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Old 06-19-2011, 04:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Boofo View Post
Yet the mod author takes the time to code it. Sounds like a lame excuse to me.
Well I know that but would be the same as me telling my kids they must thank me for every plate of food I sit in front of them... manners are manners but some things you come to expect and some you don't in the same respect you tend not to ask if it's already known... I know where your coming from on being appreciative though trust me.

Similar to a quote I like...
Originally Posted by Jo Moulton
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you are the world
What I mean to convey w/ that is... sure not many will be appreciative but the few who are, truly are and usually make you smile . That's enough for me on a bad day .
Old 06-19-2011, 11:42 AM
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I'm somewhere in the middle between Boofo and TheLastSuperMan on this one.

Sure, there are a few very appreciative folks who will go out of their way to show their appreciation (at times even support with a donation).

But, the vast majority do not thank or even acknowledge the hard work done by the coders in the community. They just come on, download and leave. Heck, some people don't take the time to even click install and rate the mod. Sheesh.

I know that I ALWAYS click install, rate the mod and thank the person/company providing the free service. I've also been known to send a donation to the coders as well. But, I'm also the person that will take the time to post a fix and help others if it's something that I know the answer to when the mod is unsupported or the coder is not available at the time.

So yes, it should not be expected that everyone will do these things...but, they should be appreciative and support the coders by words, donations or assistance. Then again, this is not a perfect world, right?
Old 06-19-2011, 11:48 AM
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Originally Posted by borbole View Post
I don''t understand what is up with all this complaining. You get the mods for free here. It is not like you paid for them. Unbelievable how selfish some users are who want everything for free and expect that others drop whatever things they are busy with to cater your needs pronto.
Oh wow.. i rather pay 5$ to 10$ or maybe $50 for the .. mod instead of paying 50$ an hour for sombody to waiste there time eating hotpockets and fingure clicking and stalling a mod that takes them some 2 hours when it can be done in 5min..

Cause check this out.. you give out a free mod.. then it has bugs.. then u gotta pay people 50$ to fix them.. inall.. its not really free

ya feel?

--------------- Added [DATE]1308487869[/DATE] at [TIME]1308487869[/TIME] ---------------

Oh yea. btw.. i rate mods.. click install and appreciate the mods i like.. even vote for them for mod of the month... And im not complaing about 95% of the mod makers.. im talkin aobut the other 5% that make mods and leave bugs and never update there ish.. and then when they see people in the paid requests.. they pick them up to fix the mods for money.. so .. it aint FREE

ya feel?

--------------- Added [DATE]1308488093[/DATE] at [TIME]1308488093[/TIME] ---------------

Originally Posted by Boofo View Post
Yet the mod author takes the time to code it. Sounds like a lame excuse to me.
Hey boofo.. if i thank you for your mods.. btw LMFAO.. your name kinda rymes with mo... nevermind..

anyways.. so if i thanked u for ur mods.. u gonna be happy???

Ill pay for ur mods.. if they were not free.. but i shure as heck am not gonna pay no 50$ an hour to install that ish
Old 06-19-2011, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Rahstyles2008 View Post
Oh wow.. i rather pay 5$ to 10$ or maybe $50 for the .. mod instead of paying 50$ an hour for sombody to waiste there time eating hotpockets and fingure clicking and stalling a mod that takes them some 2 hours when it can be done in 5min..

Cause check this out.. you give out a free mod.. then it has bugs.. then u gotta pay people 50$ to fix them.. inall.. its not really free

ya feel?
That's simple. Only hire coders that guarantee no bugs or full support. Or, read through the actual thread for the 'free' mods and decide whether you'd like to take the 'risk' of having to fix small (or large) bugs/issues.

Ultimately, it is your decision to either download and install or not. There should not be ONE complaint about anything other than a mod that says "supported" and the person/company is not providing support. Other than that, all we should read are questions and comments about how the mods/add-ons can be better or different based on the individual needs.
Old 06-19-2011, 12:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Rahstyles2008 View Post
Oh wow.. i rather pay 5$ to 10$ or maybe $50 for the .. mod instead of paying 50$ an hour for sombody to waiste there time eating hotpockets and fingure clicking and stalling a mod that takes them some 2 hours when it can be done in 5min..

Cause check this out.. you give out a free mod.. then it has bugs.. then u gotta pay people 50$ to fix them.. inall.. its not really free

ya feel?
Then may I suggest that you learn how to code and debug your own mods.

Ya feel?
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Eric, HMBeaty
Old 06-19-2011, 01:24 PM
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This is going to make me sound evil and all, so I warn you that you coders/designers that don't get enuff luff will probably dislike me a lot after this... heh.

