Here is my DB class for one of my sites.
PHP Code:
class Database
var $host;
var $username;
var $password;
var $databasename;
var $connection;
* Constructor Method
* Initializes connection and selects database.
function Database($host, $username, $password, $databasename)
$this->host = $host;
$this->username = $username;
$this->password = $password;
$this->databasename = $databasename;
$this->connect($this->host, $this->username, $this->password);
* Establishes MySQL connection.
function connect()
$this->connection = @mysql_connect($this->host, $this->username, $this->password);
if (!$this->connection)
$error = new Page;
$error->error('Could not establish database connection.</p><p>' . mysql_error());
return $this->select_db($this->databasename);
* Selects MySQL database.
function select_db()
$resource = @mysql_select_db($this->databasename, $this->connection);
if (!$resource)
$error = new Page;
$error->error('Could not select database "' . $this->databasename . '".');
return $resource;
* Executes a MySQL query.
function query($querystring)
if (strpos($querystring, "\t\t\t\t") !== false)
$querystring = str_replace("\t\t\t\t", "\t\t", $querystring);
$querystring = str_replace("\t\t\t", "\t", $querystring);
$resource = mysql_query($querystring, $this->connection);
if (!$resource)
return $resource;
* Fetches rows from the database.
function fetch($result)
if (mysql_num_rows($result))
$resource = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
return $resource;
return false;
* Halts execution of the script and displays the problem.
function debug_query($query)
$error = new Page;
$errormessage = '<h2 class="queryfail">Failed Query:</h2><div style="background-color: #EEEEEE; width:640px; padding:5px; margin: 0 auto;">';
$errormessage .= '<pre class="query">' . $this->highlight_sql($query) . '</pre></div>';
if (mysql_error())
$errormessage .= '<h2 class="queryfailHeader">Reason:</h2>';
$errormessage .= '<p class="queryfailReason">' . mysql_error() . '</p>';
$error->error($errormessage, 'Database Error');
* Highlights MySQL Code
function highlight_sql($query)
$query = preg_replace("/['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]/i", "'<span style='color: #FF6600'>$1</span>'", $query, -1);
$find = array(
'OR ',
'ON ',
'INT ',
'varchar ',
$replace = array(
'<span style="#FF6600; font-weight: bold;">*</span>',
'<span style="color: #00AA00; font-weight: bold;">SELECT </span>',
'<span style="color: #00AA00; font-weight: bold;">UPDATE </span>',
'<span style="color: #00AA00; font-weight: bold;">DELETE </span>',
'<span style="color: #00AA00; font-weight: bold;">INSERT </span>',
'<span style="color: #00AA00; font-weight: bold;">CREATE </span>',
'<span style="color: #00AA00; font-weight: bold;">TABLE </span>',
'<span style="color: #00AA00; font-weight: bold;">INTO</span>',
'<span style="color: #00AA00; font-weight: bold;">VALUES</span>',
'<span style="color: #00AA00; font-weight: bold;">FROM</span>',
'<span style="color: #00CC00; font-weight: bold;">LEFT</span>',
'<span style="color: #00CC00; font-weight: bold;">JOIN</span>',
'<span style="color: #00AA00; font-weight: bold;">WHERE</span>',
'<span style="color: #AA0000; font-weight: bold;">LIMIT</span>',
'<span style="color: #00AA00; font-weight: bold;">ORDER BY</span>',
'<span style="color: #0000AA; font-weight: bold;">AND</span>',
'<span style="color: #0000AA; font-weight: bold;">OR </span>',
'<span style="color: #0000AA; font-weight: bold;">DESC</span>',
'<span style="color: #0000AA; font-weight: bold;">ASC</span>',
'<span style="color: #00DD00; font-weight: bold;">ON </span>',
'<span style="color: #0000AA; font-weight: bold;">INT </span>',
'<span style="color: #0000AA; font-weight: bold;">varchar </span>',
'<span style="color: #0000AA; font-weight: bold;">VARCHAR </span>',
'<span style="color: #0000AA; font-weight: bold;">NOT NULL</span>',
'<span style="color: #0000AA; font-weight: bold;">AUTO_INCREMENT</span>',
'<span style="color: #0000AA; font-weight: bold;">UNSIGNED</span>',
'<span style="color: #0000AA; font-weight: bold;">PRIMARY KEY </span>',
return str_replace($find, $replace, $query);
* Escapes data when going into the database.
* This is not for SQL Injections.
function escape($value)
if (!is_int($value))
if (is_numeric($value))
$value = floatval($value);
$value = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $value : addslashes($value);
$value = "'" . $value . "'";
return $value;
* Checks how many rows were found from a query.
function num_rows($resource)
return mysql_num_rows($resource);
* Insert data into the database.
* Generates query based on $data array (field => val)
function insert($table, $data)
// Field Names
$columnbit = '';
$columns = array_keys($data);
for ($i=0; $i<count($columns); $i++)
$columnbit .= (($i) ? ', ' : '') . '`' . $columns[$i] . '`';
// Values
$valuebit = '';
$values = array_values($data);
for ($i=0; $i<count($values); $i++)
$value = $this->escape($values[$i]);
$valuebit .= "\t\t\t\t" . $value . (($i != count($values)-1) ? ', ' . "\n" : '');
// Run Query
INSERT INTO ' . $table. '
(' . $columnbit . ')
VALUES (' . "\n" .
$valuebit . '
* Update data in the database.
* Generates query based on $data array (field => val)
function update($table, $data, $whereclause)
$valuestofields = '';
$i = 0;
foreach ($data as $field => $value)
$valuestofields .= $field . ' = ' . $this->escape($value) . (($i != count($data)) ? ', ' : '') . "\n\t\t\t\t";
// Run Query
UPDATE ' . $table. '
SET' . "\n\t\t\t\t" .
$valuestofields .
Does anyone know of a good SQL syntax highlighter (that doesn't require installing additional libraries)?
just replace the error handling method ... mine uses another class for displaying things.