My personal suggestion is dont go mental to get a 360, wait until a price drop maybe. Im more than excited that i got one, im gobsmacked, but they are alot of money
I have heard nothing but horrible about online for the 360. I read a lot of complaints about call of duty 2 where only 1 of 4 games run smooth.
It's a known bug, but is not Microsoft's fault - for a change.
Infinity Ward (the people behind COD2) are currently working on a patch to fix the online play. They released one yesterday to fix a game save bug on the single player campaign..
My gamertag is XSkorneX. I was a level 35 until my brother played on my account. I'm now a level 33 though. So if you want to add me, please feel free.
Tag: tehste
I had a 360 on day one and I gave it to my bro at christmas. We got a free trial on xbox live gold which was cool since I was back at uni the day before my trial expired! Online gaming on the 360 is pretty cool. No lag crap, no extra long lobby waits - although it would depend on the game. It's cool