First of all, I -do- agree with what has been said, for the most part, about support here. It's not required to be given, and we should be grateful when it is given, both by coders and by regular Joes (so long as the regular Joes know wtf they're jabbering about, unlike me in a lot of cases). Because of the support given (not just to me, but to others that I've read), I've been able to learn more and more and more about vB and start doing stuff for myself, instead of having to rely on support 100% of the time.

With that said, I think that Coders and Designers should not expect donations or thanks or even "Mark as Installed." Yes, people should do those things! Don't get me wrong on that! But I think that, Coders who like to code stuff for other vB users and put it up for the community should do so because they like to do it, not because they're expecting something in return.

Please don't get me wrong! I'm not saying, in any way, that I don't appreciate the time and effort you Coders have put into the modifications I've installed. I really love that there's coders around here that would put that kind of time and effort into making something for the rest of us, with no guarantee of monetary support or even thanks. But that's just the thing--I don't think that coders should expect that monetary support or thanks. Heh.

Then, of course, there's people like the OP here, who seemingly don't appreciate the time and effort put into these kinds of things, or believe they're part of what he has paid for. More often than not, I would expect that they just don't realize that you guys do this stuff for free. It is their fault for being ignorant, yeah, but some of them learn, and I'd say that most of those who don't usually don't appear again, over and over, in the vB community, with their ignorance. I.E., they're NOT part of the "regular" community that really DOES appreciate your work.

I've downloaded and installed modifications from at least one of you (Boofo) that have posted here, maybe more (sorry guys, if I don't recognize your names), and I really am grateful. (Even so, it was only a few weeks ago that I actually went through all of my modifications to make sure everything was "Marked as Installed," and found at least four or five that were not. It's more my laziness at work there than disrespect to you guys.) I don't always show my appreciation, but it's ALWAYS a lot better than trying to code something myself that I have no experience in.

So, thanks guys. I don't always say it, I won't always say it, and I don't think I should always have to say it, but I am grateful. :P Those of us that are ignorant buttholes generally don't stick around, and I can't say much more than "bare with them." :< The majority of us do appreciate stuff.
Old 06-19-2011, 01:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Boofo View Post
Then may I suggest that you learn how to code and debug your own mods.

Ya feel?
Oh yeah, he should feel that alright
Old 06-19-2011, 04:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Sarteck View Post
With that said, I think that Coders and Designers should not expect donations or thanks or even "Mark as Installed." Yes, people should do those things! Don't get me wrong on that! But I think that, Coders who like to code stuff for other vB users and put it up for the community should do so because they like to do it, not because they're expecting something in return.

Please don't get me wrong! I'm not saying, in any way, that I don't appreciate the time and effort you Coders have put into the modifications I've installed. I really love that there's coders around here that would put that kind of time and effort into making something for the rest of us, with no guarantee of monetary support or even thanks. But that's just the thing--I don't think that coders should expect that monetary support or thanks. Heh.
This is precisely the kind of attitude that causes coders to get fed up and leave.
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Adrian Schneider
Old 06-19-2011, 05:04 PM
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Well, I guess there's a lot I just don't understand, then. I would think that expecting that and not getting it would make 'em leave, not the other way around.

Then again, I've not put a single modification up on vB.org, so that speaks for my [lack of] experience.
Old 06-20-2011, 07:53 AM
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Originally Posted by borbole View Post
Oh yeah, he should feel that alright
Lol what the heck is this Revenge of the nerds??
Borbolo giving boolo a high five??

All im saying is $50 an hour is too much... thats stage coach robbery...

Serious $50 an hour?? Your not doctors... whats u gonna php me back to health??

Oh yea and am i feelin that??
Man... even if u were a cute girl with her legs open nobody be feeling u!

Serioudly 50$ an hour?? Man nobody around here pays that much for a simple vbulletin mod coding... Not in cali where i live or in newyork... u must be in oklahoms or kansas or somthing
Some state where theres nothing to do. U understand how much california tax is?? Just because ur state doesnr charge that much dont think we got that extra cash to be paying u... i make like 11.88 an hour plus tips equals up to 23$ an hpur... so i shure as hell not gonna pay sombody more than what i make an hour for a just for fun coding mods... i mean if u were getting payed 50$ an houtw i dont see ur name on the forbes.. u aint no bill gates...

So why dont yall charge lower rates so u get more clientell.

I mean some of yall when i talk to u.. u be like.. i can provide support and let negotiate a fee and please email me ur requests.... pleasssee... this aint that important... negoyiate what??? 4$ a mod.. man u make m think im negotiateing some war documents with the president or somthing... u aint thay important fallback!!

I appologize for my misspelling as im typing this over my cellphone..

Anyway.. stop charging people rediculous prices..

And why dont yall code me a comback for that. PERIOD
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