XML file, so you could duplicate them that way
Originally Posted by Amaranth
[REQ] It would be fun if users could upload avatars for their champions.
Ill note that down, though it doesn't have the highest priority. Getting this new stuff to actually work, eh?
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Old 05-29-2006, 04:45 PM
Amaranth Amaranth is offline
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Thanks alot for answering my questions! There are some problems that persist though... I am not able to Mass XP the users anymore. Moderators and Admins have very low XP, trying to re-set the values doesn`t have any effect. Trying to update the RPG user tables only returns information that Admin user was updated, no-one else... Ah well, I`ll fool around a little more and see if I get any wiser.

Here is the latest error message, when trying to re-install the mod:
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:
Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE `vb_administrator` 
	ADD `rpgadminperms` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
MySQL Error  : Duplicate column name 'rpgadminperms'
Error Number : 1060
Date         : Monday, May 29th 2006 @ 07:33:08 PM

Edit: Okay, I found out that I needed to edit my config.php file and allow myself to run SQL queries from the Admin CP. Using commands like "ALTER TABLE vb_administrator DROP rpgadminperms" on similar syntas for vb_user rpg, items, inventory and vb_usergroup drop rpgpermissions... But, I still don?t understand the last error message I get, which is the part where it`s trying to feed info the rpg_alignments, rpg_battlemusic etc. tables...

Now I have deleted all the vb_rpg_* tables using the "DROP TABLE vb_rpg_alignments" and so on - but the install script still stops and says there is a duplicate key entry or whatever... Which I don`t understand, cuz I have deleted all the tables, and they should have been reconstructed in empty form... Please help!
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Old 05-30-2006, 08:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Amaranth
Thanks alot for answering my questions! There are some problems that persist though... I am not able to Mass XP the users anymore. Moderators and Admins have very low XP, trying to re-set the values doesn`t have any effect. Trying to update the RPG user tables only returns information that Admin user was updated, no-one else... Ah well, I`ll fool around a little more and see if I get any wiser.

Here is the latest error message, when trying to re-install the mod:
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:
Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE `vb_administrator` 
    ADD `rpgadminperms` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
MySQL Error  : Duplicate column name 'rpgadminperms'
Error Number : 1060
Date         : Monday, May 29th 2006 @ 07:33:08 PM
Edit: Okay, I found out that I needed to edit my config.php file and allow myself to run SQL queries from the Admin CP. Using commands like "ALTER TABLE vb_administrator DROP rpgadminperms" on similar syntas for vb_user rpg, items, inventory and vb_usergroup drop rpgpermissions... But, I still don?t understand the last error message I get, which is the part where it`s trying to feed info the rpg_alignments, rpg_battlemusic etc. tables...

Now I have deleted all the vb_rpg_* tables using the "DROP TABLE vb_rpg_alignments" and so on - but the install script still stops and says there is a duplicate key entry or whatever... Which I don`t understand, cuz I have deleted all the tables, and they should have been reconstructed in empty form... Please help!
Ok that was hella much... Uhm why didn't you uninstall using the uninstall.php script this time? Because I know for a fact that removes the rpgadminperms there...
And I cant explain any error messages I don't see.
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Old 05-30-2006, 06:11 PM
Amaranth Amaranth is offline
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Sorry for the confusion! Illegible English in my previous post, which doesn`t help...

What happened was that when I ran the uninstall script, it was interrupted because the database query/post limit from my provider was reached - effectively shutting everything down for 1 hour... This might have caused some problems/corruption somewhere, perhaps? After this happened, that is when the uninstall script didn`t function properly - it had been working fine until said incident took place... So, I`m not blaming you for a crap uninstall, it worked well until it got iced by my domain provider...

The error message is the same that has been posted previously in this thread, when the install script is trying to populate/setup the rpg_alignments, rpg_races etc. tables.

EDIT: Here is the above-mentioned error message:
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:

Invalid SQL:

INSERT INTO `datastore`
(`title`, `data`)
('rpg_alignments', ''),
('rpg_battlemusic', ''),
('rpg_categories', ''),
('rpg_classes', ''),
('rpg_clans', ''),
('rpg_elements', ''),
('rpg_genders', ''),
('rpg_ibots', ''),
('rpg_items', ''),
('rpg_races', ''),
('rpg_scenes', ''),
('rpg_types', '');

MySQL Error : Duplicate entry 'rpg_alignments' for key 1
Error Number : 1062
Date : Thursday, May 11th 2006 @ 03:24:27 PM
Script : http://tvseriesforum.com/tvsf/installer/index.php
Referrer : http://tvseriesforum.com/tvsf/installer/index.php
IP Address :
Username : The One
Classname : vb_database
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